The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 080 – Two Targets

[296 AC]

Eight men and five women appeared on the steps before the Red Temple in Volantis in a blaze, clad in linen, leather, and chainmail with different weapons strapped to their forms, each piece of metal on their bodies Valyrian steel.

A glowing feather marked the face of each and every one of them, causing gasps and exclamations of shock from the people that laid their eyes on them.

Every man, woman, and child in Volantis knew that symbol, knew what it represented and who wore it - the Red God's personal guard. Invincible warriors that were said to have the strength to battle a dragon on their own with their bare fists and emerge victorious.

Suddenly a dragon's cry echoed over the city, before a shadow seemed to blot out the sky above the plaza, as great wings swept up a storm. Scales like sapphires left no doubt about whose dragon it was that had appeared.

The mighty creature though didn't land, instead, a flaming shadow jumped off the dragon's back and descended on the plaza with a resounding thud, cracking the polished stones beneath its feet.

The people didn't have to think twice to know who the shadow was, as the man's aura spoke for itself, adding to the fact that there was only one being that could ride on Sapphire's back.

Sapphire took off again, crying out and circling above the city, until a few moments later an enormous white dragon rose from the temple gardens and joined the majestic creature, while Phenex stood amongst the Feathers with Eclipse and Dawn sheathed on his back, his black tunic flickering with dark flames.

A woman with fair skin and dark locks suddenly appeared atop the stairs leading to the temple, wearing a dark-red dress that showed off the soft curves of her figure and left the gentle curve of her neck for all to see.

Rushing down the stairs in light steps, Kinvara looked like a dark flickering flame, as she came to a halt before Phenex, her crystal gaze fixed solely on him.

I heard your call.”, the gorgeous priestess voiced out quietly, one of her hands reaching up to gently brush back a few strands of dark hair that shadowed his face.

Kinvara had a different bond to Phenex than the rest of the temple priests and priestesses, their connection being deeper and more intimate, as such it was no surprise to him that she had heard his message too.

Is this your decision?”, she asked softly, after looking over the gathered Feathers.

It is. Some things are not worth preserving.”, Phenex answered, his fingers brushing softly over the smooth skin of Kinvara's cheeks.

Grasping her soft hand, Phenex ascended the steps with the priestess, his Feathers following behind.

Tolos was an old and experienced priest, and as a part of the Bright Sun council in Volantis, he was also one of the people with the most authority in all of the Red Temple, as this city was the Red God's seat of power as well as his home.

And yet, despite his experience and wisdom, Tolos was still shocked as he entered the council chamber.

The main reason for such were the thirteen warriors that were lined up on one side of the room, all of them, men and women, wore a feather-shaped mark on their cheeks, representing the gathering of an unstoppable force. A force that did not belong with the Red Temple.

The Feathers were only loyal to their Lord and Tolos had never even spoken more than a few simple words with any of them.

The fact that the Red God had called them all, could only mean that something drastic was about to happen.

And Tolos wasn't the only one to be shocked by their presence, as the other members of the council were equally surprised when they arrived and filled the seats around the round table as the Flame of Truth gestured them to do.

"The Dothraki led by Khal Drogo are riding towards Qohor and will reach the city in less than two days.", Phenex voiced out after all council members had arrived and were seated. His words though were no surprise as they knew this already from the temple's spies.

"But there will be no great battle or conquest, as my Feathers and I will stop the Dothraki from ever reaching the Free City.", the Red God ended.

Wide-eyed looks and silence were his answers, as the council members weren't sure what to say.

L-lord, according to our reports the Dothraki number nearly four-hundred-thousand, wouldn't it be wiser to take at least the Fiery Hand with you?”, Tolos couldn't help but ask.

Their numbers are of no consequence to me and my warriors.”, the Red God stated calmly, pointedly ending any further discussion about that topic.

It is Vaes Dothrak that you worry about, my Lord, isn't it?”, a middle-aged woman remarked sharply.

Mhm.”, Phenex nodded in response, “I want the Fiery Hand stationed in Phoenix Bay to set out for Vaes Dothrak and take the city. Send some members of the Bright Sun and Fire Sword branch to keep the order of the city.”

"There are nearly half a million slaves in Vaes Dothrak, not counting the innumerable women that were forced to marry Dothraki men. I want them freed. As for the Dosh Khaleen, kill the wicked amongst them and free the rest of the widows as well."

"I have no doubt that there will be resistance, as the Dothraki traditions and ideology cannot be washed away so simply from their minds, so send the Hidden Flame too. There will be no uprising or rebellion, the Dothraki are a plague to the land and as such there will be no mercy when dealing with them."

"However, it isn't only Vaes Dothrak we will send an army to.", Phenex continued, "It is also time for Qohor to fall under our rule."

It shouldn't be much of a problem to take control of the City of Sorcerers, my Lord. We have people in place in various positions of power amongst the upper class, as well as the High Priest Elas and his subordinates stationed in the city. With their support, taking the city should not pose a problem.”, another council member reported.

"Good.", Phenex stated, "The followers of the Black Goat have sacrificed enough children to their god, not to mention their attempt at training their own Unsullied since Phoenix Bay has been conquered by the temple."

"The members of the Hidden Flame currently in Qohor are to assassinate those standing in the way for our people to gain power over Qohor, after that is done, High Priest Elas will destroy the temples used to worship the Black Goat, no priest or priestess is to be spared."

"Kinvara will lead thirty-thousand men to Qohor to replace the seven thousand Unsullied guards with soldiers from the temple. Offer the Unsullied their freedom, and for those that chose to continue their service, send them to Meereen to replace the Fiery Hand members that have left for Vaes Dothrak."

Saying so, Phenex' gaze rested on the beautiful brunette by his side.

I will do as you say, my Lord.”, Kinvara replied, before asking, “How should we deal with the fanatic believers of the Black Goat that may seek to rebel?”

Her crystal gaze rested on his eyes, as a calm strength radiated from her figure. Kinvara worried about Phenex, knowing that every death he ordered added to his burden, though she also knew that he wouldn't have it any other way.

"There will be no fanatics to deal with.", Phenex replied icily.

Those hearing his words could only pity the Qohorik that would try and enact violence in the name of their god, as they would have to face the Red God's wrath.

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