The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 092 – Through His Eyes

[298 AC]

Wide-eyed and in shock, Daenerys gulped hard after having just witnessed Phenex' incredible display of power.

She was unsure what to do after seeing the man she admired the most, the one who saved her and gave her back her mother, become this being of absolute might and unquestionable power.

Daenerys knew that there was a reason she had never developed any interest in other boys or men while growing up in the temple under Phenex' care and protection. She knew even as young as she was that she had long since fallen for Phenex.

This picture of him that Daenerys had in her mind though had just been shattered, as she truly saw with her own eyes that Phenex wasn't just the one she longed to be with, but much much more.

Daenerys had seen his benevolent side in the way he cared for those he ruled over and she had also seen his ruthless side in the way he had cut down hundreds of slavers in Astapor

But these impressions of him had been something she could comprehend and maybe understand, but what she had just witnessed and felt in the very core of her being, was something entirely different, something she could neither understand, nor comprehend.

It was at this point that she realized that there was a difference between Phenex and the Red God.

A warrior could be invincible and a sorceress could be powerful, but the purity of a god's infallibility was something entirely different. Phenex was invincible and powerful, but the Red God was infallible – absolute.

Daenerys had not understood this concept before, as she had never witnessed Phenex exerting his power in a way that made her truly realize this, and she had also been too young before to see the truth of the matter so clearly.

But now that the Targaryen princess had seen the divinity in Phenex, it wasn't only shocking, but it also made her fearful and lost.

Daenerys didn't fear him but the insurmountable chasm that suddenly stood between them, her young heart being shaken by the existential difference between Phenex and herself.

Phenex was a true divine being, while she herself was … just not.

Looking at him from the side, as he stood before the throne in his simple clothes, Daenerys felt a sharp pain in her heart, as she subconsciously stepped back further and further, before she outright turned around and fled the room. Tears already flowing from her violet eyes, while her hands desperately tried to muffle her sobs.

Quietly gazing at the corridor Daenerys had just vanished through, Phenex sighed inaudibly.

Being who he was, there was no way for him not to notice the young girl's feelings for him and the obvious shock and heartbreak she had experienced just now.

And while his thoughts still circled around the Targaryen girl, Kinvara stepped before him and leaned against him in an obvious sign of affection, as he instinctively wrapped his arms around her waist.

What now?”, she asked softly and Phenex knew that his priestess didn't just ask about the follow-up plans concerning his actions against the warlock and the factions that were at work behind him, as she had obviously also noticed the turmoil in Daenerys' heart.

This didn't surprise Phenex though as, besides himself, Kinvara was probably the most perceptive and powerful member of the Red Temple, her copious life experiences and incredible magical might making sure of that.

Closing his eyes for a moment and clearing his head, Phenex thought about the actions that had to be taken now that he had destroyed the House of the Undying, the Eternals, and eradicated even the last believers of the Black Goat.

"It's best if the Red Temple takes Quarth so that it has control of who enters the Summer Sea from further east.", Phenex answered, as he stepped back and sat on the throne again, taking Kinvara with him and placing her sideways in his lap, for a moment of rest and reflection.

"I will set out in a few days then.", Kinvara replied, her head resting on Phenex' shoulder while he softly rubbed her back and thigh, causing her to close her eyes in comfort.

Hmm.”, he hummed in response, before continuing, “You don't have to go personally, I am sure the Commander is more than capable of handling such a task. Not to mention that Quaithe is Quarth's High Priestess. Her power is more than enough to support Stannis in his conquest.”

Just make sure the Commander takes a few other strong priests and priestesses that were originally from Asshai with him and have them stationed in Quarth, as they will know how to deal with any unexpected situation best.”, Phenex ended.

Alright. But what about Daenerys?”, the Red Priestess asked, while looking at him deeply, clearly worried for the girl, “You know she loves you, don't you? And it's not just love, she longs for you with all her heart.”

I do.”, Phenex replied with a sigh.

Placing her palm against his cheek, Kinvara gently turned his head to face her, as she continued: “And you love her too, don't you?”

A tender and soft look suddenly appeared in Phenex' violet eyes, a wry smile hanging off his lips, as he answered with another sigh: “How could I not love her?”

Stepping onto the roof of the temple, Phenex saw Daenerys standing by the edge of the roof by herself, dried tear marks clearly visible on her cheeks.

Phenex took a few steps forward and saw the young girl turn around as she had heard his steps, hesitation and longing in her eyes, while her beautifully braided hair danced around her in the light morning breeze.

Daenerys still seemed quite shaken by what she had experienced and the turmoil in her heart hadn't yet settled down.

Many words and actions appeared in Phenex' mind, as he watched the girl standing before him, a faint hope flickering in her hauntingly beautiful eyes. Things he wanted to say to her, things he wanted to do to comfort her, and the many things he could say to bridge the distance between them.

None of them though could express what he saw when he looked at Daenerys, or what he felt when he saw her smile, laugh, or cry. And so he decided to simply show it to her like only a being of his power could.

Stepping up to the silver-haired girl, Phenex wordlessly raised his hands to gently cradle her cheeks and brush away her tear marks, before he simply closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against hers, not giving her the time to be surprised or say anything.

And for one eternal moment, Daenerys saw herself through his eyes.

A heart of immeasurable kindness. A mind sharper than any sword, blazing inner strength, and a sword full of quiet determination and dedication. She was extraordinary, singular, and unique. She was worth every ounce of love he had to give.

As soon as Daenerys came to herself again and gazed into the warm violet eyes of Phenex, once again crystal-clear tears flowed from her gorgeous, shimmering eyes, her heart so overwhelmed with emotions that she could not find the words she so desperately wanted him to hear.

A knot in her throat prevented her from telling Phenex how much she wanted to be with him, how much she loved him too. Thankfully, Phenex was not a mortal man, he didn't need to hear her words, to listen to Daenerys' heart.

"I love you, Daenerys Stormborn.", he whispered against her lips before placing a tender kiss on them, causing the Targaryen girl's cries to become somewhat more audible, as she simply buried herself in his embrace.

Wrapping his arms around her, Phenex comforted her silently, her young heart simply too overwhelmed to allow the Targaryen girl any other action.

Daenerys practically soaked up the comfort and warmth Phenex' presence gave her, as she felt particularly fragile at this moment. Laying her head on Phenex' chest, she didn't say anything as she slowly melted into his embrace.

Even as Phenex picked her up in a princess carry and brought them to landscaped part of the roof, sitting down in the grass and resting his back against a wide tree trunk, she stuck to him tightly.

In the following hours, he told Daenerys what he had discussed with Kinvara while stealing some more kisses from the shy Targaryen Princess. Daenerys' blushing cheeks, watery eyes, and quiet pants being something incomparably precious to him.

In the end Daenerys' eyes slowly closed shut and she fell into a light sleep, a peaceful smile on her lips and her fingers entwined with Phenex', as she was simply too exhausted from the day's events.

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