The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 102 – Price of Truth

[298 AC – King's Landing – Small Council Chamber]

Once again Melisandre found herself amused, as she looked on silently while the small council members introduced themselves to the new Hand of the King.

They introduced themselves as servants and friends, but all of them were ambitious and most certainly dangerous, the exception to this rule may have been Ser Barristan Selmy and Brynden Tully, though the latter had left King's Landing with Lysa Arryn, his niece, after she had confided him in about the 'truth' of her husband's death.

Having originally served as a knight for House Arryn and being Lady Arryn's uncle, the honorable fool had left the city under Lysa Arryn's pleading so that he could protect her.

Of course, she had only done so because the master of coin, Lord Baelish, had asked her to. Littlefinger was very cunning in this aspect, as he had effectively robbed Ned Stark of the only ally he had in the small council.

The opportunities for the temple in such a chaotic period were many though, so Melisandre just sat back and enjoyed the show for the most part, right until Eddard Stark found himself shocked by the extravagant cost of the tourney which was to be held in his honor.

Are you telling me the Crown is three million in debt?”, Ned asked with disbelief, unable to imagine how his former foster father could have let such a thing happen.

"I am telling you the Crown is six million in debt.", the master of coin remarked calmly, and Melisandre just knew how much Littlefinger took pleasure in declaring this. After all, it was mostly his machinations that had led to such a situation.

How could you let this happen?!”, the Hand questioned the small council with shock and anger.

The master of coin finds the money, the King and the Hand spend it.”, Littlefinger simply stated.

"I will not believe Jon Arryn allowed Robert to bankrupt the Realm.", Eddard countered, not believing the man who raised him would have sat by and watched Robert ruin the Kingdom financially.

Lord Arryn gave wise and prudent advice, but I fear His Grace doesn't always listen.”, Grandmeaster Pycell finally added, absolving himself of any blame in the process.

Counting coppers he calls it.”, Renly Baratheon, master of law, remarked snidely.

I'll speak to him tomorrow. This tournament is an extravagance we cannot afford.”, Stark finally declared.

As you will. But still, we'd best make our plans.”, Baelish stressed, already hinting at the fact that this tourney was going to take place either way, no matter Eddard Stark's wishes.

It was a subtle move and the new Hand of the King reacted as expected.

"There will be no plans until I speak to Robert!". Ned stated with finality and anger.

The small council chamber became silent for a moment, as the Hand of the King recomposed himself with a deep breath and it was at this moment that Melisandre decided to finally speak for the first time since the meeting began.

"Lord Stark you have a long journey behind you and there is much to discuss and even more to decide. So let me help you set your mind at ease for the time being. The Red Temple will shoulder the cost for the tournament as a greeting gift for the new Hand, who has traveled so far to serve the Realm.", Melisandre announced with a slight smile.

[298 AC]

"Welcome to Dragonstone, my Lord. It is an honor to have you here in our humble castle.", Selyse Baratheon greeted with utter devotion as she kneeled before Phenex, a small three-year-old boy by her side. The other members of the household behind her doing the same.

Dragonstone was still under Stannis' rule, even though he had not been back for years. After all, it wasn't a particularly desirable piece of land and it would have been the height of stupidity for Jon Arryn to convince Robert to give it to someone else given Stannis' position of power in the Red Temple.

Mhm.”, Phenex hummed in greeting, as he looked over the woman and her child, “Rise and be at ease, Selyse Baratheon.”

The child was Shireen's brother, Steffon Baratheon, which had been born with Phenex' blessing, as he had made sure that it was healthy and not another miscarriage or stillborn like Selyse's first two pregnancies before Shireen.

"As per your instruction we have not prepared a great banquet but set aside some delicacies in your quarters for you and your wives.", Selyse informed him, her gaze turned downwards as if she did not dare to look directly at him.

Well done. Take us there, so we can rest for the day.”, Phenex instructed, as it was already getting dark and he planned to visit Daenerys and Rhaella in a short while.

Phenex also wanted to stay on Dragonstone with Arianne and Missandei for the near future, even though he planned to take them to King's Landing for the Hand's tourney and see for himself the royal family and others before it all crumbled.

[298 AC]

Lord Stark, what a surprise to have you visit me.”, Melisandre exclaimed, as she gestured for the new Hand of the King to enter her study.

"Lady Melisandre.", Eddard Stark greeted stoically, though the look in his eyes was complicated as he clearly did not enjoy that he was forced to visit the Red Priestess.

Seating herself behind her desk, which was made out of bloodwood, a name it got due to its colour, Melisandre asked with a calm smile: “Have you come for the truth, Lord Stark?”

Momentarily forgetting his original goal of coming here to ask the Red Priestess about the apprentice blacksmith that Jon Arryn had visited several times before his death, the one that had been taken in by the Red Temple shortly after his foster father's demise, Eddard asked reflexively: “What truth?”

The truth about your foster father's death of course.”, Melisandre replied calmly, as if she had not just revealed something of significance to the Hand of the King.

Stunned, the Hand questioned: “What do you know about Lord Arryn's death?”

"I know it was poison that killed him, Tears of Lys to be exact. I knew it the moment I saw him lying in his sickbed after the King asked me to visit the former Hand and do anything in my power to help him.", Melisandre stated.

And you didn't save him or tell the King?”, Ned inquired darkly, his eyes looking at the Red Priestess with quiet murderous intent.

I do not decide who I heal, Lord Stark. In fact, I am not capable of healing at all. All I do is ask for my Lord's blessing and sometimes he refuses to give it.”, Melisandre explained, not bothered by the Hand's anger, “And why would I tell the King? Robert Baratheon doesn't want to hear the truth, he wants to hear a comfortable lie and continue to indulge in drink and women.”

"Then why tell me?", Ned asked, not wanting to argue with the priestess about his oldest friend's character.

Smiling lightly, Melisandre replied: “Because you want the truth, Lord Stark.”

"Do you know who did it and why?", the Hand inquired while quiet anger burning in his stomach, hoping that the priestess would direct him to those that had killed the man who he had loved like a father.

I do.”, Melisandre replied simply.

Then tell me.”, Eddard Stark demanded, his whole demeanor changing as he wrapped himself in the authority that belonged to him.

Melisandre looked on calmly, unperturbed by the angry Northerner, as she voiced out: "Mera, the next time Lord Stark demands something from me in this tone, I want you to take his sword-arm."

A shadow in the corner flickered as a graceful warrioress stepped out of it. Caramel skin that was mostly veiled from sight by beautiful leather armor and a dark-red Valyrian steel chainmail wrapped around her torso, Mera carried an arakh at one side of her hip, while the other was fitted with an exquisite dagger.

She had ice-blue eyes and dark hair that was kept in a tight bun, but the most striking thing about her, besides her stunning looks and sharp aura, was the tattoo of a feather that adorned her left cheekbone and pulsed with light.

At once, a much more serious look settled on Eddard Stark's face as he took two steps back and gazed at the woman that had appeared out of nowhere, his instincts screaming at him that she was a lethal danger to himself.

This is not Winterfell, Lord Stark. Nor do I serve you or the Crown, I am merely here to help the King with my advice.”, Melisandre stated with an eerie calm, a frosty look in her normally fiery eyes, “I am a High Priestess of the Red Temple, and I only owe the Flame of Truth and the Lord himself an answer.”

You want to know why someone killed your foster father and who did it?”, Melisandre continued with a derisive snort, “Do you think that the answer to such a question comes without a price? That the truth has no cost to it? If you do, you are even more naive than Jon Arryn was.”

"Leave now, Lord Stark. I have nothing else to tell you.", the Red Priestess ended, her figure slowly being cloaked by fire as she stared down the man in front of her even while seated.

Melisandre saw the struggle in the man's eyes, as his honor demanded that he continue to question her for the sake of uncovering the plot that had led to his foster father's death, but his sane mind soon won over his foolish honor, as Eddard Stark finally turned around and left her quarters.

Looking at his retreating back, the Red Priestess reined in her magic, as she thought to herself: 'Nobody can save an honorable fool such as him, not after he willingly stepped into this city.'

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