The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 118 – Offer and Resolution

[300 AC]

At first, let me introduce myself.”, Phenex began, his gaze much less invasive than before, “Because even though I do go by many names, I was born as Phenex Firestar of House Dayne.”

Phenex knew that his show of force from before was somewhat necessary, as most people did not believe in things that they had not seen with their own eyes.

Displaying only a trace of his innate aura was more than enough to let others understand that he was no human at all, which was somewhat necessary when he met others who were not aware or unwilling to believe that he was the Red God.

An astonished look appeared on Kevan Lannister's face in response to Phenex' words, as the man had clearly heard of this name before.

T-the Princess of Dorne, y-you are … “, the man stammered in shock.

Indeed, the Princess of Dorne, Arianne Nymeros Martell is my wife and she is well aware of who and what I am, as is her father and uncle.”, Phenex replied.

Shoulders slumping in defeat, the former Hand of the King fell silent, a complicated look in his eyes. He had seemingly realized that there had never been a chance for completely peaceful coexistence with the temple, not when the Red God himself was married to Dornish royalty.

It was a well-known fact after all that Oberyn Martell and his brother, the current ruler of Dorne, Doran Martell, hated his House and especially his brother with a passion for the role he played in the events that had led to Elia Martell's death.

"Your House's future does not have to end with your brother, nor with you and your children.", Phenex interrupted the man's increasingly gloomy thoughts, "House Lannister can continue to prosper as it had before, though it will have to do so under the Red Temple's rule."

An angry frown settling on the man's face, Kevan Lannister answered with barely suppressed hate in his tone: "So this is your offer? You want me to bend the knee after you killed my brother, my niece, and my grandnephew?"

The former Hand of the King half-expected to be turned to ashes after his outburst but the being in front of him just looked at him with calm and clear eyes, not a hint of displeasure in them as he answered.

That, is exactly what I am offering you.”, Phenex answered evenly, before his eyes gained a fiery tint and he continued with a darker tone, “Please do not take me for a fool, Kevan Lannister. I saw the cruelty with which your brother has dealt with the enemies of your House.”

If you have forgotten it already, maybe I should have one of my priestesses perform 'The Rains of Castamere' for you?”, he asked rhetorically, slight pressure once again descending on the room.

'The Rains of Castamere' was a song that had been written as a tribute to the destruction of House Reyne, which had ruled from their seat in Castamere, at Tywin Lannister's hand in his early days when he had not even been Lord of House Lannister yet.

The young 'Old Lion' had diverted a nearby stream towards the residence of House Reyne and killed the whole household in an act of revenge for a slight against his House. Castamere had then been left in ruins as a warning to other Houses in the Westerlands and the other six kingdoms.

It was also this act of ruthlessness that had Aerys see Tywin in such a favourable light that he had named the young heir of House Lannister his Hand after ascending the Iron Throne.

Phenex' words had the desired effect, as Kevan Lannister visibly deflated in his anger and his face lost some color. The older man knew full well the extent of his brother's ruthlessness after all, so speaking out against the vengeful acts carried out by the Martells was just hypocrisy on his part.

"You should know that conquering the Westerlands is something easily accomplished for the forces of the Red Temple, though I have no doubt that the blood that will flow in that case will be enough to colour the Trident deep red. Your House along with a great many others will undeniably perish as a result of such a conflict."

It doesn't have to come to this though.”, Phenex stated, “Like the Blessed Cities in Essos, I plan for the Westerlands to be ruled by a council made up of members of the Red Temple. And if you agree to my offer, I will see to it that your House will have a seat on said council for every generation to come.”

"You may retain your wealth, Ancestral Seat, and even your rule over Lannisport, though the Westerlands will belong to the Red Temple and it will be the council that will rule over it.", Phenex ended.

Listening to these words, Kevan knew that while his House may lose most of its power and influence in case he accepted the offer, the same would be true for all the Houses in the Westerlands as the Red Temple would take control of all the land.

He also understood that this was the only chance for his House and family to survive. So in that sense, it was not truly an offer, even though he could reject it. With death being likely the only other option, Kevan had already made his decision, even though he did so with a heavy heart.

"I- … I accept, m-my Lord.", he voiced out with a low voice, feeling as if he had betrayed his late elder brother's expectations of him while he did so.

Nodding in acknowledgment, Phenex remarked: "Good. Though that leaves us with resolving the ongoing feud between House Lannister and the House Martell."

Gritting his teeth, Kevan asked somewhat downtrodden: “What do require of me, my Lord?”

Myrcella and Tommen Baratheon, along with your eldest son Lancel will travel to Dorne. Myrcella is to be engaged to Trystane Martell, while Tommen will serve as Doran Martell's page and cupbearer.”

"As a knight, it will be your son Lancel's duty to protect his cousins until Myrcella comes of age and marries the Prince.", Phenex announced, which caused the new Lord of House Lannister's face to fall into a slight grimace before he managed to control his countenance once again.

Kevan knew that his son wouldn't accompany his grandniece and nephew to be their protector, as Lancel's martial prowess was flimsy at best. No, his son would go as a hostage, and Myrcella and Tommen were the same, though they were much less valuable as such.

With the Iron Throne all but in the Red Temple's hands and the royal family having practically perished overnight, Myrcella's and Tommen's worth as hostages was not great at all, which was probably why the god in front of him wanted to send his eldest son to Dorne as well.

What the former Hand of the King failed to realize though was that Phenex planned to do this not because it was a rather common practice amongst Westerosi nobility to send hostages to ensure loyalty and obedience, but mostly because it would be the best course of action for Myrcella's and Tommen's future.

The whole Realm was pretty much aware of their bastard status, if the people believed it or not. And adding to the fact that they had just lost any support they may have with Cersei's and Tywin's death, their future would only be miserable should they remain in the Crownlands or the Westerlands.

Nobody would be willing to marry their children to either one of the two with all the rumors and after the events that had taken place in the capital.

Phenex had known it would come to this and he had almost stopped Cersei from committing suicide as a result of this, as children were the clear soft spot in his heart.

In the end though, he didn't intervene, as the late Queen Regent may have loved her children with all her heart but her influence on them could also be considered somewhat poisonous with Jeoffrey being the best example.

Sending them to Dorne, a place where bastards weren't ostracized or looked down upon, Phenex could rest assured with the knowledge that Doran would make sure that these two were well taken care of.

He had of course discussed the marriage of Trystane and Myrcella with the Prince of Dorne, and Doran did not hesitate for long before he gave in to Phenex' wish, not only because it was the Red God that had asked for this favour, but also because the Red Temple would be the ones to provide a very generous dowry.

The Prince of Dorne though had made it clear that Trystane could refuse to marry Myrcella if he and the young princess could not get along at all, though such a thing was not likely as the boy was not the rebellious type and the girl had a very loveable temperament.

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