The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 123 – Warriors of Blood and Fire

[300 AC]

Screams and cries of agony echoing in his ears, Robb's mind had difficulty comprehending the rapidly-changing events of the last few moments.

Just as he thought that his wife and child would die at the hands of a man that had served by his side for nearly two years, a legendary Feather appeared and saved his love. Only for that Feather to somehow summon several more of the legendary warriors and order them to throw themselves into battle against hundreds of Frey bannerman and soldiers.

Biting his cheek to shake off his momentary daze, Robb threw one last look at Talisa, before he turned his stead and let the despair and fear at having almost lost his love fuel his anger, as he called out to his men: “Strike down every last of the Freys! Kill the traitors!”

He didn't say anymore as he directed his stead forward and with Grey Wind by his side threw himself into battle, while he bore witness to the truly terrifying power of the Red God's personal guard for himself.

Those five were like the incarnation of Blood and Fire, as they mowed down man after man with steel and fire with no pause. They were destruction incarnate, as they simply crushed everything in their path with a perfect fusion of technique and unrivaled might.

Watching them, the Young Wolf understood with certainty that no mortal army could ever hope to stop them.

The subdued heavy breathing of bloodied knights and soldiers was all that could be heard over the burnt and bloody field, as a somewhat ashy and metallic smell hung in the air.

The fight had not been long and the Young Wolf knew that he and his men had slain not more than a tiny fraction of the once 2300 men strong force of the Frey's on horsebacks. Even then he had probably lost dozens of fo men in this fight, while the Feathers stood on the field surrounded by death and ash with not even a drop of blood or a nick in their armor.

Each of them had seemingly slain dozens and hundreds of men without the slightest bit of effort, their posture calm, confident and alert still, exhaustion or fear being entirely foreign to them.

These five invincible warriors didn't speak a word as they glanced at his men with an impassive gaze, before they just disappeared in a shower of embers, leaving behind only the warrioress that had saved his wife.

The young King first came to his wife's side and gently laid his hand on her cheek, before embracing her in a rare display of intimacy. Robb, much like his father, preferred to keep the more intimate parts of his relationship with Talisa between the two of them, but having almost lost her and his unborn child, he acted on his emotions and pulled her in his embrace for a long moment.

Letting go of Talisa, the King of the North turned towards the Feather, as he addressed her: “You have my thanks for saving my wife, Lady Feather.”

Looking at the young man before her, Mera somehow understood Phenex' actions in trying to have him swear allegiance to the Red Temple of his own accord, as Robb Stark might very well be the closest thing she had encountered when it came to being honorable and dutiful, despite his failure to keep his promise to House Frey.

Even then, the Young Wolf had not only married the little priestess for love, but also because he knew that not doing so would leave her with a damaged reputation. From a certain point, he had accepted the stain on his honor to ensure that Talisa's would stay intact, which gave rise to respect in Mera's heart for the man.

The female leader of the Feathers though was also clear on the fact that her Lord did not just destroy House Frey as a favour, as replacing the Freys and gaining control over the Crossing was a great way for the Red Temple to further its influence.

The Twins were a perfect location to set up a trading outpost between the North and the South, as it was not only the only passage over the Green Fork in a couple hundred miles area, but it was also easily reached through the river.

The Red Temple didn't really need to impose a high toll for passage, as it could simply impose a low toll and a small tax for traders, which would be enough to make it a very attractive trading outpost, while at the same time still generating massive revenue.

The temple's reputation to treat all those beneath it equally, no matter if one was of noble birth or not, would also be an important step to cause this new trading city to be looked upon with a favourable impression by the smallfolk.

Nodding in acknowledgment of the Young Wolf's words, Mera turned towards the young priestess and gave her a deep look, and stated with her slightly raspy voice: "You should know that the Lord will not abandon you just because you have no talent for magic. As long as your faith and loyalty are pure and unwavering, there will never be a time when he would ignore your call. Remember that, priestess."

Her gaze falling on Robb Stark one last time, Mera added: "The dragonrider has a message for you from the Lord, so make sure you meet him alone."

Not waiting for an answer or even a reaction, the Feather then just called upon some of her Lord's power and left the place in a blaze.

Standing in the broken and molten ruins that had once been one part of the Twins, Robb watched the destruction the dragon had left behind with great unease, even though he had been told that the dragonrider meant him and his army no harm.

It was somewhat disconcerting to know, that there existed a creature that could just lay waste to a mighty castle like this had once been, but the Young Wolf knew that there was no denying that, especially since he could see the mountainous beast on the other side of Crossing, resting amidst the remains of the second twin.

Cream-coloured scales with golden accents on its horns, wing bones, and spinal crest. Even from the distance, Robb estimated that the dragon's head alone was at least the size of a wagon.

His gaze shifting slightly, the young King looked at the dark-haired figure standing at the other end of the wide stone bridge, its features somewhat obscure due to the distance.

Your Grace … “, Roose Bolten, one of his most loyal retainers, called out, a conflicted impression in his eyes.

Robb had rejoined his forces again in the aftermath of the Frey's attempt to kill his wife so that the infantrymen and other bannermen serving House Frey could be dealt with accordingly.

Most of them had been subdued for the moment without any violent confrontation, though Robb knew that some are waiting for a chance to depart in anger and resentment, which would once again diminish the remaining forces the Young Wolf had under his command.

The only good thing about the situation at this point was that most of the remaining Lords had started to look at his wife with more than just distaste and suspicion, now there was also fear and respect.

The simple fact that the Red God had sent half of his personal guard to save Talisa and punish those that had dared to attack her with utter ruthlessness, made them much more aware of what it meant for her to be a priestess of the Red Temple.

Still, like the rest of his men, the young King knew that Roose Bolton was not comfortable with letting him go and meet the dragonrider by himself, but Robb had already made up his mind.

The one thing he was most sure of, after witnessing the might of the legendary personal guard of the Red God, was that if the temple wanted him dead, then he would not be alive right now.

I have made my decision.”, Robb stated calmly, as he continued, “Have the men set up camp and search the area for survivors. I will be back shortly.”

Saying so, the Young Wolf gave his wife's hand one last gentle squeeze and didn't hesitate any longer, as he stepped forward to meet the first dragonrider the Seven Kingdoms had seen in centuries.

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