The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 132 – Curiosity

[301 AC – Winterfell]

Slowly walking through the stone corridors of her home, Sansa reached a quiet and nearly abandoned part of the giant castle, where she stopped her wandering.

Leaning against the rough stone walls and sensing the slight warmth coming from the natural hot spring passing through the rocks, the young girl tried to use the silence and comfort of her own home to banish the fear that had taken root in her heart during her stay in the Red Keep.

Breathing in deeply and sliding down the wall, Sansa pulled her knees up against her chest as her arms wrapped around her legs, trying to find solace in the fact that she was finally home again.

It didn't work though as the unease remained in her heart even as minutes slowly turned into hours and her silent tears soaked into the thick fabric of her dress and robes.

Despair slowly settling in her heart, Sansa tried to push back against it, but the young Northern princess found it nearly impossible to do so, while regret and guilt weighed on her mind.

Quiet sobs rattling her form, images of gentle ice-blue eyes and dark locks inexplicably flitted through her mind, as Sansa thought back to the calloused hand that had tenderly held onto her own slender palm.

Shutting her eyes close while leaning back against the rocky wall, the young girl tried to shake off these thoughts and images, knowing that nothing good could come of this.

Sansa?”, a voice suddenly called out, causing her to look up in surprise to find Jaehaerys Targaryen standing but a few steps away from her.

Hurriedly rising to her feet, Sansa tried hard to keep her expression calm and suppress the redness that threatened to spill into her cheeks, even though her thoughts were somewhat messy.

"W-why have you come- … ", before Sansa even had the chance to finish asking the young dragonrider, why he had come to find her, Jaehaerys stepped forward.

One of his hands rising up to gently brush away the tear marks from her cheek, Jaehaerys' beautiful crystal gaze looked at her with care and worry.

You don't have to be afraid anymore, Sansa.”, Jaehaerys whispered kindly, “No one will ever lay a hand on you again, I promise.”

The words spoken by the young dragonrider, caused the young Northern princess' breath to be caught in her throat, as they pierced through the veil of fear and despair around her heart. His light touch causing warmth to spread through her form, while a deep-seated longing started to emerge in her heart.

Giving in to her wants for just a moment in this isolated part of the castle, Sansa stepped closer to the strong frame of the dragonrider, being caught in Jaehaerys' embrace, as she buried her face in his chest, strong arms wrapping themselves around her protectively.

[301 AC – King's Landing]

Dull sounds of collision rang out, as Phenex stepped into the training chamber of one Arya Stark.

Striking at the wooden training dummy with the dagger techniques taught to her by Ruyu, the girl made a show of attacking the puppet from different angles and positions with each strike, whirling around her target as fast as she could.

Ayra was so focused that she didn't even notice Phenex' approach, so he decided to address her after a few minutes of silent observation to gain her attention.

You shouldn't try to be fast.”, Phenex voiced out, “Be precise, speed will come with time.”

Surprised by the sudden comment, the girl jolted awake from her intense concentration and took a small jump back in momentary fright.

W-who are you?”, she asked in obvious confusion, as this was the first time she had seen Phenex.

Smiling slightly, Phenex introduced himself: “I am Phenex Firestar.”

Wide-eyed shock followed by adoration set in almost immediately, as Arya Stark called out: “You are the Sword of the Morning!”

That I am.”, Phenex replied, his smile widening imperceptibly.

Are you going to teach me?”, the tomboyish Northern princess asked with an eager tone, “Is that why you came here, my Lord?”

It was an age-old tradition to revere legendary fighters like the Sword of the Morning, Kingsguard members, or any others who had made a name for themselves in history.

The Feathers and High Priests were undoubtedly part of this group, but the Sword of the Morning being a hereditary title for incredible fighters from Westeros, made it undoubtedly easier for the young girl to feel adoration and respect.

Not to mention the fact that her own father had been hailed as one of the greatest swordsmen of his time due to the sole fact that he had killed the former Sword of the Morning in a duel.

"No, I didn't come to teach you. You are an apprentice to the Feathers, so that wouldn't be very appropriate.", Phenex answered with a slight shake of his head.

Visibly disappointed, the girl inquired: “Then why have you come here, my Lord?”

I was just curious to meet you.”, he answered honestly.

Curious?”, Arya repeated with a frown.

"Yes, curious.", Phenex admitted, gesturing towards the adjoined living room, "How about we sit down to eat a bite before I explain any further? As I have been told, you haven't yet eaten your lunch."

Fine.”, the girl nodded before she set down her practice weapons on a nearby rack and walked with Phenex into the other room.

Feeling ravenous from her rigorous training, she did not think to decline the knight's offer, not to mention that she couldn't feel any animosity from Phenex.

Her instincts had always been good, and all she could see in the Sword of the Morning's eyes and feel from his demeanor and aura was serenity.

She did find the simple light-grey attire and the man's lack of shoes somewhat strange, but most of her new 'teachers' had eccentric personalities themselves, with most of them being overly quiet and carrying with them an absolutely terror-inducing aura.

It didn't take long before Arya found herself before a full table of delicacies prepared by the temple's excellent cooks and she started to stuff her face with whatever food she could reach.

Phenex on the other hand just watched on calmly, as he took a bite of some sweet pastry, which he knew was Missandei's favourite. He also took some sips of Dornish wine that would cause Rhaella to sigh in content.

He had no particular preferences when it came to food himself, so Phenex never really ate anything when it was just him, but preferred to do so with his wives and let them decide on the dish.

It was only with Kinvara that things were a bit different, as his priestess enjoyed cooking her own meals when her other duties left her the time for such.

She had grown up hungry as a child and had often stayed hungry during the first decades of her life, as it had only been in her late forties that she had finally managed to become a sorceress, which had meant that she never had to worry about food again.

As if in remembrance of those times, Kinvara had learned to cook over the centuries she had been alive and did so whenever the opportunity presented itself. As rare as these occasions were, Phenex often joined her on them and had even used them to force his lover to take some breaks from her usually busy schedule.

So what are you curious about?”, Arya finally asked, after having satisfied the most pressing hunger, looking at the Sword of the Morning's absent gaze with curiosity of her own.

Pushing aside his musings, Phenex' expression became one of calm, while the atmosphere around him changed into something heavier: "I am just curious why a girl, who has never even met the Red God, thought that it would be a good idea to swear her blade, life, and freedom to him."

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