The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 140 – Yours Already

[301 AC – Winterfell]

Feeling the soft lips of the Northern princess on his own, feeling the warmth of her breath and smelling that wonderful scent of hers, which reminded him of winter flowers, Jaehaerys could not suppress his longing to feel her even closer.

His hands releasing her smooth cheeks, one of his arms wrapped itself around her slim waist, as he pulled Sansa close, pressing her soft curves against his well-muscled form, while her own hands fell against his chest, her slender fingers grasping at his leather armor.

The young dragonrider's other hand laid itself against the trunk behind her, his finger digging themselves into the soft bark and dense wood beneath, as he sought an outlet for the near-overwhelming desire he felt for the young girl in his embrace.

Ripping into the tree with great ease thanks to his inhuman strength, Jaehaerys continued to kiss Sansa with tender affection, their tongues fighting a gentle dance, until finally, the young princess broke their kiss, her lungs screaming for the life-giving air around them.

Looking down into those deep blue eyes that shone with longing and affection, Jaehaerys could feel his pupils changing into vertical slits and a golden color bled into his crystal irises in response to the intense emotions coursing through his heart.

I need you to be mine.”, he whispered almost desperately, unable to hold back these words of desire and longing.

Eyes glittering with unshed tears, Sansa fought them back with little success, as she quietly voiced out a response while tears streaked down her untainted cheeks.

I am already yours.”, the Northern princess whispered, before burying her face in her dragonrider's embrace, drawing on his strength and warmth.

It was two days after Robb had executed Roose Bolton by beheading him with his family's heirloom blade Ice, which had been delivered back to Winterfell by the Red Temple, that the Young Wolf found himself seated in his study with Maege Mormont, Galbart Glover and Greatjon Umber by his side, facing Jaehaerys Targaryen and the High Priest Thoros of Myr.

"So besides Valyrian steel, only dragonglass can be used to kill a White Walker?", the young King questioned with a frown.

That is indeed the case.”, the High Priest stated, before he continued, “Though I would not recommend you to fabricate weapons for your men made of dragonglass, even in the case that the Red Temple can provide you a sizeable amount of this material.”

Why not?”, Robb questioned, not following the man's thoughts.

"Dragonglass, even though very sharp, is a very brittle material and would be more than useless against someone wearing armor, which admittedly the White Walkers do not tend to do. The greater problem though is that it is absolutely ineffective against wights, of which you will be facing tens of thousands.", Thoros explained.

"Wights can only be killed through thorough dismemberment and fire. Anything else, even Valyrian steel, will not destroy the magic that has the dead enthralled to do the Others' biddings."

A moment of silence spread through the study, as a deep frown sat on the Young Wolf's face, while he thought about the priest's words.

"If those wights are so vulnerable to fire, doesn't that mean that your dragon is the best weapon against them, Lord Targaryen?", Maege Mormont questioned with her characteristically rough voice, though her words carried the respect and the fear she held towards Jaehaerys, as she clearly still remembered the terror-inducing way he had killed the bastard son of Roose Bolton.

Her question was of course reasonable, as Lyra was a behemoth of destruction on every battlefield, and against an enemy vulnerable to fire, she would without a doubt be invaluable.

The young dragonrider though shook his head with a wry smile on his lips: "Even if I move into battle with you, I cannot take Lyra with me. The Night King, the leader of the White Walkers, is very powerful and poses a fatal threat to her. She is too easy a target while flying through the air without cover, not to mention her size."

The only dragon that could probably stay unaffected by the Night King's attacks is Sapphire, but I highly doubt she will join the battle.”, Jaehaerys added with a shake of his head.

And why is that?”, the Lady of Bear Island inquired with a slight frown.

Because she is the bonded companion of our Lord.”, Thoros replied calmly, causing the normally fearless Lady Mormont to immediately drop the topic and fall back into silence, as even she did not dare to speak about the Red God casually with a High Priest and dragonrider nearby.

I know that the Red Temple has Valyrian steel in abundance, but would you be willing to sell or even lend those weapons to my men during this coming battle?”, Robb voiced out suddenly, even though he knew that such a thing was not very likely to happen.

And as expected, before he even completely finished his question the bearded priest was already shaking his head.

"You are asking for the impossible, King of the North.", the High Priest stated, "No matter the prize, it is simply impossible for you to receive even a single blade made out of Valyrian steel without the Lord's permission, which is something he will not give on this particular matter."

"And how would you know without asking your Lord first?", Greatjon Umber questioned, dissatisfaction clear in his tone, as he knew about the importance of the right weaponry in the coming battle.

"I am his priest. I know.", Thoros answered simply, his tone calm even though his eyes had taken on a fiery hue, causing the Northern nobleman to take half-a-step backward, slight fear creeping up his back.

"The Lord, however, has authorized me to offer you reinforcements from the temple in the form of ten thousand Fiery Hand warriors and four hundred warrior priests.", the Red Priest added, after a short moment of silence, "As well as fifty carts of dragonglass, which should be enough to fit a few thousand men with weapons made from the material, to give them a fighting chance against the White Walkers."

Knowing that the Fiery Hand was the absolute elite of the Red Temple's forces and that each and every one of them was fitted with armor and weapons made from Valyrian steel, the Young Wolf knew that they might be the only chance for the North to survive this coming battle, or at least survive without having to sacrifice all of the North's warriors.

And so Robb accepted the High Priest's offer with gratitude, who then took his leave, along with Jaehaerys, to give the young King the opportunity to discuss the preparation for the coming battle with his loyal commanders.

"Lord Glover, Lady Mormont, you will stay in Winterfell and wait for the rest of the bannerman to reach here, before setting off towards the Wall.", Robb announced once it was only them in the study.

"What about me, Your Grace?", Greatjon Umber questioned respectfully, having learned his lesson when it came to questioning his King's orders, his missing fingers being proof of that.

You will accompany me, Lord Umber. We will set off tomorrow with the troops that have already been gathered.”, Robb answered.

To where?”

To Karhold.”, the young King stated, a dark undertone in his voice, “It's time the Karstarks learn the consequences of breaking their oath and betraying their King.”

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