The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 147 – Father, Dream

[301 AC – Winterfell]

Looking up at the blazing figure before her, Sansa was much the same, like the rest of the people present.

Additionally, she still remembered how the god before her had turned thousands of soldiers in King's Landing to ashes in a matter of seconds, so she was indeed fearful of the Red God.

Her worry for Jaehaerys won out against her fear though, as she quietly uttered under great pressure while gazing at the fiery figure, hope and desperation coloring her tone: “Please save him.”

Suddenly, as if in response to her plea, immaterial flames turned to mortal flesh as a man of indescribable charm appeared before her eyes.

Short dark locks, sharp, yet gentle facial features, and bright purple eyes that seemed to contain every kind of emotion, along with plain black linen clothing that tried to cover a physique that looked as if steel cords were wrapped around unbreakable bones, giving one the impression that the being that had suddenly appeared was indestructible.

A colourless aura surrounded the barefooted figure, making it seem to be glowing in the eyes of the Northern Princess, even though such was not the case as it was merely the shadow of the Red God's divinity that Sansa 'saw'.

It was only the young princess that saw this form of his though, as everyone else was still staring at his blazing form. For mortals, it was impossible to see more than Phenex allowed them to after all.

Sansa's eyes widened in shock and disbelief, as she recognized the figure before her, unforgettable in its charm and grace. Even now she remembered with crystal clarity the tourney that had been held in her father's honor after he had been named Hand of King to Robert Baratheon.

She remembered the conversation she had with her father and Lord Baelish after seeing the members of the Red Temple acting so different from the nobles and highborn. The figures of the armored personal guard of the Red God and High Priests, as well as the Dornish Princess Arianne Nymeros Martell and her husband, were branded in her memory.

Now this husband of a Dornish Princess had once again appeared in her vision, but Sansa realized that he was much much more.

Phenex Firestar of House Dayne, Sword of the Morning and husband to the Dornish Princess, was the Red God! He was the divine figure standing above the Red Temple and the Blessed Cities, the figure standing above Westeros!

He crushed the Free Cities of Essos, purged the seas from pirates, cleansed Slaver's Bay from the Masters, and turned the Dothraki hordes into nothing but memories of the past!

He was the one that had burned thousands of invading soldiers and turned them into ashes without a moment of hesitation in King's Landing, and obliterated the Eryie with a single strike after transforming into a giant made out of fire, while the priests and soldiers under his command conquered five of the Seven Kingdom's with fire and blood!

Though he also was the one that had raised, taught, and guided Jon and made him into Jaehaerys Targaryen, dragonrider of the Red Temple and Lord of House Targaryen!

Overwhelmed, Sansa was paralyzed by these thoughts as she recalled the stories about the Red God, while realizing that she had in fact met him years ago without her knowledge.

Looking at the absolutely gorgeous man before her, she found it impossible to connect this image with the merciless and all-powerful ruler of the Red Temple.

She could only look on in stunned silence as the Phenex raised his hand and two small flames ignited above his palm, turning into two fiery butterflies of supernatural beauty. Flapping their wings, dancing through the air playfully, one of them landed on the dying Queen while the other landed on the young dragonrider.

Diffusing into pure and gentle flames, they sunk into the bodies of the two dying members of the temple as the silent crowd watched on with bated breath, hoping for a miracle to take place.

Still, Phenex was the Phoenix, the Aspect of Life and Fire, so it was naturally not difficult for him to restore the broken life vessels of Talisa and Jaehaerys and fill them with life force again, while simultaneously healing the internal wounds of the Northern Queen.

In the span of a few seconds, Talisa's tanned skin regained a healthy color and her eyes fluttered open, while Jaehaerys was likewise roused from unconsciousness, slowly coming back from the brink of death.

Seeing this, Sansa felt as if a mountain of despair had been lifted from her shoulders, her fragile and scarred heart, which had just begun to heal due to Jaehaerys' presence and love, would not have been able to bear losing the dragonrider at this point.

Tears of relief silently fell from her deep blue eyes, like small streams leaving the seas.

Staring up at the Red God, she wanted to voice out her gratitude but no words left her lips, the divine being having already vanished again, leaving behind only a few words that echoed in her mind a few moments later.

He will live, though feel free to scold him for his recklessness.”

The words were spoken in the tone of a caring father, who could only sigh in helplessness while watching his children take risks and throw themselves into danger, without concern for the worries they caused to those who loved and cared for them.

Surprised and moved by these words, Sansa looked into the crystal gaze of an exhausted Jaehaerys.

Don't ever do that again.”, she scolded quietly with tear-stained cheeks, before giving in and burying herself in his embrace, her hands holding onto him tightly, unwilling to let go for a long while.

Thoros sighed in relief, as he saw the young dragonrider and Talisa Stark regain their vitality and consciousness while his Lord had already vanished again, leaving behind a few words of praise for his decision to call for help.

His Lord had never been unreasonable and clearly understood that there had been nothing the bearded priest could have done to save them, so naturally calling for help had been the correct choice, which was something his Lord acknowledged without fail.

This was the wisdom of the Red God and Thoros could not help but be devoted to the Red Temple and Phenex after having experienced it for so long.

The Lord never expected them to do the impossible, but just wanted them to strive to do their best in the tasks given to them and not forget their loyalty and faith while doing so.

It was for this exact reason that the members of the Red Temple were so fiercely loyal, and devoted to their chosen profession, knowing that the Red God expected nothing more than for them to act on their full potential.

While all those present were still either shocked or full of reverence by the divine entity's appearance and the subsequent miracle that had saved the Northern Queen, and from the looks of it the dragonrider as well, Bran opened his eyes as if waking from a dream.

As soon as he had laid eyes on the Red God, it was as if he had been drawn into an illusion.

Flying through the open sky, a bird made out of pure fire by his side, which imparted wisdom and knowledge to him that he had not possessed before after introducing itself as Phenex the Red God.

The Red God had finally helped him understand the dreams that had plagued his mind for years and even promised that he would be healed as soon as he woke up.

Tentatively the second youngest of the Stark siblings tried to move his legs, which had become impossible for him after his fall, hoping the illusionary dream was more than just a hallucination. And to his overwhelming joy, his muscles followed his intentions.

Ignoring the commotion around him, Bran could not stop himself from lifting himself out of the prison that his wheelchair had been for him and clumsily stood on his own legs again after years of being crippled, a smile of pure joy sitting on his lips.

Laughter born out of relief erupted from Bran, while gasps and exclamations of surprise and shock sounded out, as the people present bore witness to yet another miracle.

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