The Phoenix Arises

Chapter 116 - Heavenly Wizards

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The elders on the high platform who were optimistic about the show all widened their eyes and swallowed. This is a refining idiot, it is clearly a genius! If people are refining the spirit of the refining idiots, then what are the apprentices who have not finished refining?

At this time, Situ was empty, and looked proudly at the end of the stage. It is worthy of his disciples. In the first test, he took out the old guys’ apprentices for hundreds of miles. Squinting at the gloomy leaves, there was no end to it, and Situ’s glimpse flashed a sneer. This is just the beginning, and the wonderful ones are still behind.

The refining pharmacists on the stage were all shocked when they saw the top grade in the hands of Duanmu, and then they looked at their own refining, but they felt that they were weak. Especially the most important thing is that she is still so small. In their eyes, they are as big as their daughters and granddaughters. They lose to people who are younger than themselves, and they really feel that they have no face.

Xuanyuan was also surprised to see this scene, and then a smile appeared on his lips. This woman did not let him down.

Looking at the woman on the stage who smiled at the lips, Xuanyuan’s black skull flashed a touch of firmness, and he wanted her. From small to large, he has never wanted such a thing. Even the throne of the White Tiger Kingdom is dispensable to him. But now he wants her.

Duanmu on the stage did not know that he had become the target of everyone in the audience. The top grade of her hand was carefully loaded into the jade bottle, and the second round of integration began.

With the first round of integration experience, Duanmu’s second round of fusion was faster, and soon another top-grade compound Ling Dan was loaded into the jade bottle by Duanmu.

At this time, only half of the time has passed. Most of the refining pharmacists on the stage have not yet completed the refining. The speed is a little faster and just finished refining.

Duanmu’s age, speed, high quality, and superb refinement all touched all the refining pharmacists present, especially the refining pharmacists who participated in the competition. Some of them were slouched and some became very nervous. Some even can’t concentrate on refining and can only declare failure.

“铛…” With a loud bell ringing, I Shuosheng flew again to the game table.

“Time is up, please participate in the refining pharmacist immediately stop the action, put the refining medicinal herbs on the stage. Now the refining has not been completed as a failure.”

All the people heard that according to Yi Shusheng, they put their refining medicinal herbs on the refining table and waited for the judges to check. Only Duanmu did not move, because she had already prepared, and the refinery was also cleaned up by her, leaving only two top grades.

Most of the refining pharmacists who have not finished refining have given up and started to pack up and leave. Only a very small number of people are still insisting on refining their own medicinal herbs.

Soon, the ten judges headed by Yi Shusheng began to check the refining medicinal herbs. Duanmu looked at the small sign on their chest and found that they were all refining pharmacists at the level.

Because the requirements were very clear from the beginning, it was necessary to replenish the spirits, so those who refine the middle and the lower products were directly eliminated.

The medicinal herbs of Duanmu was personally inspected by Yi Shusheng. When Yi Shusheng saw the two clear yellow complexes of Duanmu, he was surprised. He was the first to see the yellow complexion. Dan is white, that is, the top grade of the complex Ling Dan is also light yellow, this clear yellow complex Ling Dan he has never seen.

Gently pick up a complex Ling Dan and put it under the nose and smell it. It is a rich and powerful scent of Dan. This is definitely not a common top product. If his judgment is correct, this will be a new height in the entire refining industry.

Yi Shusheng looked up at Duanmu, which was the first time he looked at her so close. A beautiful pair of cockroaches, deep purple, dreamy purple, deep purple sea without any emotions, but can make people intoxicated.

Very young and very beautiful child, looking at such a young, excellent child, Yi Shusheng instantly felt that he was really old.

“Can you lend me your complex Ling Dan?” The soft voice reveals respect that he does not even notice.

Duanmu’s words were stunned, and then he said, “Please feel free.”

Yi Shusheng nodded and took Fu Ling Dan, who was refining Duanmu, to the high platform.

He took the complex Ling Dan directly to Situ’s air, “Large elders please see.”

Situ looked at the copying spirit in the hands of Yi Shusheng. At first glance, he recognized that it was from Shantou’s hand. Because all the medicinal herbs in Shantou’s refining are different from others, her refining remedies are always better than others. The color is darker, the aroma is stronger, and even the efficacy is better than others.

“What is the problem with this medicinal medicine?” The medicinal herbs made by Shantou are naturally excellent. He does not understand why the fifth is specially used to show him.

“The big elders don’t think the color of this medicinal medicine is darker than the color of the top grade?” And I have heard that the scent of this medicinal herb is more intense than the top grade.”

Situ Air listened to the words of Yi Shusheng, and there seemed to be something in the brain to make it come out. “Do you mean that this is not the top product?” “The voice of Situkong reveals the uncontrollable excitement.”

“Yes, I think it has exceeded the top grade and reached a new grade.” I Shusheng’s voice is also excited and excited.

Yi Shusheng’s words made Situ’s emptiness like a slap in the face. I never thought about it. The medicinal herbs of Shantou were different from others. He was the first to discover Master. Why didn’t he think about it? !

The other elders looked at the two people around a remedy. If you say a word to me, you don’t understand what the two are excited about?

Situ stunned the elders who stretched their necks under the eyes, and calmed down a little, “You come over and see.”

The elders heard all the words and went to see the remnant of the refining of Duanmu.

“This color is not the same as the color of the top grade!”

“Yes, compared with Shangpin Fulingdan, the color of this complex Lingdan is much deeper!”

“This is strange. This one is indeed a complex Ling Dan!” “One of the elders picked up the complex Ling Dan and smelled it, and immediately surprised, “”The strong Dan fragrance.”

Other elders heard the words and rushed to smell the complex Ling Dan.

“It’s really a lot more fragrant than the top grade.”

“I have lived for two hundred years or see this kind of complex Dan for the first time!”

Situ looked at the elders who had been talking about it. The black sly flashed the color of pride. “The old five think that this complex Ling Dan has exceeded the grade of the top grade. How do you think?”

All the elders were shocked by the news, and they were excited after the shock. The top grade is now the highest grade of medicinal herbs, beyond the grade of the top grade, then it is not that the representative will have a new grade. This is a new breakthrough for the entire refining industry!

“Hey, the color and smell can prove that this complex Ling Dan is beyond the top grade? Don’t forget the most important thing is the efficacy of the drug. If there is no drug effect, then nothing.” The elders were so excited that they couldn’t help but poured cold water on them.

However, Ye Wuyao underestimated the enthusiasm of the elders. This basin of cold water not only did not ruin their excitement, but made them more and more excited.

“Go and find two people to try the drug.”

” Right, I will go.”

Soon, the elders found two refining pharmacists and gave them a failed Dan. Then Yi Shusheng gave the two remnant pharmacists who had lost their spiritual powers a rehearsal. One was the top grade, and the other was the rehearsal of Duanmu.

After the two people ate the complex Ling Dan, the elders asked in unison: “How?”

“My spiritual power has recovered 80%.” The first answer is the refining pharmacist who eats the top grade.

The elders nodded, really good. The lower product of Regent Dan can restore 40% of the spiritual power, the Chinese medicine complex Ling Dan can restore 60% of the spiritual power, the top grade complex Ling Dan can recover 80% of the spiritual power.

However, the most crucial answer is obviously not in the refining pharmacist who eats the top quality, but in another refining pharmacist who eats a higher quality than the top quality. The elders turned their heads and looked at the refining pharmacist.

“I…I…” I felt that the elders had an eager gaze, and the refining pharmacist said nervously.

“You are saying it!”

“Quickly say!”

“Oh, it’s really anxious!”


Listening to this screaming voice, the refining pharmacist could not say anything.

Situ Sweeped the eager people and shouted, “Give me peace, you are so noisy, let him say.”

Stuart’s resentment made the elders close their mouths, all standing quietly, but looking at the eyes of the refining pharmacist was still eagerly awaited.

After the elders were quiet, Situ was only looking at the refining pharmacist, “Say.” “Situ’s eyes are also expected and excited.

Looking at the eyes that everyone is looking forward to, the refining pharmacist took a deep breath, “My spiritual power has all recovered.”

The elders heard ecstasy in their eyes, and it felt like the medicinal herbs with higher quality than the top grades were made by themselves.

Situ Kong is also very happy and excited. The new era of the refining industry has finally been opened, and the most exciting thing about him is that his new apprentice is the pioneer of this new era.

Ye Wuya’s mood at this time is very contradictory. For the emergence of a new Dan drug class, the elder who is a refining pharmacist’s guild is naturally happy, but the refining of this new grade is the apprentice of Situ’s, which makes him Very depressed.

Situ Kong has been pressing him from a young age to the present. He is a great elder. He is only a second elder. The same is the refining pharmacist competition. He is the first, but he is only the second. He never wins. Pass him.

I thought I could win him in the apprenticeship, but who knows that he didn’t know where to get a refining genius, this time he really wants to be out of the limelight.

Hey, why didn’t he receive such a genius to be an apprentice!

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