The Phoenix Arises

Chapter 541 - Like to grab it back

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Yuseige, Ningzichen, Mu Xiaowuyi left and right in the courtyard.

The door “Oops” rang, and Long Hao walked out of the room and gently slammed into the door.

“how is she?”

“how is she?”

The two went forward together and asked nervously.

The dragon glimmered lightly and slightly, “Mu General, Ning Gongzi, please go back first, and kneel down and say that you want to be quiet.”

Ningzi morning heart suddenly tightened, and the dark eyes were full of distress.

Mu Xiaowu also licked his lips.

Looking worriedly at the closed door, Ningzi turned to look at the dragon.

“Please take care of her.”

Long Hao immediately respected the whole body.

The two nodded to the dragon and left.

“Mu brother.”

Outside the village, Ning Zichen called Mu Xiaowu.

Mu Xiaowu stepped in a foot and turned around in confusion.

Ning Zichen went up and looked at Mu Xiaowu. “Please tell him, if he can give her happiness, I can quit. If not, then ask him not to hurt her again.”

Mu Xiaowu coveted, and said nothing, then turned and left.

Looking at the back of Mu Xiaowu, Ning Zichen’s light flashed slightly.


At the beginning, he would be selected, fearing that a large part of it would be attributed to his name.

In the room, Wenther held the crystal pudding of the dish and looked at it.

“My brother used to hide here. No wonder I can’t find you everywhere.”

At the door of the small kitchen, Wenser saw Xiahouchen and rushed in.

“This is, crystal pudding?”

Looking at the crystal pudding of the dish in Xiahouchen’s hand, the warm sizzling light shone.

Xia Houchen’s lips and micro-hooks, “Listen to Master saying that you like to eat, so I learned.”

“Do you do it for me?”

Warm and radiant, and looking forward to Xiahouchen.

Looking at the warm scorpion like a star, Xiahouchen’s handsome face was unconsciously red.

“Your congratulations.”

And congratulations?

“But have you not given us a gift before?” Warmer frowning, a puzzled face.

Xiahouchen flashed lightly and licked his lips. “This is for you alone.”

The reddish face was a little red.

Warmer also finally blushes, a small heart “fluttered” and jumped.

The hustle and bustle of the atmosphere spread quietly in the narrow kitchenette.

For a long while, Wenser was blushing. “That, I will taste it.”

“Wait, I haven’t done it yet.”

See warmer holding a spoon to eat, Xia Houchen immediately stop.


Warmer took the spoon and looked at the crystal pudding in Xiahouchen’s hand in a stupid way. “Isn’t this already alright?”

“Then you go out first.”

Xia Houchen’s face was reddish and shyly pushed the warmth out.

Warmer licked his mouth and stretched his neck to look back to Xiahouchen, who was back in the kitchen.

How the master is mysterious, obviously already done, why not let her eat.

Under the cherry blossom trees, the beautiful girl gently swayed on the swing, and the red skirt fluttered gently, flirtatious and elegant.

Xiahouchen held a plate and looked at the beautiful **** the swing.

“Master brother.”

Seeing Xiahouchen, Wenther immediately floated down from the swing.

Xia Houchen’s lips and micro-hooks, handing the dishes in his hand to the warmth of the sorrow, “Happy birthday.”

“This, is this a crystal pudding? So beautiful.”

Looking at the crystal pudding that was carved into a girl model, Wenser looked amazed.

“Master, your hand is too clever.”

It was said that Xia Houchen’s lips were slightly incomprehensible and a bitter smile. His hand is never a coincidence.

Warmer loved holding the plate and looked at the transparent crystal girl without a word, suddenly excited.

“Is this carving me?”

Xia Houchen faintly raised his eyebrows, walked to the side of Wenser, learned her appearance, and seriously looked at the crystal girl in the dish.

“I didn’t look like this? I just saw it.”

The low, **** voice sounded in the ear, and the warmth suddenly felt dry.

“Like, it’s like.”

Warmer holds the plate, silly smile, like the most precious treasure in the world.

Tears gradually blurred their eyes, and Wenther regained his thoughts.

Looking at the crystal pudding in front of me, I suddenly picked up the spoon and dug it into my mouth.

The sweetness of the silk is instant, and it is refreshing.

It turned out that it was such a taste.

That sweet, but so bitter…

When Mu Xiaowu returned to the generals, he went straight into the study.

Seeing Mu Xiaowu, Xia Houchen immediately erected from the soft collapse.

“how is she?”

“Not very good.” Mu Xiaowu licked his mouth.

Xia Houchen frowned, nervously grabbed Mu Xiaowu’s shoulder.

“What’s not so good? What happened to her?”

Mu Xiaowuyi took the hand of Xia Houchen and was annoyed. “You said, she can’t find you, how could it be good.”

Xiahou Chen’s face was white, and suddenly fell back to soft collapse.

“Why are you not wanting to see her?”

Mu Xiaowu brows wrinkled, very incomprehensible to look at Xiahouchen.

Xia Houchen hangs down and does not answer.

Looking at Xiahouchen’s half-dead, Wu Muwu’s moment came again.

“If you don’t want to, why do you want to give that dessert to her?”

Deliberately made the dessert to her in front of the Ning Xiaozi, this kid must be intentional.

Xiahouchen dawned lightly, and his face was open.

He was also impulsive, and he deliberately made the crystal pudding. For those who see their beloved woman and others kiss and heat, they will lose their sense of reason.

Mu Xiaowu sighed with a sigh, turned to the cabinet and took the medicine box, sat in front of Xiahouchen, picked up his hand and helped him rub the medicine.

“I don’t understand what you have, but I know that you have to go on like this. The girls will definitely let others steal.”

Xiahou morning heart slammed tightly, and a bitter bitterness passed through the fundus.

Feeling the stiffness of Xiahouchen, Mu Xiaowu was carrying up, looking at Xiahouchen, whose face was not very good, some distressed.

“If you like someone, you can grab it. Brother supports you.”

Mu Xiaowu patted the chest, as if as soon as Xia Houchen ordered, he would go to the palace to grab people.

Xiahouchen had a black line and squinted at the small five.

Mu Xiaowu smiled and pushed Xiahou Chendao. “You don’t have to grab it. As long as you don’t hide from her, I can see that she still likes you.”

Xia Houchen is coveted and silent.

Mu Xiaowu took a deep breath and decided to write down the material.

“The kid has something to let me transfer to you, do you want to listen?”

Xia Houchen frowned, “said.”

“He said, if you can give her happiness, he will quit. If you can’t give it, then… don’t hurt her again.”

After Mu Xiaowu finished, he watched Xiahouchen carefully, but he saw him squinting all the way to the end, and there was no expression.

In the evening, Bai Xian Xuan.

Under the slight yellow candlelight, worry-free is holding a wood carving carefully.

“doing what?”

Warm string comes in, seeing no worries are looking down and doing something seriously.


Suddenly, the voice shook hands and shook hands, and the sharp knife cut through the fingertips.

“How can I be so careless, let me see.”

Seeing the blood of the worry-free fingertips, the temperature string was shocked, and immediately pulled the worry-free fingers to look up.

“No, nothing.”

No worries and pain, want to retract your fingers, where is the warm string.

“It’s bleeding, is it okay?”

Wen string looked at the worry-free fingers with a distressed look, then slammed the fingertips with blood beads into his mouth.

The warm tip of the tongue licks the wound, with all the pity and distress.

The worry-free face is red, the eyes are full of movement, and the painful wounds are no longer painful at the moment.

After a while, the temperature string only released the worry-free fingers.

“What is this?”

The warm string holds the wood carving on the table, and the eyebrows are light.


Worry-free want to grab the woodcarving, but there is no height of others.

“What does the carving do?”

Dissatisfied with the woodcarving doll in the hands of worry-free, the string of eyes is full of jealousy.

“give me.”

No worries, tiptoe, and grabbed the woodcarving.

“I want to sculpt you so that I can pair it with my woodcarving.”

Worry-free, take out the wood carving that sent her before the string, and put it together with the semi-finished products in her hand.

The warm chords flashed lightly, and the original vinegar in his eyes became a smile.

“I’ll help you.”

“No, I am carving myself.”

No worries, avoiding the big hand of the warm string, picking up the knife on one side and re-engraving it.

Looking at the worry-free look, the temperature string is not good at the moment.

“Don’t sculpt, the black light slammed the eyes and hurt your eyes.”

The candle was blown out directly, the knives and wood carvings in the hands of the worry-free were thrown away, and then she was carried to the bed.



Just worrying about a mouth, it was sealed by the warmth of the red lips.

In the darkness, the entanglement of cockroaches is getting hotter and hotter.

When the string is ready to go, it is pushed away without worry.

“what’s wrong?”

The dull voice of **** is a little confused.

“I… I am not feeling well today.”

Don’t worry, don’t worry, panic and grab the sheets underneath.

A string of warm strings, apologetically kissed and kissed the worry-free eyebrows.

“Sorry, I don’t know.”

“I remember it was thirteen to eighteen. How was it ahead?”

Turning over from the worry-free body, then dragging her into her arms.

No worries, light flashes, no words, only moved to the warm string.

Wen string loved her hair in a pitiful manner. “How, hurt?”

The big hand covered her lower abdomen, while gently squatting, while secretly lifting the mysterious.

I felt that the source of constant input into her lower abdomen was warm and mysterious, and the worry-free eyes were slightly wet.

Reach out and cover the big hand and press him tightly on his flat, flat belly.

“Is it hurt?”

Warm string frowning, full of distressed.

“I am going to cook brown sugar water.”

Wen string said that he had to get up, but he was hugged with no worries. “Don’t go.”

A string of warm strings, then helpless lips, scorned, “OK, I will not go.”

No worries in the warm string of arms, gently licked.

“String brother, I love you.”

And our children love you too.

This may be the closest contact between the three of them.

Warm-stringed lips and micro-hooks, the first impression on the worry-free amount.

“I know, hey, sleep.”

Under the faint moonlight, the small hand covered the big hand, the big hand covered the belly, so quiet and beautiful.

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