The Phoenix Arises

Chapter 556 - Enchanted

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The warmth slammed and erected from the ground.

It turned out that this dark fog is not a Sancho, and the real Sancho is controlled by him.

Can control Sanqiu, shut down the master brother, the repair of this black fog person must be unfathomable.

Worse, the master was also taken down by him.

Thinking of something, Wenther rushed out of the Pavilion.

In the blood hole of the witchcraft, Xiahouchen’s body is getting hotter and hotter, and his heart is getting more and more urgent.


Xia Houchen screamed in the sky and a red light came out.

“砰”, the chain was violently broken, Xiahouchen red eyes, flew out of the blood pool.


The red eyes almost couldn’t see anything. Xiahouchen rushed to the blood hole with intuition, but it was suddenly blasted out by the enchantment of the hole.

Xia Houchen climbed up and transported Xuan Li to the enchantment.

“Boom”, the **** enchantment swayed weakly, but it still did not break.

Moved the mysterious force, the heat of the body instantly surged like a flame.

Xia Houchen frowned in pain, and pinched his fists, letting the layers of cold sweat on his forehead hang down.

Sang Ruoyi, who fell to the ground, woke up in a faint mood, and looked up at Xiahouchen on the enchantment side.

“Morning brother, how come you?”

Sang Ruyi immediately climbed up from the ground and ran to Xiahouchen.

“Do not touch me.”

I feel that someone is close, Xia Houchen immediately step back.

Looking at Xiahouchen’s **** eyes, Sang Ruyi’s eyes widened in shock.

“Morning brother, you… are you enchanted?”

The blood red scorpion is lifted without a focal length.

Sang Ruoyi frowned. “As a high priest in the vast mainland, you have fallen into the magic.”

“High priest?”

Xia Houchen sneered, his face was indifferent, “What has never been said, why are you with me?”

If he does not want to avenge his aunts and tribes, he will not return to the vastness at all, and he cares about what the high priest is. Although he is a vast man, he can really raise him is a god, why should he care about how vast it will be.

“砰”, the enchantment was suddenly broken.

“How about falling into the magic road, and how do you enter the devil in your heart? If you live in the heart, even if you enter the Tao, you will not be able to resist the magic of your heart.”

The sound of icy and clear sound came, and the two men carried it up, only to see that Wenser was standing in the hole with distressed face.

When he heard the warmth, Sang Ruoyi shocked.

She finally knows why he likes her?

Such a woman who is not worldly and loves him wholeheartedly deserves his desperate love.

Xia Houchen turned to squatting, and the **** red scorpion was delighted to “look” to the warmth.

“Warmer, is that you?”

Looking at Xiahouchen’s eyes without focal length, the warmth of the nose was sour and the heart was sore.

“it’s me.”

Warmer came forward and gently took Xiahouchen’s hand. “Master, let’s go.”

“Want to go, how easy is it?”

The sound of the cymbal flew with the darkness of the black.

Xia Houchen was shocked and immediately stopped in front of Wen.

“Boom”, the three people were flying out with black mysterious force.

Xia Houchen licked his chest, full of killing blood and slammed into Sanqiu.

Looking at Xiahouchen’s red-red scorpion, Sanqiu laughed wildly.

“Hahaha, you are finally enchanted, and I am not ashamed of me.”

Warm and frowning, the expression on his face instantly became dignified.

What exactly does this black fog person want to do?

Why did he force the master to fall into the magic?

“The vast high priest actually fell into the magic road. If the dead ghosts of the Luo family knew what would be the reaction?”

Sanqiu smiled, and the face covered by thick fog was full of pride.

Sang Ruyi looked at Sanqi in disbelief, his eyes full of horror.


She never believed that he did it, but why?

Why did he kill the Luojiamen?

Sang Ruyi stared at the black mist as if he wanted to see the familiar face from the dark fog.

But she was disappointed. She couldn’t see it. She didn’t know when she started. She couldn’t see her face, couldn’t see his heart, and couldn’t understand all his actions.

Xia Houchen clenched his fists tightly, and the bloodthirsty red dragonfly was full of hate.

With one hand on the ground, Xia Houchen slammed up and attacked Sanqiu.

Sancho sneered disdainfully. “Do you think you can beat me if you are enchanted? You are too tender.”

Sanqiu said, Xiahouchen flew out with a wave of sleeves.

Xiahouchen stepped on the stone wall and once again transported Xuanqi to Sanqiu.

Warmer saw it and climbed up, and took up the power to attack Sancho.

Red, green, black, three beams of light hit together, it seems that the two groups of red and green mysterious gas together to resist the black fog, in fact, compared to the black fog, the red and black Xuanqi is still a bit.

“Not self-reliant.”

Sanqiu slammed his robes, Xiahouchen and Wensel immediately flew out.

The two fell to the ground and spewed a blood together.

Sancho sneered, step by step closer to the warmth.

“I really look down on you. Since you know something you shouldn’t know, then you only have to die.”

Sancho said, violently reaching for the warmth.


“Be careful.”

Two beams of blue and yellow flashed toward Sanqiu.

Sanqiu glimpsed, and immediately retreated, and the gloom of the sun shone to Sang Ruoyi.

“what are you doing?”

Sang Ruoyi did not answer Sanqiu’s words. He only slightly turned his head to Xia Houchen. “Morning brother, I’m going to take the warmth and go, I’m mad at him.”

“If you want to die, I will fulfill you.”

In the sacred hills, there was a murderous murderousness, and the hand raised to Sang Ruoyi.

Xia Houchen helped warm up and rushed to explain, “You go first.”

Xia Houchen said, he rushed forward to help.

This person is so mad and cold-blooded that he will never care about what his father-in-law is soft to Sang Ruoyi. At this time he can’t leave her.

Seeing that Xia Houchen did not leave, Sang Ruoyi flashed a touch of anxiety, and he slid away from the black fog of Sanqiu, and then violently pushed Xiahouchen away.

“Come on, let’s not leave, we all have to die here.”

Xia Houchen frowned and looked up at Sang Ruoyi’s anxious eyes, and his light sank. “You are careful.”


Xia Houchen turned and pulled through the warmth, and rushed out.

Seeing that the two ran, Sancho wanted to chase immediately, but was stopped by Sang Ruoyi.

“Hey, you have killed so many people, don’t make a mistake again, let them go.” Sang Ruyi looked at Sanqi with a look of grief.

Seeing that the two men ran away, Sanqiu’s eyes were full of killings, and he reached out and hit Sangruyi directly.


Sang Ruyi slammed into the stone pillar and spurted a blood.

Looking at the slide down to the ground is Sang Ruoyi, Sanqiu screaming with excitement.

“Since Xiahouchen has been enchanted, then I will not have to keep you.”

Sancho slammed his hand and slammed it to Sang Ruoyi’s heavenly spirit.

Sang Ruyi closed his eyes in despair.

This is what she has always respected, and finally she died in her own hands, how sad!


The scream of horror screamed, and Sancho’s hand froze in an instant, as if there was another force pulling.

“You dare to hurt her, I will die and die.”

The angry refusal sound echoed over the blood hole.

Sang Ruoyi widened his eyes.


Is it a sly voice?

But isn’t it just in front of you? What exactly is going on?

Sancho sneered disdainfully. “Breaking down and dying? You try it.”

Having said that, Sancho finally put down his hand.

“You are not me, who are you?”

Sang Ruoyi finally realized what he was screaming at Sanqi.

Sanqiu laughed. “Who am I? You don’t need to know. You have no use value for me. Since you like to be a good person, then good people should be in the end. Feed Xiahouchen here.”

A wave of sleeves, re-enter the enchantment, Sanqiu turned and disappeared into the blood hole.


Sang Ruoyi got up and slammed into the enchantment, but he couldn’t knock it.

“let me out……”

Here, Xiahouchen walked into a mountain range with warm clothes.

“Be careful.”

Xia Houchen held warm clothes and took her to the depths of the forest.

Warmer also held back Xiahouchen tightly, and the hearts of the two had never been closer to each other as they are now.

At this moment, Wenser is very at ease, feeling that as long as the two are together, there is nothing terrible for the big enemy.

In the body, a heat wave surged up, and Xiahouchen’s breath gradually became heavy.

“Go here.”

There was a sound of flowing water in the ear, and Xia Houchen’s heart was a joy, and he took the warmth and went to the direction of the water.

The two walked to the creek and Xiahouchen jumped directly.

The coldness of the stream caused the heat waves in his body to fade away.

Xia Houchen took a light sigh of relief and looked up at the warm road on the shore. “Warm down, this water can wash off the smell of mites on our bodies.”

Without these smells, Sancho would not find them easily.

“it is good.”

Warmer nodded and rushed straight toward Xiahouchen.

Xiahou Chen reached out and caught the warmth, and they dipped into the water.

Warmer hooked the neck of Xiahouchen, and the whole person hung directly on him.

Wet clothes make the two people closer together.

For a moment, the heat that has just subsided has multiplied up.


Xia Houchen bit his teeth, not letting himself whisper.

“Master, what’s the matter with you?”

Feeling the strangeness of Xiahouchen, warm and frowning.

“It’s nothing?”

Xiahou Chen took a deep breath and forced the body to be hot and dry.

“Let’s go, be careful.”

Xia Houchen panicked down the warm hand and hugged him out of the stream.

The two went deep into the depths for a long time, and finally found a cave to rest.

Xia Houchen enchanted under the hole, and Wensel set up a fire.

“Master is coming.”

Warmer took Xiahouchen to sit next to the fire, and then he tried to solve his clothes.

Xia Houchen had a sigh of relief and immediately reached out and grabbed the hand of Wenser.

Warm and sultry, explained, “I will show you the wound.”

Xia Houchen shook his head with red face. “No wounds?”

“Let me see.”

Where is the warmth of the warmth, and it is hard to take off the clothes of Xiahouchen.

Looking at Xiahouchen’s back on the back of the dense festering wound, the warmth of the nose is sour.

Stretching his hand and gently licking the festering wounds, the tears in his eyes could no longer slide down.


Warmer reached out and hugged Xiahouchen from behind, and the little face was lightly attached to the back of the wound.

Xiahouchen’s body was frowning, and the red scorpion was filled with uncontrollable lust.

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