The Phoenix Arises

Chapter 559 - Three souls gather together

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Hearing the shout of the string, everyone dive into the bottom of the pool.

The lower the odor, the heavier the odor and the lower the visibility.

The sticky plasma paste is on the face, and the warmth is a little breathless.

Seems to feel her strange, Xia Houchen took her to her arms, kissed her lips and kissed her mouth into her mouth.

Feeling the fresh air, Wenser almost greedily hugged Xiahouchen’s neck and desperately requested it.

Looking at the movements of the two, Ning Zichen’s heart was torn like a tear, and he could not breathe.

Sang Ruyi also looked at the two benevolent people in front of him, and his heart could not help but sigh.

If the Luo family did not have an accident, if he was not sent to the sky at the beginning, if it was her with him, then would it be her to be so cared for?

Unfortunately, she will never know the answer.

Because there is no such thing in this world.

Turning to look at Ning Zichen, who is also staring at the two, Sang Ruoyi’s heart is filled with a feeling of mutual sympathy.


Stretching through Ning Zichen, I went to the bottom of the pool.

When Ning Zichen returned to God, the person had already sneaked to the bottom.

After the air in the lungs was sufficient, Wenser finally let go of Xiahouchen with satisfaction.

Looking at the handsome face of Xiahouchen, Wenser finally realized what he had done, and immediately shyly blushes.

Looking at the warm and shy little eyes, Xiahou morning lips and micro-hook, and took her to the bottom of the pool.

“This blood pool is connected to another pool.”

Looking at the clear water pool connected to the blood pool, everyone was surprised to open their eyes.

This is also amazing. It is obviously two pools connected, but the thick blood in the blood pool is not in harmony with the clear spring water in the pool. Even the locusts are only active in the blood pool. Do not go to the spring.

Xiahouchen dawned brightly. “In the past, maybe this pool can pass outside.”

The people nod and dive to the clear water pool.

The water pool here is obviously more refreshing than the blood pool there, and the visibility is clearer.

The people swam together for a long time and finally swam to the exit.

“Great, finally came out.”

Jun No Evil first climbed ashore and greedily breathed fresh air.

Others have also climbed ashore.

“Where is this? How is it not normal?”

Jun no evil saw the black lacquer, the sinister passage, could not help but tremble.

It’s a heavy yin, it won’t be…


Xia Houchen looked at the passage in front of him and slowly frowned.

He seems to have been here.

“Into three. Retreat one, take the center, enter five retreats, go diagonally…”

Looking at the neat square on the ground, Xia Houchen’s mind flashed a few words in his mind.

In the depths of my mind, there are constant fragments of childhood flashing, Xiahou morning can not help but follow the memory in my mind.

“Master brother?”

Looking at the unusual behavior of Xiahouchen, Wenser immediately wanted to hold him, but was stopped by Xuanyuan ink.

“Hey?” Warmly looked at Xuanyuan ink inexplicably.

“He is breaking.”

Everyone heard the words and looked at Xia Houchen’s feet. I saw that although he was walking unconsciously, he was very regular. Every step, every meal was like playing chess, and he had his own rules.

When everyone saw it, they looked at each other and immediately followed the pace of Xiahouchen.

“Morning, what are you going to do now?”


“We are awesome in the morning, and then teach you your mouth again.” “Go three. Retreat one, take the center, enter the five retreats, take the opposite corner, retreat one into two, straight three steps, retreat two into three , oblique five steps…”

According to the slogan in memory, Xia Houchen led everyone through a long ramp and entered a stone room. To be precise, it was a tomb.

The tomb is large, a total of ten pairs of stone plaques, each pair is one green and one white two stone sarcophagi, the front four pairs of sarcophagus have been blocked, the latter six pairs are empty.

“Hey, where is this?”

“This is the spiritual tomb guarded by our Luo family. It is the place where all the high priests and the gods of the vastness sleep. You will live here after you and you.”

“Hey, don’t want to live here in the morning.”

“Stupid child, I mean, I didn’t say I live here now.”

Xia Houchen squatted to the fifth open air and looked at the two names that were carved early on the stone sarcophagus.

Looking at Xiahouchen’s sad and desolate look, the warmth of the heart slammed, and he couldn’t help but hold his hand.

“Master, are you okay?”

Xia Houchen returned to God and looked at the eyes of Wen’s concern. His heart was warm and he shook his head gently. “Nothing.”

“Morning kid has been here before.”

Jun innocently stunned the stone sarcophagus around him, swallowing swallowing water.

It was really guessed by him. It is really a tomb.

Xiahouchen lightly flashed, “I have been here since I was a child.”

The innocent light shines brightly. “Is there a way out here?”

There should be a way out here. If you have to sneak into the blood pool every time you come in, you should not be in trouble.

Xia Houchen nodded, “Come with me.”

Everyone was happy, and immediately followed Xia Houchen.

“and many more.”

Blood inflammation suddenly floated out of the ice.


Warm and frowning, looking at the blood inflammation inexplicably.

I saw **** eyes floating in the tenth pair of air, when the people did not react, suddenly shot one of the open air.

An underground ladder appeared in front of everyone, and everyone was shocked.

Xiahouchen also frowned slightly, there is actually an underground passage.

Feeling more and more intense, **** inflammation drifted down the basement.

When everyone saw it, they immediately followed.

It was dark in the dark, and it was all over the walls, but there was a gust of wind blowing.

It seems that there is something in the call, blood inflammation is floating forward uncontrollably.

As the **** inflammation approaches, what is stunned in the center of the chamber.

Everyone looked at it and it was a stone sarcophagus.

The sarcophagus kept twitching, and it seemed to be exciting.

When the blood swelled to the stone scorpion, he heard a “bang” and the cover slammed up, and an identical soul floated out.

“Great, it is Master’s third soul.”

Looking at the obviously transparent soul, Wenther jumped up happily.

Master finally found his third soul, and the three souls gathered, and the master could be born again.

“The integration of the three souls takes time. If it fails, it will be destroyed. So, please help me protect the law.”

Two blood stagnations floated in the air and opened at the same time.

Xuanyuan ink nodded, “You can integrate peace of mind.”

The two blood cells sit together in an overlapping way and begin to fuse the soul.

The constant power of the gods on the white is radiated from the body of blood, gradually wrapping him into a circular protective cover.

The magical Yin of the temple is holding a wine glass, and it is a scene of blood and smoke.

Suddenly, the demon Yin light glimpsed, and there was a horror in the depths of his eyes.

Damn, he didn’t die, he found the third soul.

No, you must not let him be born again.

The magic Yin sleeves waved and disappeared into the temple.

At the Ling Cemetery Palace, Wenser is checking the injuries for everyone.

In the battle with Magic Yin, almost everyone was injured. The most serious injury was Xiahouchen.

Warmer sent a healing remedy to everyone, and when it arrived in Xiahouchen, it was a lot.

Xia Houchen looked at a pile of wound medicine in front of him.

Warm and pretty, his face was reddish and shy. “I won’t be able to practice medicine, but it is always good to eat more medicine.”

Xia Houchen chuckled, gave up his intention to self-medication, and obediently ate all the medicinal herbs sent by Wenther.

Xiahouchen finished the medicinal herbs, and Wensel sent a few more to Ningzichen.

“You will eat two more in the morning.”

Seeing the warmth did not forget myself, Ning Zichen flashed a touch of joy in the morning, took a bite of the drug.

“How? Is there a better one?”

Warm and stunned, with a big look, looking forward to Ning Zichen.

“Yes.” Ning Zichen’s lips are light, very suitable for the head.

Wenser heard the words and immediately laughed.

Xia Houchen looked at the interaction between the two, and the bottom of his heart gave birth to a trace of sourness.

With a strong smoldering wind blowing, everyone instantly changed their face and quickly got up, protecting the blood.

“The fire of chaos can’t burn you, you are really big.”

The sound of 缥缈 鸷 ,, with the **** mist floating.

When I saw the magic Yin, everyone tightened up instantly.

Looking at the mad voice of Magic Yin, Jun grinned with sorrow and disdain. “Hey, you old monster is not dead, how can we die?”

The **** redness of the smothering turned to the innocent.

“court death.”

The black mist group attacked the monarch without a whirlwind.

If you don’t have a glimpse of the light, you will immediately welcome the sword.

Several other people saw it and rushed together.

Looking at the magic in the air, Xiahou Chen flashed a touch of blood.

“Warmer, you and Ruyi stay here to protect the blood-stained master.”


The two men focused on the head.

Xia Houchen waved his hand and a blue giant sword was born.

Uncle Luo’s unicorn sword?

Sang Ruoyi flashed lightly. Before he refused to use the Qilin sword, he did not want to recognize the identity of the high priest. Now it is time to assume this responsibility.

After grabbing the Qilin sword, Xia Houchen immediately flew over and rushed over.

A sharp blue sword, continually greeted the key points of Magic Yin.

Demon Yin sneaked on the unicorn sword, while on the other hand, he had to deal with the attacks of Xuanyuan Mo and others. He saw the fusion of blood inflammation in the protective cover gradually getting better, and the magic Yin was too anxious.

The cold suffocating sighs, and the magic anger rushes out to take out a pottery.

Just when everyone is unclear, the mellow but murderous tunes linger in the entire tomb.

For a moment, the **** face became pale.

“No, he is blowing a soul sorrow.”

Seeing the reaction of blood inflammation, everyone was shocked and immediately rushed forward to stop the magic Yin playing.

However, the magic Yin is like a heart, no matter how sharp the attack of Xuanyuan Mo and others, the soul sorcerer does not stop.

Soul Eater, as the name suggests, can devour the soul. In fact, the magic soul playing this soul sorcerer not only has a great influence on blood inflammation, but also affects himself, because he is not really born again, so it is also affected by this. However, his influence is relatively small compared to blood inflammation.

Seeing the **** soul is more and more transparent, everyone is anxious.

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