The Phoenix Arises

Chapter 82 - I will be responsible for you.

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Looking at the increasingly strange environment around, listening to the wolf howling from time to time, Chu Lianer feared to shrink his neck.

Worse, I seem to be in the wrong direction. When I came, I was holding her like the night, so she only looked at the tension and did not pay attention to the road and direction. Adding to the sky is too dark, the tree is too dense, so that she can not distinguish the direction, the more gone.

“Month as night…” Chu Lianer tried to scream, immediately stunned a group of unknown birds, scared Chu Lian children desperately rushing forward.

“Chu Lianer…” The sound of the moon as the night is anxious and self-blaming. He pays attention to the ground, and there are no things left by Chu Lianer on the bushes, and shouting the name of Chu Lianer.

Looking around the moon for a night, I shouted out the name of Chu Lianer again. After waiting for a few seconds, I still couldn’t hear the answer. I stumbled at the big tree beside me in disappointment. why? Why not answer him? He clearly saw her going to this side, why can’t I find it? He really wants to hear her voice now.

“Ah…” A scream screamed through the night sky, and Chu Lianer stepped on the air and fell into a deep pit.

Yes, it is the voice of Chu Lianer. The moon rises like a night, and flies away like a lightning bolt toward the source of the sound.

Don’t have anything, wait for me, be sure to wait for me.

“砰”, Chu Lianer fell heavily to the bottom of the hole, and his eyes were dark and nothing could be seen clearly.

Chu Lianer only felt dizzy at this time, and the bones of the whole body were falling apart. She insisted on sitting up, and suddenly she felt that something cold and cold had climbed onto her, and then she had a pain in her chest, as if she had been bitten by something. Chulian’s heart panicked and thought about it. Touch out the stick.

“Thunder shock?” A huge thunderbolt descended from the sky, and the poisonous snake that bite her was blown into coke.

The flash of light in front of the eyes makes the moon speed up at night.


It seems that someone is calling her, Chulian children open their eyes in confusion.

“I…in…” Chu Lianer tried it and found that the voice she said was too small, and people outside would not hear it.

Chu Lianer reached out and groped for a while, finally touched a small stone, and made a whole effort to throw it up.

Although the noise here is not big, but always pay attention to all the wind and the moon like the night or heard, he quickly came to the hole where Chu Lianer fell, “Chu Lianer, is that you?”

“Yes…I…” Chulian gave a hard answer to the moon as night. Chu Lianer’s heart is happy. He came to save her. Even if she died, she has no regrets.

The moon heard the unusual sound of Chu Lianer as the night, and the joy of finding Chu Lianer was replaced by uneasiness. He flew directly into the cave.

The cave was not big. The moon and the night, by the faint light, found the Chulian children who were leaning against the cave wall. They went up two steps and gently lifted Chu Lianer to let her lean on her shoulder. “Chu Lianer , you, how are you?”

Chu Lianer leaned on the shoulders of the moon and the night, happily wanted to cry, and raised her hand to gently touch the handsome face of the moon like night, “Call…I…Lianer… Ok?”

Feeling that Chulian’s is not right, the uneasiness in the heart of the night becomes fear, “Lianer, what the **** are you?”

Chu Lianer’s lips pulled a smile, “I, no, things.”

Listening to the normal tone of Chu Lian’s strong outfit, the moon is as fearful as the night, and he feels that this young life in his arms is disappearing.

The moon trembles as the night plucks the night pearl from the storage ring, and the dark cave instantly brightens.

Through the light of the night pearl, the moon finally saw the black lips of Chu Lianer, and then looked around the entire cave and saw the poisonous snake that turned into coke.

As the night reaches for the night, she grabs the wrist of Chu Lianer and investigates the meridians for her. It is found that the poison has entered the internal organs, but it has not yet reached the heart. The heart of the moon is put down a little, but fortunately everything is still too late.

“Where are you hurting?” Asked as the night, and swept it with his eyes, but did not find the wounds of Chulian children.

Chulian children heard the words, the little face rose red, and said that for a long time did not say where the injury is!

“You are saying it!” “The moon is eager to jump on the side of the night.” Although the poison has not yet entered the heart, but also have to deal with the wounds quickly!

“In…the chest….” Chu Lianer finished, moved his eyes to other places, and did not dare to look at the moon as night. Not only the face, but the neck and ears are red.

Looking at the place pointed by Chu Lianer as the night, the handsome face turned pink. How can it hurt in the chest, no wonder she refused to say it. Now how to do?


When Xuanyuan ink came out of the rest area, he threw down the black man and flew alone to the place where Xuanyuan was.

Duanmu, who followed the Xuanyuan ink out of the rest area, also saw the black man. Just glanced at it and chased Xuanyuanmo.

I felt someone behind me, Xuanyuan ink brows slightly wrinkled, speeding up the movement under my feet.

Xuanyuan ink is too fast, only a moment of effort, Duanmu is lost.

Looking around for a moment, I suddenly saw a white shadow flashing over the south side, and Duanmu chased it up without thinking.

Merlo, who followed the end of Duanmu, looked at the end of the wood that disappeared in the jungle, and there was an ominous premonition in his heart.

“Come out.” Merlot did not go to chase the raft, but snorted in the dark jungle.

“It’s not the predecessor of the wild sanctuary, it’s a good thing.” “A charming female voice rang in the air.

The voice just fell, a woman dressed in black and wearing a black gauze appeared in front of Merle. As she appeared together, there were more than a dozen black people.

Former saint? Then is this the new saint in front of her?

The leading woman in black came to pick up a black token from her arms and lifted it up high. “The Lord has orders to capture the former Virgin.”

The dozens of black men heard the orders all moving.

Merlot looked coldly at the black man who surrounded her, and she couldn’t see any expression on her face, but there was a relief in her eyes. After all, the coming is still coming, but today she can’t go with them.

“Yes elders.”

Mu Jianfeng, Huang Yuyu, Feng Xifan, snow falling dust, flowers and leaves all arrived.

“手手.” The woman in black made a command, everyone moved, Mu Jianfeng and others saw that Merlot was besieged, all of them came forward to help.


Deep in the jungle, a young man in a yellow shirt seems to be waiting for something.

“You are coming!” Xuanyuan looked at Xuanyuan ink that suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. The corner of his mouth was hooked up. He knew he would come.

Xuanyuan ink stared coldly at Xuanyuan, and the amber scorpion flashed cold.

Xuanyuan felt the murderousness of Xuanyuan Mo, and felt in his heart, but thought of the woman’s promise of his benefits, he also forced to calm down: “I don’t think you want to let the woman know that you are an orc.”

Speaking of the orcs, Xuanyuan ink amber dice turned red again. The strong murderousness of the body is even more chilling.

Xuanyuan Mo’s bloodthirsty eyes reminded Xuanyuan of the terrible night more than ten years ago. Thinking of the blood flowing into the river, Xuanyuan’s body could not help but shudder.

“Three…Three brothers, you…you are calm. I won’t say it, I will not say it.”

Xuanyuan’s soothing sound made Xuanyuan’s murderous a little convergence.

Looking at Xuanyuan Mo that reddish scorpion slowly changed back to amber, Xuanyuan rubbed the cold sweat from the forehead. God, scared him, but it is back.

“Three brothers, I want you to help me find the wind spirit, as long as you help me find the wind fruit, I will never tell your secrets, especially the woman.”

Wind fruit? Xuanyuan ink’s eyebrows picked and picked, did not say anything, did not ask anything, just waited coldly for Xuanyuan’s below.

“The purpose of my coming to the Spiritual Beast Forest is this wind spirit. I heard that Fenglingguo is in a place called Fenggu, guarded by the cranes and beasts.” “If it is not for this wind spirit, he This will come to such a dangerous place.

“I will find the wind spirit fruit.” Xuanyuan ink said that it jumped and disappeared. Wind spirit fruit, he will find it for his nephew.


After thinking for a moment, the moon stretched out to solve the lotus shirt of Chu Lianer.

“No, I want.” Chu Lilian grabbed the hand of the moon as night and prevented him from continuing to move.

“I will be responsible for you.” The moon looks at Chulian’s eyes seriously and solemnly promises. Maybe he hasn’t fallen in love with her yet, maybe he has fallen in love with her now, and although he has a feeling for her, he hasn’t made it clear. But marry her, he is not disgusted, and even has a little expectation.

Chu Lian’s lips pulled out a bitter smile, she didn’t mean it at all. She likes him. If he wants, she can give her her body, not to mention that he is only trying to save her. just……

“No, use,, poison, already, into, five, dirty, I…” Don’t want to hurt you. Just a few words, Chu Lianer was already tired and panting. I have a snake venom. If I don’t move, I still use my spiritual power. The snake venom accelerates and spreads. I suddenly enter her internal organs. Even if she **** out the poison, she can’t save her.

Looking at the weak look of Chu Lian’er, the heart of the moon likes to sigh, “Don’t talk, take a break, you will be fine.”

After finishing the night as the night, gently remove the hand of Chu Lianer and slowly untie her robe. The woman’s blouse is more complicated than the man’s long blouse. There is no experience in the moon and night. In this embarrassing situation, slowly, the moon and the night’s breathing become rushed, and even the cold sweat on the forehead. The hand began to tremble slightly because of the tension.

Chu Lianer slightly tilted her head and did not dare to face the moon as night. Listening to the more and more rapid breathing of the moon, her heart began to accelerate.

Finally, the last big red apron was revealed. The moon looked at the white skin of Chulian, the beautiful collarbone, and the ceramic-like jade neck, taking a breath. The visual impact of red and white makes the moon swallow unconsciously.

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