The Pinnacle of Martial Arts Cultivation

Chapter 3010

Chapter 3014 War of the last days (3)

The collapse of the world in the palm has reached the final stage.

At this moment, the sky is completely gone, and instead, there is a black hole that does not overlook the entire world.

Seeing, the ground under the feet is also implicated.

At this moment, I am afraid that no one can imagine that there are still two desperate people who choose to fight in this situation.

Is this not afraid of death?

Obviously, no one is not afraid of death, and of course Chen Fan and Wu Yue are both afraid.

But at this time, escaping means that there is no doubt that you will die. If you continue to fight, there may be a glimmer of hope of survival!

and so……

Fight over there!

At the moment when he was about to be rushed by the dragon roar, Chen Fan kept stepping on the flying sword hovering beside him, and with this help, he approached Wu Yue again.

Chen Fan has already gathered the power of his whole body in one punch.

I saw that his fist was filled with endless dazzling light.

That is almost substantial spiritual power, constantly exuding its own power.

This fist was really amazing, and the space around the fist continued to scream overwhelmed.

There are seven forty-nine flying swords guarding Chen Fan, forming a sword formation to deal with any sudden outbreak.

In midair, Wu Yue was still trying his best to control the dragon.

Now, the dragon transformed by this formation finally fully revealed its figure.

It seems that the length is probably more than tens of thousands of feet, stretching for thousands of miles, and can’t see the end at a glance.

The dragon was in the air like this, the dragon head rushed towards Chen Fan.

The power of this moment, I am afraid that anyone will be shocked to see it.

But Chen Fan didn’t pay attention to this, and still went forward bravely, still unfolding his full strength to fight this giant dragon!

“Naughty animal, die!!!”

With such a word from deep in his throat, Chen Fan had appeared near the dragon’s head in the next moment.

Blasted away with a punch, a huge roar resounded throughout the world!



I saw the huge dragon of tens of thousands of feet, just the head of the dragon, there was a huge dragon like a huge mansion, and it was staggered by Chen Fan with a punch.

The Yujian Jue was deployed immediately, trying to penetrate the dragon’s head.

But at this time, Wu Yue was very handy at manipulating.

The dragon began to swing its head constantly, avoiding the attack of the flying sword.

The other side burst out dragon breath roars at Chen Fan from time to time, and huge dragon claws continued to bombard them.

In this case, the advantage of being large is revealed.

Each attack covers a huge area.

Although Chen Fan is small, it is also very good for avoiding, in fact, sometimes, when he is avoiding, another claw of the dragon has already come.

In an instant, Chen Fan was forced into a blind spot, his two dragon claws merged into one, and he was crushed by the sight!

“Chen Fan is over, I am the one who won!”

Wu Yue’s voice suddenly came, and the giant dragon secretly closed its two huge dragon claws!


A burst of vigor spread towards the surroundings, and everything in front of you, houses, land, streets, and woods, instantly turned into dust and dissipated.

It seems that no one would ever want to survive in such a situation.

Not much, one person can!

It’s Chen Fan!

I saw that at this moment, Chen Fan supported the closure of the dragon’s two claws.

Although it seemed that he was very uncomfortable as a whole, at least he was not killed by a spike.

Seeing this scene, Wu Yue was immediately shocked on the spot. He didn’t expect that Chen Fan was still alive.

Apart from anything else, the full force of the operation is acting on the dragon. At this moment, a wrestling journey between Chen Fan and the huge dragon of tens of thousands of feet has officially kicked off.

In contrast, Wu Yue has the blessing of the Prisoner Immortal Formation, so he naturally does not need to worry about the consumption of spiritual power.

But looking back at Chen Fan, such a high-intensity battle would take Wu Yue for a long time.

It’s just that Wu Yue has a hole card, isn’t Chen Fan not?

At this moment, when the two of them were in a stalemate at the same time, Chen Fan still had the ultimate move of Yujian Jue!

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