The Pinnacle of Martial Arts Cultivation

Chapter 45

Chapter 45 Xuan Jing (Part 1)

After more than ten days of rushing, Chen Fan finally appeared in front of Chen Fan’s eyes-Xuan Jing!

Looking around, even the well-informed Chen Fan couldn’t help but feel shocked. For an era without any technology, the construction of Xuan Jing is simply a miracle.

The city wall alone is two to three meters thick and nearly a hundred meters high. When you look at it, you can feel the endless pressure on your face.

The most shocking thing was the area occupied by Xuan Jing. Chen Fan only took a cursory glance and determined that Xuan Jing was probably larger than the sum of several large cities in China.

Even in Chen Fan’s eyes, Xuan Jing in front of him was no longer a city, it was clearly the size of a country.

Facing the bustling crowd around, Chen Fan lined up to enter the city.

Xuanjing is divided into four gates in the southeast, northwest and north, as well as four areas.

Now Chen Fan walked through the gate of Dongcheng, and Dongcheng was the imperial palace of the Daxuan Kingdom and the rich ministerial quarters. It was extremely prosperous and crowded.

The West City is mainly commercial and civilian areas. Although there is no prosperous East City, it is an area with the most people.

As for Nancheng, this is the most important purpose of Chen Fan’s trip, where Tianwu Academy is located.

The entire Nancheng area is the chassis of Tianwu Academy. It can occupy such a large position in Xuanjing, even bigger than the imperial palace, which is enough to see the status of Tianwu Academy in the Great Profound Kingdom.

The last northern city is somewhat inconspicuous in comparison. The northern city is the most barren and chaotic place in Xuanjing.

After paying a substandard spirit stone as the entrance fee, Chen Fan successfully entered Xuanjing.

As soon as I walked into the city gate, I felt the endless prosperity rushing toward my face. The wide streets were paved with fine bluestone slabs, and the pedestrians were woven, shoulder to shoulder, and often there were young warriors wearing gorgeous clothes. Horse, ride a horse in such a bustling street.

Walking along the street, Chen Fan was about to go directly to Nancheng. After Mu Wanrong’s introduction, there was a life and death road at the back door of Tianwu Academy, and his destination was there.

Although it is very dangerous and even suspected of falling, as long as he successfully passes the road of life and death, Chen Fan can use this to enter the Tianwu Academy!

“Li Haoran, right? We will meet in Tianwu eventually. At that time, I will personally take back what you stole from me, and then… abandon it like a shoe!”

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, Chen Fan thought to himself in his heart.

“Let’s give way, let’s give way, I’m not responsible for bumping into you.”

Just when Chen Fan was about to leave, a clear voice appeared in his ear not far away, looking intently, it turned out to be a small, skinny beggar.

I saw that the little beggar seemed to be avoiding someone, moving forward quickly, even pushing away a lot of pedestrians on the road, and rushing straight to Chen Fan.

With his big hand stretched out, facing the little beggar rushing towards him, Chen Fan directly pressed his dirty little head.

The little beggar seemed to have not reacted yet, still doing the action of running away, shaking his limbs, but just couldn’t move forward.

“Oh, you are sick, why are you blocking this…person’s path.”

The little beggar suddenly pondered for a moment, then glared at his **** and white eyes and gave Chen Fan a blank look.

How could these actions be concealed from Chen Fan, who was two lives, he immediately realized that the other party was a woman disguised as a man.

This kind of person seemed to be the rich lady who came out to experience life. Chen Fan had important matters, but he didn’t want to delay here, so he wanted to let the little beggar leave.

But at this moment, there were people in the distance, and someone caught up.

The little beggar also thought about the situation behind him, took a look at Chen Fan, bit his lip, and got directly into his arms. Even his slender arm hugged Chen Fan’s big hand and pressed it directly against his neck.

“You, don’t come here, he will kill me again…”

Chen Fanmeng, who is going to kill whom?

The four men who were chasing the little beggar were uniformly dressed in cyan costumes, and all of them were warriors. Chen Fan could only sense the cultivation level of one person, which was comparable to his own.

The other people couldn’t detect it at all!

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