The Pinnacle of Martial Arts Cultivation

Chapter 90

Chapter 90 First level task

In the next few days, Chen Fan stayed in the network and practiced with peace of mind.

With the frenzied consumption of spirit stones and the ten-fold increase in cultivation speed of the Yinghu Mingxing, Chen Fan felt that his cultivation had touched the critical point of the Sixth Heaven of Martial Artist, and he could break through at any time.

This is undoubtedly good news, but at the same time there is another good news.

News came from Boss Liu, who had contacted the core disciple to perform the task.

Even Boss Liu came to the network personally and explained the details of the mission to Chen Fan in his cabin.

This is a first-level task. At the beginning, it was initiated by two core students, and wanted to find several senior students to join together.

The goal of the mission is to hunt down an academy traitor. This person’s cultivation is in the second heaven realm of a martial artist. He was originally a deacon of the academy. For unknown reasons, this deacon chose to betray from the sect and was shot by the elder. Severely injured.

At the last moment, the deacon gave up his life, and the academy also issued a killing order and issued a first-level task to hunt down this warrior traitor.

Although the opponent has been seriously injured, he is still in the realm of a martial artist, and he is still a martial artist in the second heaven, possessing 20,000 catties of power!

You know, in the realm of martial artist, every time you advance to a heavy sky, you can increase one thousand catties of great strength, but when you reach a martial artist, it directly increases tenfold, and every heavy day increases by 10,000 catties, and the martial arts is even worse. !

It is also because the task is quite difficult, so the reward points are also very scary, as high as 150,000!

But these points, it is definitely impossible to monopolize them, and no core student can do this, so they thought of teaming up.

With two cores taking the lead, plus three senior students, the five-person team is not to say that the winning ticket is in hand, at least the winning rate is much higher.

As for the distribution of points, the two core members each had 50,000, and the remaining three senior students shared the remaining 50,000.

In general, there is no big problem with the distribution of points.

After all, for the advanced students, they can only play the role of a sweeping formation for this pursuit, and the main force that really rushes to the front is the core.

After knowing the news, Boss Liu came to look for Chen Fan non-stop, and he himself had the intention to join.

After all, being able to complete the mission together with the nuclear industry is unacceptable. Although it is a bit more dangerous, it is a risk for wealth and wealth. This risk is worth taking!

After explaining the details of all the tasks, Boss Liu stopped talking, looked at Chen Fan and said, “Brother Chen, what do you think? Can you take this task?”

Chen Fan didn’t have too many doubts about this, and he nodded and accepted it.

Seeing this overjoyed, Boss Liu immediately informed Chen Fan that he would leave early in the morning and gather at the gate of the college early in the morning.

After the notice was over, Mr. Liu had defecate and left, and Chen Fan went to Mu Yunhai to explain that he was going out to perform a first-level task.

In this regard, Mu Yunhai did not worry too much. He knew his disciples and knew that Chen Fan was not an ordinary person, but he also told him to be careful in everything. It is best to let the two cores rush in front and sit back. The profit of the fisherman.

Chen Fan didn’t expect that he was a black-bellied man who seemed to be a master who didn’t show up and did not leak water. He also coincided with him with a black belly. He was really not a family and would not enter a family.

After nodding his head again and again, indicating that he knew it well, Chen Fan left.

That night, he almost stayed up all night, adjusted his state to the peak, and welcomed the beginning of the first-level mission!

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