The Pirate Princess Becomes King

Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Listen To Everything

Fan Oka stood alone in the middle of the road. The path was very narrow, with mud on both sides. Weiwei and mr.9 were unavoidable, and the two sides became deadlocked for a while.

Weiwei put her right hand on the scabbard and shifted her focus downward. This was a swordsmanship skill she picked up from a pirate from the West Sea. The other party had probably learned the sword-drawing technique for a few days, but her level was average.

She put on an attacking posture and stared at Fan Oka’s hand. Once the opponent made a move, she slashed it with one knife!

She was very quiet, and so was Fan Oka, only mr.9 waving the iron rod in his hand, doing backflips and frontflips on the spot by himself, and making a sound of “huhuhahe”, which was not very good Coordination, so that the style of the confrontation scene has a clear sense of tearing.

“It’s really weird…” Van Oka said lazily.

Weiwei maintained her posture of preparing to draw the knife, and asked casually, “What’s strange?”

“…I can’t tell, my old buddy… doesn’t seem to want to kill you very much.”

Weiwei said calmly: “The distance between you and me is too close, your sniping ability is too late to use, I can cut off your arm, it reminds you because it likes you.”

Fan Oka scratched his head clearly: “Oh? Is it? This is fate, it’s so interesting.”

He didn’t set foot on the path to duel Duddy, but calmly put away his long gun, flicked his velvet cloak, turned away, and walked farther and farther.

“Hello? Aren’t you going to fight Duddy?” Weiwei asked from a distance.

“Hmph, I just glanced at it from a distance. That guy has no will to fight at all. He is not a gunman at all. He is not fit to use a gun.”

Fan Oka went further and further, and Wei Wei secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It was better not to fight or not to fight. It was really unpleasant to jump on the edge of life and death! She hates these snipers, they are too dangerous for swordsmen!

“Come after him! Once we distance him, we’ll be finished!” mr.9 wanted to chase, but Weiwei didn’t stop him, and watched as mr.9 used his unique stunt to do a **** backflip. , like a big monkey, through continuous somersaults, it quickly chased in the direction of Fan Oka.

“It’s really a clear decision to let this guy be in charge of the atmosphere team, it’s so funny…” Weiwei put on an expression of onlookers, as if she had done more than 80 backflips with this guy in one breath. People don’t know the same thing at all.

Fan Oka is tall and has long legs. Although he didn’t run specifically, his height is an advantage. In less than half a minute, he disappeared from Weiwei’s sight, and mr.9 hurriedly chased after him.

Weiwei waited for a few minutes, and seeing that her partner had no intention of coming back, she could only go over to help.

Although she felt that Fan Aoka dissipated his murderous aura at the last moment and the hostility completely disappeared, but human nature is complicated, maybe there will be repetitions, mr.9 is indeed funny, but no matter how funny, it is also her partner, can’t Killed with a single shot!

She chased after her quickly, and after chasing after her, she found a serious and very important problem… She seemed to be lost!

Weiwei put her hands on her hips, looked at the three-story building on the left, and looked at the fountain and flower bed on the right, vaguely feeling that she had been on this path before.

Rogge Town is much bigger than her Whiskey Mountain. As the entrance to the great shipping route of the East China Sea, it is like a small city. It is really crowded with people, and there are many illegally built houses and shops. The clothes of passers-by and the style of the buildings were similar. There were no road signs and no landmark buildings. After running for half an hour, Weiwei felt like she was going around in circles.

The prompts she got by “listening to everything” were sometimes correct, sometimes wrong, and sometimes correct, but she thought that the other party was playing tricks on her and ran in the opposite direction on purpose. Sometimes the prompts were wrong, but she believed After the other party’s words, she ran to the end, and she was too confused, not to mention mr.9 and Van Oka, and even the Baroque Studio could not find the foothold in Rogge Town.


“Keep running…”

“You are so beautiful, Miss.”

“Hungry, really hungry…”

Miscellaneous voices poured into her mind, she roughly recognized it, and said that she had been running a lot. This time, she did not “do the opposite”.

“Huh?” Running, her eyes suddenly brightened, she finally rushed out of the dilapidated maze-like residential area, and in front of her was a wide square, and in the middle of the square stood a wooden tower more than ten meters high. tower.

This place is so famous, the executioner! 20 years ago, One Piece Gol. D. Roger died here.

“Want my treasure? I can give you all of it if you want, go find it! I’ll put all my treasure there.”

“Want my treasure? I can give you all of it if you want, go find it! I’ll put all my treasure there.”

“Want my treasure? If you want, I can give you all of it, go find it! I put all the treasure there. UU reading”

The thick man’s voice reverberated in her mind like a loop.

At first, Weiwei wanted to make a sarcastic sentence, “Wang Luojie, you are so middle school, do your family know?” You are so middle school, will Aunt Wang and Kaiduo agree?

But as the thick man’s voice became louder and louder, her joking thoughts quickly disappeared, and at the end of the sound, she was almost unable to think, as if there was a saw that was trying to cut her off in a very rude way. The skull was sawed open.



“Fuck! I order you to stop!—”

Weiwei covered her ears subconsciously, but the voice kept coming into her mind.

The planks, nails, and screws on the execution platform, the stones and trees in the square, and the surrounding objects are all playing the “famous saying” of Gol. D. Roger in a loud voice, and one by one. clear.

Weiwei frowned, her left hand clenched the handle of the knife, trying to use the cold metal touch to restore some of her thinking ability.

At this time, there were not many people in the square, but in a trance, she seemed to see a lot of people on the square.

Old people, children, men, women, loyal soldiers, kings who love their people like children, ambitious adventurers, and careerists trying to turn the world upside down, Weiwei feels that her perception ability is passively affected by some special way. There was a resonance with Rogue Town twenty years ago.

She ‘sees” what happened that day, and Gol.D. Roger, the pirate king sitting on the execution platform, also ‘sees” her over twenty years.

She knew she was an outsider and she wasn’t there, but the picture in front of her was getting clearer and clearer, as if she was there.

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