The Pirate Princess Becomes King

Chapter 172

Chapter 171: Akainu

Weiwei invited Zhan Taomaru just to know Kizaru’s opinion on Zefa going to Alabasta.

Zhan Taowan was huge, and when she sat there, her sturdy body looked like a sumo wrestler. Weiwei endured it for a long time before she resisted the urge to cut her wrists and let blood after giving the opponent anesthesia.

After toasting again and again, she asked seemingly casually, “I wonder what Admiral Kizaru thinks about Teacher Zefa’s withdrawal from the navy and into the military system of the allied countries?”

Zhan Taowan was very serious, and he kept his face straight when he was drinking: “I’m the tightest man in the world, I won’t tell you, in fact, the old man just has some personal views on General Zefa, as long as General Zefa If you don’t officially announce your departure from the navy, the old man will not interfere too much in this matter.”

Weiwei is very happy, it’s done, this is another solution: “Okay, come and drink, and respect the tightest man in the world!”

After figuring out Kizaru’s true thoughts, only Akainu was left.

Akainu refuses to entertain and wants to talk to him? Yes, come to the office for an interview.

Akainu has a relationship with Vivito, looking for acquaintances, and the way of doing things in private communication is completely ineffective. This guy has a lot of subordinates, but he has few cronies, no one knows what he thinks, and no one Dare to ask…

It’s not enough to try to detour or to test, you must face the gong, face the drum, and have a direct interview.

Weiwei scratched her head a little. For the level of the three generals, her lv5 knowledge is not enough. Any one here is better than her, and she can’t see what other people’s emotions are. Bottomless.

Before approaching Akainu’s office, she was a little uneasy. If this was not done, her previous work would be in vain.

This meeting of Akainu represents the wishes of the World Government to a certain extent. The meaning is obvious. There is only one chance. If you can’t convince me, then you can go back.

Akainu attaches great importance to this meeting, and it can even be said that he attaches too much importance to it.

Different from Qingzhi’s laziness and Kizaru’s ambiguity, he specially set aside an hour to see Weiwei and their father and daughter.

In terms of attitude, it’s beyond reproach, but Vivi would prefer him to be casual.

Akainu is wearing a dark red suit with a large tattoo on the skin of the neckline, a navy admiral’s coat behind him, and a navy cap on his head.

To be honest, Weiwei has been in contact with many people in the navy, but except for the Warring States Marshal, she has never seen other high-level navy leaders wearing such a very old-fashioned hat.

Smog, Dasqi, Zefa, Ain, Binz, Garp, Aokiji, Kizaru, and Zhan Taomaru at the Admiralty Headquarters, one counts as one, and none of these people wear a hat. It’s not bad to be able to wear a justice coat. Smog doesn’t even wear a coat. He walks brightly on the road. If he doesn’t know him, he can’t tell that he is a navy.

Akainu is different. Apart from Marshal of the Warring States Period, he is the only person in the high-level who wears a navy hat and wears it properly.

On the wall behind his desk hangs a banner that reads “Total Justice” in large, vigorous characters.

Wei Wei sat down with her dear father, King Kobra’s body was still a little weak. Facing Akainu, even if Akainu didn’t do any threatening or intimidating behavior, that momentum alone was not something that an ordinary person could do. bearable. Valley

Weiwei could feel that the cheap father had been breathing deeply, not wanting to show weakness in the next conversation, she patted the cheap father’s back to show comfort, then got up and prepared to go out, leaving room for them to talk , but Akainu stopped her.

“You are the only heir of Alabasta. Stay, I have something to talk to you about.”

Weiwei was stunned for a moment, does this still involve herself? But let’s talk about it, she is now confident enough, and she is no longer as nervous as at the beginning of time-travel. Akainu really can’t beat her, but she wants to run, and rock berries can’t stop her.

An invisible and intangible perception enveloped her, and she blocked the other party’s exploration back with a sense of domineering arrogance.

The two sides stick together and leave, no one is attacking.

She didn’t pretend to be a trembling weak girl, and it was useless to pretend.

At this level, it is really impossible to hide.

The devil fruit ability has not been exposed yet, but she has been in the Navy G2 base for so long, and many naval officers have seen her. Akainu wants to check, and he will definitely be able to find some clues, plus Small who knows some details about her. Ge…even if Smog is Aokiji’s subordinate, and Aoki and Akainu don’t deal with it, but if Akainu asks, Smog won’t let Akainu go out loud no matter how tough he is. ?

King Cobra did not know that they had a secret confrontation once, and seeing that his breathing became smoother, he smiled, and then talked about a series of plans prepared by Alabasta to contain the pirates.

Akainu turned his attention away from Weiwei and listened very seriously.

King Cobra spoke incessantly for half an hour.

Akainu’s answer surprised Vivi and King Kobra.

“I support any plan that can combat, as long as he does not deviate from justice and the navy, Mr. Zefa is free to go wherever he wants, and I personally have no opinion.”

Apart from the sentence “Let the princess stay”, which was the second sentence he said, Akainu’s voice was a little dull. As he spoke, it seemed that the temperature in the room had risen by several degrees, but with such a direct statement, I still let Weiwei I am very happy with King Kobra, look at people, how happy! It’s much more refreshing than the old yin **** of Kizaru.

Akainu changed the conversation and asked something that seemed unrelated: “I heard that the Neferrutari family once participated in the establishment of the world government, but after the establishment of the world government, you gave up your identity as Tianlong people?”

King Cobra did not understand the specific meaning of this sentence, and did not know what it had to do with the current affairs.

Weiwei frowned, and she asked back, “What does the general mean…?”

Akainu’s tone was ordinary: “In the face of a just cause, anyone can sacrifice, I just want to know if you have the consciousness to sacrifice, in my opinion, Tianlong people have always lacked the spirit of sacrifice and have not enough courage to face this world.”

“I don’t know what your navy’s specific definition of justice is, but in order to protect my country and citizens, I can make any sacrifices. If the generals mean pirates or those assassins, let them come to me, I’m not afraid of sacrifice. But I’m also a father, and I also want to protect my daughter. I can sacrifice, but my daughter can’t.” King Cobra said firmly.

Your weak daughter can hit 10,000 assassins in one breath… Akainu is too lazy to expose someone’s little secret, so he nodded in approval, this meeting is over, but he signaled Kou King Bra left first, he still wanted to say a few words to Weiwei.

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