The Pirate Princess Becomes King

Chapter 190

Chapter 189: Hatred Still Exists

Whitebeard directly cut off the idea of Ace going to Wano country: “Let that Tianlong kid go tossing, Kaido’s ‘son”? Hmph… let them go, you are my second time Captain, you are not allowed to go, the Whitebeard Pirates are not going to conflict with the Beast Pirates now.”

Although it was a little regrettable, Ace nodded and agreed to his father’s request.

He carried a backpack and embarked on an adventurous journey alone. The second team is a mature team. Even if he is not there, he can manage himself by himself. .


Weiwei didn’t know that she had caused a lot of trouble to Whitebeard, and she had been plucking wool in the Forest of the Sea.

All kinds of pure and extreme emotions are hovering over the sea of forest, and as soon as you see, hear, and touch, you will have all kinds of new insights.

This kind of improvement has a direct effect on the mind and body. She studied her blood and found that her blood cells contained a faint hint of domineering.

What does this mean? To use the words of Xianxia, it means that her arrogance and domineering after the emotional baptism of Haizhisen has a tendency to change from acquired to innate.

In the future, if she has descendants, there is a high chance that she will be like Bai Xing, born with a sense of domineering and domineering.

Specifically, after returning to the innate, what can be returned? She doesn’t know yet.

Hai Zhisen’s emotions were touched by her, almost all of them.

Her arrogance has now reached the level of LV5 (3135/5000), her perception is getting sharper and the radius of perception is getting wider and wider.

However, the progress of “Ancient Text Interpretation” is still at the level of lv1 (5/10), and it is not easy to make guesses. It takes a lot of time to scrutinize and ponder one by one, and she is too lazy to spend that brain.

It’s a good idea to ask Robin, but before the two sides could reveal each other’s identities, she shelved the study of ancient characters, listening to all things and fooling ordinary people is enough.

Bai Xing would occasionally ask her about her mother-in-law’s actions, and Wei Wei agreed with them, without any opinion.

To say that among the people on the scene of Haizhisen, she should be the one who was most affected by the thought of Princess Otoji, but she did not agree with Princess Otoji’s wish that all intelligent life walk in the sun, which is too idealistic. !

The hearts of non-me races must be different. Whether it is humans, murlocs, or mermaids, it is impossible to truly coexist peacefully. One strong side will naturally abuse the other side, which is bound to happen.

The ocean in the world of One Piece is large and the land area is small. There is only so much living space on the land. Do you still want to get a piece of the pie? Humans simply cannot back down.

The mutants in the Marvel world look exactly the same as humans, just to seek equal treatment, what is the result? The human brain is out of the dog’s brain.

The differences between murlocs and humans are too great, do you want peace? Want to accept each other? Weiwei would not say absolutely not, but the success rate of this matter is really slim.

While fooling around with Bai Xing, she diverged her thoughts and pondered, how did Princess Yiji’s small body give birth to the big baby Bai Xing?


“I’m leaving, don’t cry anymore, look forward bravely, remember? When I return, I will introduce you to a very strong sister, who is a pure man… than You are a million times stronger.”

After about a week of delay in Haizhisen, it was finally time for Weiwei to leave.

She stood on the head of the whale Rabu, patted Bai Xing’s shoulder for a while and warned, but looking at the timid appearance of silly Baitian, she felt that her warning was useless, her character was already fixed, and external forces were difficult to change, slow down Come on.

Before leaving, she and Duck strolled twice in the activity area of the human pirates on Fishman Island, cutting off a lot of shadows to create zombies.

Including the Changchang Pirates, she kept all the pirates whose shadows were cut off on Fishman Island.

After all, the sunlight that the tree named Eve can provide is limited, so just hide.

Vivi bids farewell to King Neptune, the left minister, the right minister, the three brothers who have no sense of existence, and Bai Xing, the crybaby. She and Karu drill into the stomach space of the whale Rabu and leave the murloc. island, to the new world.

Considering what Ace said about Kaido’s been at home recently, and the scene in which Whitebeard killed Hody Jones with one punch, Vivi and Shiraishi and the others said goodbye the day after, and came back after a circle…

“Yeah, why are you back?” Bai Xing asked bluntly.

There was no emotion on Weiwei’s face: “What? Not welcome?”

“No, no, wow wow…” Bai Xing blushed with anxiety, and seemed to want to cry again, but found that Wei Wei and Duck had been staring at him, and forcibly held back.

“I don’t cry! I’m strong!”

For this big baby, Wei Wei had nothing to say, she came back looking for someone.

King Neptune and the ministers on the left and right were also confused about the return of the Neferutari family princess.

Immediately sent the left minister to inquire.

Weiwei didn’t tell the truth, she said deliberately: “I actually left the fishman island, but I heard a few fishmen talking on the road, they said that Mrs. Charlie is good at divination, and I will go to a particularly dangerous place in the future. Here, I would like to ask this fortune-teller to help me with my next but I don’t know this fortune-teller, and rushing to the door is easy to cause some misunderstandings, so I came to Dragon Palace for help. .”

Although Bai Xing didn’t interrupt, he kept looking at Minister Zuo with big watery eyes, obviously hoping to help his good friend.

Minister Zuo did not hesitate, it was nothing more than a matter of saying a few words. With the friendship between Weiwei and the mermaid royal family, their royal family came forward in person, and it should be no problem to ask a fortune teller to help.

The old catfish readily agreed.

Bai Xing still didn’t dare to go out, even though this was her own country, she still felt that someone wanted to harm her, and Wei Wei and Minister Zuo did not force her.

A merman fortune-teller named Charlie is well-known within a certain range. She predicted the coming of the age of the great pirates at the age of four.

The birth of the white star, the death of Whitebeard and other events have been accurately predicted, and he is considered a leader in the divination industry.

This female mermaid also has an identity, she is the half-sister of the murloc Aaron.

The old catfish led Wei Wei to the southeast of Fishman Island, in a town called Coral Hill, and found a cigarette pipe in her mouth. She looked like a big sister in the underworld. Her race was a great blue shark mermaid. It’s the fortune-teller Charlie of Fishtail.

After hearing the message of Minister Zuo, Xia Li smiled contemptuously.

“What are you kidding? What do you think divination is? You have to count when you go out, and you have to count when you eat? Haha, I laughed so hard!”

This Madam Xia Li looked at Wei Wei from the corner of her eye from time to time. Although there was no hostility in her eyes, there was no trace of kindness in her eyes, and it was cold.

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