The Pirate Princess Becomes King

Chapter 30

Chapter 30: Big Harvest

Weiwei moved extremely quickly. First, she carried the unconscious Karu behind her back and tied it with a rope twice. Then she wrapped her arms around the neck of the young winged woman and flew to the sky with the other party.

Smog turned into smoke and took off with the unconscious Colonel Monka and female swordsman Dasqi. Fan Oka in the distance was also rescued by the winged man.

Ten seconds later, the floating island slapped heavily on the sea, and huge plumes of smoke and water rose into the sky. With the help of winged people, Wei Wei and the others landed on a deserted island not far away.

The winged people are very secretive about their origins. They never mention the source of the wings under their arms, only that they were caught by the golden lion to work.

Weiwei felt that they were a little bit insincere, but she didn’t ask, who doesn’t have a little secret these days.

She just expressed doubts that Johnny and Joseph were able to kill and save people at a critical moment. Van Oka had scouted the island, but he did not find these winged men at that time.

Johnny and Joseph vowed to analyze the clues through clues, and driven by the fearless spirit of the two, they took advantage of the opportunity of the golden lion to randomly place “Lion. Chikiri Valley” to rescue the group of people in the chaotic castle.

Weiwei didn’t believe it at all, and when they asked again and again, they only admitted that in the process of saving people, the rural grandma provided some remote guidance…

Weiwei looked at the back of the kind grandma and muttered for a while, this old lady has also been thinking about the issue of safe escape, she made an ABC plan, and the old lady quietly came up with a D plan? This is also a man of Gou Dao. If he didn’t study Gou Dao to a certain extent, he would never have thought of such a trick…

As soon as Smog landed on the ground, he took out the phone bug and contacted the Navy Headquarters. He told the information about the golden lion one by one, and then contacted the garrison in Rogge Town. Compared with the 153 branch, these people from the East China Sea were still his subordinates. More reassuring.

Vivi took off all the colorful decorations on Karoo, and put away the red Christmas hat. This hat was a failed work, but she was not willing to throw it away, and did not expect it to be used here.

She pinched the duck’s face, touched the duck’s belly, and it was not until Karoo opened her eyes that she was completely relieved.

The credibility of the navy is still good. As a colonel of the headquarters, Smaller announced to everyone that the warship will soon come to pick you up, which attracted cheers from the survivors.

Weiwei was resting on a big rock. The overlord’s arrogance consumed most of her physical strength. There was no way at that time, but now it’s embarrassing. It seems that this matter can’t be concealed!

After thinking about the matter twice, she felt that she was suffering from persecution paranoia. In fact, this domineering awakened and awakened. It really wasn’t a big deal.

In the battle, the overlord’s color was exposed. She used the level of 30 and the golden lion of level 80 to pass two moves. In the end, she also experienced a fright on a floating island. The risk was great, and her harvest was also great!

Counting back and forth, it only took two minutes to entrust, but after traveling for such a long time, the light spots picked up this time are of the highest quality and the largest number.

It makes sense to ask for this in wealth and risk.

Weiwei looked at each one carefully.

The attributes picked up from Smog are “Fist +7”, “Six Forms. Shave +15”, “Toughness +3”, “Stride +3”, “Initial Attack +5” and “Hunt +3”.

“Six-style shaving”, “first attack” and “hunting” are skills that Weiwei does not have. Among them, “Six-style. shaving” is what she admires most. As a quick displacement ability, this move is very helpful for life-saving.

“Six-style. Shave” is more complicated than imagined. It has high requirements for physical fitness, especially leg strength. Weiwei cannot completely absorb the 15 light spots belonging to ‘six-style. Shaved”, she needs a Let your body get used to the ‘shaved” force, and gradually improve your leg strength as you practice.

After absorbing 3 light spots, she made the “Six Form. Shave to reach the level of lv1 (3/10. She felt that she had mastered this skill and stopped, and the remaining 12 light spots were ready to be absorbed after a while. .

The gains from Smoker are not small, and the light spots picked up from the golden lion are even more gorgeous.

The light spots picked up are “Sword Skill +118”, “Block +11”, “Dodge +29”, “Focus +8”, “Initial Attack +14”, “Sword Attack. Chopping +91”, “Sword Attack. Lion. Chikiri Valley” +95″ “Armed Color Domineering +3″.

The ability developed by the Devil Fruit is not within the scope of picking up, even so, seeing that the harvest is so rich in just two minutes, Weiwei still hugs Karu’s neck hard, she is afraid that she will laugh out loud.

There are 118 points of light that improve the overall ‘swordsmanship” level. If all are added, her swordsmanship will immediately reach the level of lv4 (139/1000).

Swordsmanship lv4 is only a quantification of her personal strength by the panel. In fact, in battle, swordsmanship lv4 (1/1000) and swordsmanship lv4 (139/1000) are completely different levels. The understanding of swordsmanship and the strength of physical fitness can all be Let the latter beat the former.

These 118 light spots contain a lot of experience in using the sword of the golden lion. Like “Six Styles. Shave”, Weiwei can’t digest so much knowledge in a short period of It takes a period of practice Only then can we complete such a process of familiarization, improvement, and finally turning into instinct from memory to body, and then from body to memory.

Swordsmanship will improve physical fitness when exercising. Only with strong physical fitness can swordsmanship exert its due power. Body and swordsmanship complement each other.

The Golden Lion is a great swordsman, and “Sword Strike. Chopping” and “Sword Strike. Lion. Thousand Cut Valley” are his stunts.

Weiwei first studied “chopping”. This trick is to slash a huge sword light with force, a bit like Zoro’s Thirty-Six Troubled Winds. The golden lion can split dozens of miles of sea water with one move. not far…

“Lion. Thousand Cut Valley” is more powerful, it belongs to the enhanced version of “Chopping”, Weiwei unexpectedly found that she couldn’t use this trick! The reason is that her physical attributes are insufficient. Although she has the memory of the golden lion, she is very clear about the way, angle and connection of the moves, but if the body is not good, it is not good. After setting up a posture and accumulating force for a few seconds, she can swing it. A “chopping”, but the continuous “Lion. Chikirigu” can’t do it.

“Am I so bad?” she asked Duck in distress.

The duck quacks twice as a response.

Weiwei is not a pure swordsman. She doesn’t have the spirit of “extreme love, absolute sword”. Swordsmanship is a means of life-saving for her. affect her good mood.

Her happiest gain today is domineering.

In the “Domineering” column, above the “Domineering Domineering”, there is a new skill, which has a level, and can be enhanced with skill spots.

“Armed Color Domineering lv1 (3/10!

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