The Pirate Princess Becomes King

Chapter 463

Chapter 461: 3 Ways

The village of Elbaf is located halfway up the mountain, at least for humans, it is halfway up the mountain.

Prince Loki grinned and seemed to want to have a few more words with the senior navy officials, but he was driven away by the elders such as Shanbeard, and the name was still that he still needed to learn.

Everyone in the navy has no interest in the political struggle in the Kingdom of Giants. It has nothing to do with them.

They walked into Elbaf, two rough and quaint things that looked like totem poles stood at the entrance of the village, and many giant civilians looked at these human beings from afar with curiosity.

With the passage of time, Judicial Island can hire giants to watch the gates, and there are several giant lieutenants on the side of the navy. In reality, the world government no longer cares about giants, the die-hard ally of the D family.

The navy needs food, needs to repair the metal and wood of the warship, and needs an environment to rest for two days. The leaders of both sides have a new understanding of each other.

Several lieutenant generals asked Mountainbeard, and wanted to know where Elbaf was on the map, so they could judge how to get back to Marin Vando.

The 345-year-old giant elder carefully pinched the map with two fingers, and then put on reading glasses to take a closer look.

Looking at it from the front and the other, the giant elder with the beard hanging to the ground pondered for a long time, and gave Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel an answer that made people feel speechless.

“We Elbaf are not on this map of yours.”

Taotu rolled his eyes, my dear, General Yuelong has taken everyone off the map!

The giants have very little communication with the outside world. Elbaf is equivalent to a barren land exiled by the world government. This sea area is too dangerous for outsiders to come in, and they rarely go out. Going out is also based on body size. The kind, what chart? What is that for? We giants don’t even look at that thing!

With rafts and paddles, they can go out to sea.

The same storm has completely different results for humans and for giants.

Humans need to lower the sail, turn the rudder, then tie themselves to the boat with ropes, and finally pray to the gods for blessing.

Giants don’t need charts. They have a very low level of civilization. Going out to sea depends on luck. Wherever they go, they don’t have the knowledge to draw charts. The hopes of several lieutenant generals are completely lost.

Arrange the soldiers. The navy will use the spoils of the small-scale pirates that were destroyed along the way to exchange food with the giants. Elbaf is hard to say. Two pieces of jerky they eat as a snack is enough for dozens of ordinary humans to eat for two days.

Colonel Huon and Colonel T. Penn led people to count the supplies.

Three days later, the admirals got together again for a meeting. Where do they go next? We must negotiate.

Not a famous PPT fruit person, Brigadier General Branu was depressed for a while after the death of Akainu. Fortunately, time can kill everything. After drinking two drinks with Elbaf and the giants, his depressed mood was resolved. He also recovered.

For a whole day, he was chatting with the giants and collecting information. At this time, the generals were meeting, and Weiwei called him.

The general, lieutenant general, and major general sat three rows below. Brigadier General Brannu stood at the front and explained the information to them with a blackboard. Those who didn’t know it thought it was a class, but everyone was used to it. That’s how it happened, no one thought there was a problem.

“General, generals, I have inquired about it. There are only three routes to go out to sea from Elbaf. The first is to go through what they call the Devil’s Strait. The second is to wait for the tide flood in May every year. It is said that every year One day in May, the tide will come in the direction the sun sets, and the third…”

Brigadier General Branu hesitated, and said in an uncertain tone: “The giants also have a legend of Sun Tree Eve, they say that the roots of Sun Tree Eve can be found in the depths of the ocean far away in Elbaf, along the roots. Go, be able to… well, go to the other side of the world, as they say.”

Including Weiwei, all the generals have basically been to the fish-man island, knowing that the oxygen and sunlight of the fish-man island come from the famous sun tree Eve, but? Is there a root on the Isle of Giants? Is this close to Fishman Island? If they find Fishman Island, they can return directly to Marin Van Gogh!

Weiwei asked the questions in the hearts of several people: “If it is very close to the fish-man island, then we can go home, but… we should be far away from the fish-man island now.”

Judging from Weiwei’s rich geographical knowledge, Elbaf is a desert of civilization. They should be located in the last area of the new world. If the blue planet is really a planet, after a while, she estimates that she will be able to A week round the world along the Great Route, over the Upside Down Mountain, back to Alabasta…

She has to travel around the world for a week, how could she come to the fish-man island with the same center point? Unless the roots of this sun tree, Eve, penetrate the entire planet, can a tree have such long roots?

Brigadier General Branu didn’t know how to answer this question, he could only say the information he had collected: “I have asked three giants with different surnames before and after, and they accurately named Suntree Eve, which should be Can’t be wrong.”

“So…let me think about it.” Vivi pondered to This sun tree Eve has more secrets than she imagined, Robin learned from O’Hara Scholar I once heard a legend about the Devil’s Mother Tree. Legend has it that all Devil Fruits grow on a tree at first, some of them fall into the sea, and then are eaten by intelligent beings, and then reborn round after round. , and some are still bred inside the mother tree.

O’Hara scholars have done some research on this, but unfortunately, Robin was too young at that time, the information recorded was incomplete, and he can’t say much now.

However, Weiwei and Robin are very sure that if there is a demon mother tree, then this tree must be under the control of the World Government, even the Five Old Stars and Yimu.

A tree full of devil fruits? The roots penetrated from the red soil continent to the fish-man island at a depth of 10,000 meters, and then continued to go deep underground, and appeared on the other end of the planet? How long has this tree lived?

Weiwei thought for a while and said, “Waiting for the May tide flood season is definitely unrealistic. It’s only March, and General Yi Xiao has returned to Malin Vando. We can’t wait that long. The Devil’s Strait doesn’t sound like a good place.. ….Let’s do this, we will film the battleship, and then go to the bottom of the sea to find the roots of this sun tree Eve, follow the roots, and return to Fishman Island.”

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