The Pirate Princess Becomes King

Chapter 476

Chapter 474: Inheritor Of Free Will

Smog volunteered: “General, you rest first, I’ll take a look ahead.”

Weiwei recognized it carefully, this was indeed Smog, not an illusion, her expression was a little weird: “Well, let’s go.”

After a short time, Smoker who turned into white smoke flew back: “I didn’t see any danger, but I found a machine and several metal columns in the center of the valley with no apparent function… …”

He looked up and found that everyone including Weiwei looked a little wrong: “What?”

Taotu pointed behind him. He looked back and was startled. He saw a holographic image composed entirely of light appearing behind him. The appearance, clothes and demeanor of this light man were not exactly the same as Smoker’s. It can only be said that it is completely consistent.

Weiwei gave a thumbs up, and Dusqi scratched her head, a little embarrassed.

Smoker breathed a sigh of relief, this explanation is reasonable, otherwise it is really unclear why his image appeared on this “unnamed desert island”.

Smoker was stunned, the cigar in his mouth dropped.

Fortunately, Dusqi is a conscientious girl, she is in charge of every day, and she has seen the world, at least in the documents, far more than her former illiterate boss, and explained at this time: “It is not a real entity, it may be. Some sort of tech device? I’ve heard some screenphone bugs do that.”

Peach Rabbit: “???”

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel: “???”

As soon as his heart fell back to his stomach, he found that the light man who was exactly the same as him looked in his direction and spoke.

“Hello, free will seeker after 800 years. I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, and we have a lot to say.”

In the world of pirates, free will often only represents one thing, and that is pirates. Anyone involved in this word will have no good end.

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel is usually very calm, that is really the man whose color remains unchanged when Mount Tai collapsed in front of him. At this time, he moved very fast, and he moved five meters to the left in an instant. Weiwei moved faster. In the blink of an eye, she was Pulling Dusqi back to twenty meters away, the remaining Vice Admirals either retreated, or moved left and right. They emptied the middle area in unison, leaving only the confused Smog standing. in situ.

Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan: “???”

Wei Wei, many lieutenant generals, and a large group of soldiers all looked at Smoker.

The Light Man then disappeared.

The sudden appearance of the light man and the generals’ behavior to avoid the plague was so strange that the soldiers began to whisper.

“You…you listen to me explain…”

The light man who was exactly in line with him waved to him: “Long-distance projection is very energy-consuming, please come with me, I will wait for you in the depths of the valley.”

“Does Major General Smog mean…? In that illusory world before, it seemed like…”

A certain naval soldier was about to tell the information he had learned in the illusory world, when his companion covered his mouth, and his companion glared at him, do you not want to live anymore? Some things, some things have to be held in the stomach, and can never be said!

“Who is this talking about?”

“As if you were talking about Major General Smoker.”

“It should be some kind of mechanism, Major General Smog was the first to go to the central area. It should be triggered by a certain condition, so he was considered to be the successor of some kind of will?”

She doesn’t really want to say what this will is, because it is too taboo for the Navy, and everyone who understands it understands it.

The soldiers whispered, and the generals looked at Smog with an inappropriate look, as if they were looking at a class enemy.

As a staff officer personally trained by Lieutenant General Crane, Taotu has first-class analytical skills. Although the events in front of him are a bit unexpected, he can still make correct judgments.

Lieutenant General Ghost Spider was ruthless. He thought Smog was guilty and wanted to cover up the evidence, but if he was asked to chase, he was also worried that he would see something he shouldn’t see.

The lieutenant general who replaced Akainu and temporarily became the leader of the hawks looked at several colleagues, hoping that someone would come forward and give him an idea.

This matter is a big deal if you look at it horizontally and vertically. It is definitely not appropriate to turn around and leave, but if you investigate in depth, it is also very dangerous. This danger is more from the political level.

“Don’t get involved, I’ll go take a look.” Smog was very decisive, dropped a sentence, and flew to the central area.

Weiwei almost laughed out loud, but she frowned tightly and didn’t say anything.

Until Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel also whispered to persuade her: “In any case, we must have a statement, so many soldiers at the scene have seen it, General, let’s go and see it together?”

Dove’s current boss Wei Wei is silent, but Da Siqi is very worried about her former boss, but her position is too low to have a say. The more they think about it, the more they are afraid, and the more they are afraid, the more they think about it. The neutral faction’s Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel and Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan were very hesitant, while the few lieutenant generals of giants had an indifferent attitude and had nothing to do with me.

“General, I need you to come up with an idea at this time.” Lieutenant General Ghost Spider said to Wei Wei in a serious tone, the meaning of throwing the blame was very obvious.

Weiwei asked Dusqi to lead the soldiers back to the beach and meet with Colonel Huen who was staying there. After that, the admirals quickly rushed to the central area.

In fact, many people already know the name of the island, and they are well aware that this is the final island in the mouth of Roger, the pirate king, Ralph Drew, but no one dared to say it first. It’s called the “unknown desert island”.

Seeing that the various factions have unified their opinions, Weiwei said: “…If that’s the case, then let’s go and have a look. If there is any danger, let’s leave this island immediately.”

Several lieutenant generals are nodding, and everyone understands the meaning of this danger.

As Weiwei and the others went deeper into the central, the road became more and more muddy, and many unnamed blood-red vines were clinging to the trees, blocking everyone’s footsteps from time to time as if they had life.

“What the **** is this!” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel pulled out his samurai sword and opened the way first.

It doesn’t matter if you hide your ears or steal the bell, anyway, a few people do this.

The previous confrontation between Weiwei and “God” completely changed the landscape of the island.

Everyone was suspicious. There were only a few vines at first. As Lieutenant General of the Flying Squirrel chopped them all the way, the vines that blocked them became denser and denser, and finally covered them like a spider web from all directions.

This thing is also annoying. In fact, for the lieutenant general, it is not lethal at all. Everyone chased Smog’s footsteps and rushed in quickly.

After the vine was cut off, the juice that spewed out was blood red, and several lieutenant generals looked at Weiwei subconsciously. .

“Why are you looking at me? I didn’t do it. This thing is not blood at all.” As an expert, Wei Wei gave an authoritative answer.

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