The Pirate Princess Becomes King

Chapter 479

Chapter 477: Consensus

Isn’t it the universe? What’s so hard to understand?

Is this the big secret that Love Drew buried? Not like!

Weiwei predicted something, her face changed slightly, and she asked urgently, “How to solve the lighting problem in these fifty years?”

“With…with the moon…”

Joyboy wasted too much energy because of the scolding. She seemed to have received an energy warning and immediately entered the energy-saving mode. The original lifelike light man turned into a blur of light and shadow.

Weiwei looked strange: “Use the moon to provide light? There should be some kind of controller and orbit, right? This thing is too complicated… Where is this controller? Come on!”

The light people are getting blurry: “In the hands of the 20-nation coalition…”

Several lieutenant generals looked at Weiwei, meaning do you know this thing?

Weiwei shook her head, this thing sounds a bit like the legendary ancient weapon “King of Heaven”.

“The King” is the moon?

She surveyed the scene quickly, pointing to the shabby-looking machine behind Lightman Joey Boy, like an oversized tokamak.

“Is this thing the terminal device that controls the blue planet’s propulsion? How does this thing start?”

Lightman Joey Boy’s energy was about to run out, she turned to look at Smaller: “Remember, the secret word to activate the terminal is…”

Her tone suddenly became very mechanical, and she said half a sentence in an ancient language completely different from Common Language: “Give me the power to change what I can change…”

Before the words were finished, the holographic image disappeared directly due to the exhaustion of energy.

Smokey looked left and right, his face dull: “…What language did she speak? I don’t understand it at all! Do you understand?”

“Don’t be noisy!” Taotu scolded softly, she didn’t understand the half of the sentence, but with her strong memory, she had forcibly memorized those strange pronunciations and sequences.

Taotu repeated it twice, and after making sure that he would not forget it, he looked at the rest of the people.

Weiwei understood it completely. For Smog and others, Joey Wave, the lightman, only said the first half of the sentence with unknown meaning, but she has excellent knowledge and rich historical knowledge, and predicted the second half of the sentence. , the whole secret language combined is a famous proverb of the D family ‘Give me the strength to change what I can change, give me the courage to accept what I cannot change, and give me the wisdom to distinguish between the two. ’

Without revealing her ability to understand ancient languages, she secretly recited it twice, and then put on an indifferent expression.

She stepped out: “You must have the ability to distinguish right from wrong. This guy may not be telling the truth. Let’s go back to the beach and prepare to go back to Marin Fando!”

“The general is right!”

“Yeah, yeah, just looking at this guy is talking nonsense.”

“What conspiracy, what the end of the world, it really made me laugh to death.”

The lieutenant generals expressed their absolute loyalty to the World Government for the first time, and condemned the behavior of the lightman Joey Boi for slandering the World Government. Only God knows what they actually think.

Seeing that Weiwei was about to pass by her side, Taotu suddenly shot and wanted to hold her arm.

Weiwei made a mistake, stepped aside, drew her sword and faced the lieutenant generals.

“Everyone, you… are you going to rebel?”

Several lieutenant generals, especially the hawkish lieutenant generals like Ghost Spider, are shaking their heads. We are afraid of “rebellion”!

This matter is too involved, and we must be unified.

Taotu took off his knife and kept it far away. The rest of the lieutenant generals did the same.

“Weiwei, this matter involves too much… We…” Taotu is a relatively calm person, and at this moment, all kinds of thoughts in her mind are constantly colliding, and at a certain moment, she even thinks Kill all these people at the scene, but just thinking about it, she doesn’t have the ability to do it, and she can’t do it.

Can’t think of a good way, she can only choose a way that is not a way.

“Vivi, what happened here today is so bizarre, and…” She thought and thought, and decided to speak frankly: “This is the final place where Gol. D. Roger once came. Love Drew the island, I think everyone sees it.”

The crowd was silent.

“I don’t want to betray the Navy, I don’t want to betray the World Government, but a lot of things…a lot of things…Once things come to light, the World Government will never give us a chance to explain, can we put today’s Keep things hidden, bury them in your stomach, and don’t tell them for the rest of your life?”

She looked at Weiwei, and at the same time, out of the corner of her eye, she looked at the other lieutenant generals and major generals.

The giant lieutenant generals have an indifferent attitude. Their knowledge structure is difficult to understand the series of operations of sun, moon, and planetary advancement. They only care whether the food in the naval cafeteria meets their own tastes, and they are very puzzled about human disputes.

The rest of the lieutenant generals and major generals spoke.

“Yes, I didn’t intend to betray the World Government.”

“Yeah, I have been fighting pirates all my life, how can I betray the navy and the world government at this time?”

“Gion is right, we’ve forgotten about this place and what we’ve heard. It’s best for everyone to never talk about today’s events again…”

Smog coughed and pulled everyone back to reality: “Then what? Have you thought about the scene a hundred years from now? Will our descendants have to wait to die? Just because their ancestors were greedy for life and afraid of death, they didn’t dare to tell the secret. go out?”

Lieutenant General Ghost Spider scolded him: “Pay attention to your tone, Major General!”

Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan has always been the image of an old and good man. At this time, the old general’s tone became serious: “Maybe we can tell our children and grandchildren this secret when we are dying, and let them find a solution?”

Smoker laughed: “I don’t believe you don’t know what’s involved in this matter. To solve it? How to solve it? Go to be a pirate? Should we all be like Mr. Karp~www.readwn. com~ Do you want to be a navy all your life, and then let your descendants become pirates?”

Everyone felt that their heads were extremely large, and this matter was simply incomprehensible.

Seeing that everyone hadn’t made up their minds yet, Wei Wei knew that they were still fantasizing, and immediately stood up to be a good person: “…how things will go, we’re not sure yet, go back first, everyone will think carefully after returning. Think, let’s see if we can resolve this in a gentle way.”

Reluctantly to reach a consensus, that is to keep the things I saw today secret, go back to study and study, and talk about the future things later.

Although Weiwei said with certainty that she would use gentle means, in reality everyone was very pessimistic. The world government is notoriously arrogant, is it reasonable? impossible! If you really come to a dead end, then you can only do some unbearable things.

The generals made a solemn agreement on the spot, not to reveal what they saw today, to keep the secret in their hearts, and not to tell anyone.

Actually? This guarantee is too frivolous and has no binding force at all.

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