The Pirate Princess Becomes King

Chapter 51

Chapter 51: Isle Of Justice

Almost everyone in the troupe, including Wei Wei, thinks this way. It’s not good if they don’t think so. The actors in the troupe are all ordinary people. The muzzle of the lieutenant colonel agreed or not.

The four boats headed straight for Justice Island.

Smog and Wei Wei said that he found out Wei Wei’s true identity after comparing the photos of several suspects after the Rogue Town tyrannical incident. , it’s not very likely to reveal her true identity, but Weiwei doesn’t dare to bet that no one on Judiciary Island knows her.

These days in the troupe, she has been wearing aqua blue shawl hair into a single ponytail, wearing wide-brimmed glasses, usually wearing dark lipstick, necklaces, earrings, rings are completely different from usual, even Duck Karoo After changing a fisherman hat, she believes that she will not show any flaws this time. For a princess like her, there are no one thousand or eight hundred in the world. The chance of being recognized again is extremely low, even if she is recognized, it will be fine , Princess concealed her identity to participate in the troupe, what’s the crime? Therefore, they calmly followed them to Judicial Island.

“These are all witnesses, and the ones over there are physical evidence.” Lieutenant Colonel Cobana was very active when he got off the boat.

He decided to put Randoluff on trial, so it was definitely not a temporary intention. You can see that he made eye contact with the officials who received prisoners on the Judiciary Island from time to time. This guy has definitely planned for a long time, and he has got through several key links. .

“Take the criminals down!” Lieutenant Colonel Gobana couldn’t hide the joy on his face, he waved his hand vigorously, and the two naval soldiers supported Randoluff and walked out of the boat step by step.

The old man is not a devil fruit person, and he doesn’t seem to be domineering. When he was young, his physical fitness was only ordinary. Now he is old and frail, and it is not bad to have three achievements in the fighting capacity of the year, but the navy soldiers still put it on him. Fully shackled, obviously treated as a felon.

There were too many shackles, and the old man walked a little slowly, and a bunch of Judiciary Island staff in black suits, black ties, and white shirts began to urge him.

Lieutenant Colonel Cobana stood near and watched. He seemed to appreciate the scene of the old boss being treated like a pig and a dog, and the smile on the corner of his mouth had reached the point of unconcealed.

“hurry up!”

“I’ll only say it once, bow your head!”

The government officials on Judiciary Island were extremely rude. Not only did they push and shove Randoluff, they even treated Vivi and the other witnesses as rudely as they were treating prisoners.

Randoluff is not a repeat offender like Nicole Robin, and Lieutenant Colonel Cobana is no match for Rob Ludge of cp9. The process of this trial is simply unsightly, no publicity, no reports, or even impossible Known by too many naval soldiers, they did not go through the main door, but opened the side door, and a group of people entered the front island of Judiciary Island through the side door.

Walking through the gate, even Wei Wei couldn’t help being surprised.

Seeing that the main island of Judicial Island was floating on the sea, except for the road leading to the main entrance of Qiandao, the surrounding seawater seemed to be cut off by some kind of mighty force in a ring along the edge of the island.

Like a waterfall in the sea, it was isolated outside the island, and then was dragged by gravity to the giant sea cave below. Wei Wei just glanced at it casually, and felt that her sight was absorbed by the darkness in the sea cave. This is located below Judicial Island. The sea cave was bottomless. She looked at the sea cave and felt a little flustered for some reason. The sea cave was really too deep and dark.

“What is this?” She now has the illusion that the abyss is staring at herself.

She felt that her knowledge of geography was completely insufficient. Is this a special landform formed by nature, or is it artificially created? These seawater kept falling for a moment, and where did they end up? The planet under your feet is always hollow, right?

It is obviously a small island, but now the sea water around Judicial Island falls into the sea cave below. Except for the avenue leading to the main entrance of Qiandao, the main island of Judicial Island can basically be regarded as suspended above the huge sea cave. .

The hustle and bustle of the sea is all around her ears. Even Weiwei, she can’t hear the rest of the sound except the sea. This island is completely different from the floating island of the golden lion. The floating island will miss the sea and will miss the golden lion. Behavior expresses anger, but here? Wei Wei didn’t feel a trace of emotion, as if the island was dead.

Even if today’s trial is not important, Judiciary Island is still in accordance with the rules for thousands of years. The government soldiers in black suits and white shirts stand on the left, and the navy stands on the right. Randoluff is escorted and walks in the middle. Taking Lieutenant Colonel as the prosecutor, Wei Wei and the others followed behind with a large number of witnesses.

The interior of Judicial Island is like a small town. There are more than 10,000 elite troops stationed here all year round, just to beware of those powerful pirates who make trouble.

A small case like Randoluff would definitely not disturb the garrison. They walked for more than 20 minutes and came to the main gate of the main island, which is the second gate.

In the shadows beside the gate, two huge figures were leaning against the corner and sleeping. UU Reading

Weiwei glanced at it. These were the two young giants she used to fool Dongli, the green ghost, and Broki, the red ghost. The two left the giant kingdom to find the green ghost and the red ghost, but they were fooled by the world government and guarded the gate. century.

This incident gave her a lot of room for manipulation. She lacked helpers, the kind that she lacked very much.

Just as she began to think at the beginning of her journey, Sand Crocodile wanted to use force and tricks to seize her country. She was the enemy in front of her. Is it safe to kill Sand Crocodile? Wrong, the situation at that time was even more dangerous.

The world government controlled by Im is her long-term enemy. She really has no hope of defeating this enemy at present. She needs to use the cover of the sand crocodile to secretly strengthen herself.

She is willing to do anything that can disgust the sand crocodile, anything that can block the world government! It would be even better if the two could be blocked together.

Can the world government fool you, but can’t you fool yourself? What’s more, she wasn’t fooling around, she was just telling the truth. Wei Wei’s eyes stayed on the sleeping giant for a few more seconds, and then she looked away. Now that there are so many eyes, she plans to sneak over and talk to these two giants later. chat.

There are judges and jurors in the Judicial Island Court. The court maintains a 007-style working mode all year round. The main reason is that there are too many prisoners to be tried, and this time is no exception.

Lieutenant Colonel Gobana is powerful outside. He is just a little shrimp here. He dare not do anything in the queue. Once he disrupts the judicial process on the Judiciary Island, people will turn him into a criminal in minutes. Lieutenant Colonel of the Navy Headquarters is here. Fart is not.

The staff of Judiciary Island reviewed the case documents, stamped and signed them, assigned serial numbers to them, told everyone to wait for the court session, and then left on their own.

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