The Pirate Princess Becomes King

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Hit Paper

Seeing that the pirates were so confused, they didn’t seem to understand how the game was played. Wei Wei winked at Karu, the pet duck beside her, meaning to quickly take out the paper bag we used for playing the game.

In order to make pets happy to help her pick up attributes, Weiwei copied many games from her previous life, and playing paper is naturally one of them.

“Gah?” The duck, who was squatting and counting the money, calculating how much milk the money could buy for himself, had a question mark on his face, and looked at his owner with big watery eyes, completely ignorant of what it meant.

Since crossing into this world, I don’t know if it’s because of the pet panel or what kind of superpower she has awakened. Weiwei can “hear” a lot of voices. She has never seen Roger, the Pirate King, so she doesn’t know what “listening to all things” is. Happening.

For her, stones, rivers, trees, animals, as long as she concentrates, she can hear more or less vague “words”. , emotions and a few very simple words, only the pet duck Kalu’s voice sounds the clearest, but this listening is one-sided, she can listen, but she can’t pass it back in the way of “heart”.

At present, she has not found the correct use for this ability, but because she heard too many noises, her brain passively received a lot of information, resulting in an abnormally bad mental state, and she could not wait to sleep for 16 hours a day!

At this time, “listening to everything” won’t help her much. She winked and gestured, and after half a minute, the duck finally understood what she meant.

“Dang” The pet duck took out a frying pan from the backpack and gestured to her, which meant asking “Do you want this?” Three black lines appeared on Weiwei’s forehead.

“Quack? Quack!” Duck was puzzled at first, and then nodded again and again, indicating that he understood.

It started to take things out of the cartoon bag.

Green onions, a bottle of milk, two dice, half-knitted cotton hats, a large handful of marbles, and some shabby ledger books, when Weiwei’s face was too dark, she finally took out a red and a basket, two forty-four. A square, tightly folded paper package.

To play a game of such a young age as Paper, Weiwei will not play in front of everyone, her player is… the pet duck Karoo!

Duck has played with her for half a month, and the technique is good.

When Weiwei is playing, because she has aqua blue hair, she usually chooses blue for her paper bag. Naturally, the duck’s paper bag will choose red.

This time the game is still the same, the pirate side is blue, the duck is red.

Several pirates looked at each other. They were the bottom and most incompetent soldiers in the pirate group. The captain could buy a flying knife with millions of Baileys in one breath. They didn’t have that much money. Now This game looks very simple, it seems to be a chance to make money?

“You come first.” Weiwei said quite generously.

Playing a game of paper requires skill. Before hitting the ground with a punch, strength is not the decisive factor, and mentality and environment are also very important.

The noisy environment around you seriously affects your mentality. The more chaotic you are, the less you can think about the trick.

A burly-looking pirate used a lot of strength to smash the blue paper bag down, but the red paper bag of the pet duck Karu just jumped in place and did not turn over as expected.

“You lost…” Wei Wei smiled. She looked at the faces of several pirates and said, “Don’t say I didn’t give you a chance. You can come one by one. Let’s calculate the total result.”

A total of seven pirates agreed to play the paper, even if Weiwei asked them to smash first, one pirate lost, the duck went up to knock over the paper bag, the other one went up, and the duck knocked over again, none of the seven pirates Exception, losing seven in a row.

“Are you guys paying or…?” Wei Wei asked.

One of the pirates at the head had a hideous face, and his eyes glowed with fierce fierceness. It was impossible to pay for money, and he was beaten in the mouth? He can’t afford to lose this man!

He took out a somewhat worn-out musket, pointed the muzzle at Weiwei, and roared with a twisted face: “What did you say? I didn’t understand! Hahahaha! Stupid, times have changed!”

Knowing it would become like this, Weiwei sighed secretly.

People in the world of One Piece have no integrity at all, but they are not as simple as the people in Shuangmendong…

People in this world have high physical fitness, and she naturally has enough speed to avoid bullets. After that, there are several ways to deal with it, such as cutting off the opponent’s arm with a chain and grabbing a gun directly, but that doesn’t match her personality. , who had long expected this situation, she snapped her fingers at Ms. Monday next to her.

Muscle knotted like a bodybuilding champion, Ms. Monday liked her job as a thug. She took a step forward, stuck out her left hand, and directly smashed the opponent’s musket. After that, she shouted loudly in the other’s horrified eyes. Explosive muscles rise and fall, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com from the legs to the waist, from the waist to the shoulders, and finally the arm slammed out, and the fist as big as a sandbag slammed into the face of the gun-wielding pirate.

“Bang” a low voice sounded, ms. Monday’s fist was carrying a strong wind, which was extremely fast, and the punch hit the opponent’s face firmly, the face of the gun pirate was like a rotten persimmon, and it was beaten to the ground. It was rotten and flew out more than ten meters, blood, broken teeth and mucus scattered on the ground.

Ms. rubbed her fists like no one on Monday, Wei Wei looked at the other six pirates, with a bright smile: “A few sea warriors have seen it? The times have not changed… Are you paying or not? Beaten?”

All six people chose to be beaten, and Weiwei asked Ms. Monday to beat the mouth. Counting the guy from before, there were seven people in total, and they got seven big mouths.

Of course, Weiwei didn’t come up with this kind of game to make money. Those who came to play scraps of paper were poor pirates. They searched a few people and couldn’t make any money. She wanted to continue researching her own cheats.

She wanted to try, whether physical confrontation of the level of beating the mouth could bring out the attribute, and she wanted to know whether this attribute was time-sensitive.

Taking advantage of the interval between ms. Monday’s slaps, she pulled the pet duck who was in high spirits and was ready to continue playing before her. In the eyes of the other party, she started the hosting panel again. In the time column, she thought about it, and finally A number of “ten seconds” was determined.

Although she can’t see the spot of light yet, she can see the duck’s head bowing to pick it up. Weiwei nodded with satisfaction. It is not easy to control the strength of fighting and killing. If you don’t pay attention, you may kill the leek. Pirates don’t seem to have any skills worth learning by themselves, but it’s a bit of a waste to kill them directly, and that’s fine for now.

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