The Pirate Princess Becomes King

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: I’M Not A Lunatic

The bounty hunters and pirates on the battlefield didn’t notice that the pet duck Karoo was traversing the battlefield with a resolute pace.

The battle between women and strong men is just a microcosm. The whole town is killing, and they can enter the great route from the four seas. Even if these pirates are knocked down by the bounty hunters’ wine and food, at the juncture of life and death, there is still a little bit of fighting back. Power, the bright moonlight sprinkled on the earth, and in the faint mist, the pirates also burst out with all their potential for the final resistance.

The duck Karoo wearing a blue striped cotton hat is extremely fast. The head of one meter five is a lightning bolt. With two long legs, he runs from east to west, from north to south. Many bounty hunters and sea All the thieves saw it, but the bounty hunters knew that this was the pet of the four giants of the town, and it was no surprise, while the pirates were too busy to take care of themselves.

The expression on the duck’s face is very human. When it sees swords slashing each other, it will be frightened. When it sees muskets shooting at each other, it will be very panic. It will be glad to escape from both sides of the war. When it rushes into the battlefield again, it will show that kind of crying again. A tearless look.

From a bird’s-eye view of the town, the forces in the town are automatically divided into three parts, the bounty hunters who have the absolute upper hand, the pirates who are struggling to resist, and a duck running around.

The duck seems to be running around, but it is not. If you mark its running track, you will find that its running route is extremely scientific, and it has not turned back at all. Whenever the battle is fierce to a certain extent, it will look like A golden flash appeared aside, picked up something, and left with a weird expression.

Four hours before dawn, all the pirates who came to Whiskey Hill were brought down.

From the captain, the second mate, the bosun, the captain of the charge, to the handyman on the ship, there was not a single one who got out of trouble, lying on the ground.

Many bounty hunters, including Princess Vivi and middle-aged uncle Ikalem, formed a circle and began to share the spoils of the crowd.

All the materials purchased by the pirates in the “Prince Magical Items and Special Items Store” have been put into storage, and when the next batch of pirates arrives, these items will still be available.

The goods carried by the pirates were cleaned up. Swords, ammunition, gold and silver treasures, including their pirate ships, all needed to be turned over to the headquarters of the Baroque studio.

Of course, the bounty hunter’s character is not guaranteed at all. When touching the corpse, everyone will take care of the sheep and keep some secrets. This is very reasonable. Not to mention others, Weiwei has secretly kept more than 150,000 Bailey coins and turned them in. It is also reasonable that the figure of the total amount of materials will drop by 20% or 30%. Don’t talk about Nicole Robin and Sand Crocodile, just call the Five Old Stars to lead Whiskey Mountain, shouldn’t you have to…

The only pity is the pirate ship. That thing is so big that there is no place to hide it. Taking advantage of the night, it is worthless to secretly saw two pieces of wood on the ship, so it can only be turned in truthfully.

The corpses were screened one by one, and several corpses with bounties were left behind. The pirates without bounties were burned, and their ashes were buried on the top of Whiskey Mountain.

All the pirates who survived were taken away by Wei Wei. She wanted to teach these pirates how to play paper, contribute attributes to herself, and help Duck get a Yum achievement by the way.

In other worlds, her behavior would be a quirk, the kind that needs treatment, but in the pirate world, it is commonplace, and it is even more strange than her.

Killing, touching corpses, cremating, raising ashes, these bounty hunters from Whiskey Mountain are extremely skilled in this process. The pirates who came from afar are arranged in less than an hour after the killing.

Facing the moonlight, everyone went back to their homes, put away their blood-stained swords and clothes, and waited for the next batch of fat sheep to arrive.


The arrival of the pirates made Weiwei’s skill attributes skyrocket. In order to master these skills, she hid the bounty hunters on the island and conducted special training with the old minister Ikalem at the other end of the town. .

She has picked up a lot of combat skills, and at this time, she needs to turn this knowledge into her own instincts through training and combat.

One after the other, the two figures swept through the dense forest like ninjas. Weiwei in front looked around from time to time, but the result of looking around was fruitless. Her running can only be described as running around.

The girl has a strong posture, her long aqua blue hair flutters in the wind, her expression is focused, and her eyes are looking straight ahead, as if there is some life and death enemy there.

A sudden cough broke the silence.

With strange curly hair, the two-meter-tall mr.8 Ikalem pointed at the girl at a 90-degree angle in front of the girl’s left and said, “Your Highness! West, is that your west? My direction is the west! Cough, numb-ma-ma-”

The girl’s expression changed from serious to stunned, and from stunned to embarrassed, she scratched her head embarrassedly, and pointed in front of her: “Ikalem, then… It must be south, right?”

Ikalem covered his face hard and said in a low voice: “His Royal Highness Princess Weiwei, that’s the north side. We came from the north side for tonight’s training… Did you forget?”

Weiwei was dumbfounded for a few seconds, and then lowered her head in disappointment. She was such an old driver that she turned into a road idiot after crossing over, which made her feel so embarrassed! But she couldn’t do anything about it. Much of the knowledge from her previous life was useless. The North Star could not be seen at night here, the climate was abnormal, the direction of the trees was not necessarily north, the alternating hot and cold was irregular, and the direction of the snow melting first was also different. Must be South.

Ikalem has a complete set of skills to determine the direction based on his rich life experience. He will add a lot of data such as rivers, ridges, time, and his own position into speculation, and finally come up with a relatively accurate direction.

The locals who “born in Sri Lanka and died in Sri Lanka” will not get lost all their lives. Pirates and navy who go south and north have special navigators, so they will not get lost. It doesn’t matter if fans like Wang Luffi and Liu Suolong do not get lost, they rely on It is a “mang” word.

Everyone was fine, but the newcomers were caught blind.

Originally, the climate of this pirate world is very strange, like the equator. The great route between the East China Sea and the South China Sea is a strange one. The geomagnetism, astronomical phenomena, and ocean currents are all chaotic. The little knowledge of geography that Wei Wei learned in her previous life is completely ignorant. In terms of language, customs, and living habits, she adapts very quickly, but in terms of geography, she has been stunned for more than half a month.

“Hey…” She sighed softly. She currently doesn’t have the ability to judge the direction through experience. It’s too complicated, and she gets dizzy just listening.

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