The Pirate Princess Becomes King

Chapter 81

Chapter 81: Rolling

The man in the chef hat is just an ordinary person with some military training, no domineering, no devil fruit. He was beaten with blood by this punch. He felt that his internal organs were about to be shattered, but he still gritted his teeth and stared at him. Watching the owl, never revealing a word.

“It’s really troublesome! Pah! You guys like bedbugs should be damned! Say! Where is the commander of the Eastern Army!”

“Tell me! Who is the commander of the Eastern Army with! Bah!”

“Otone no” owl first smashed the left hand of the man in the chef hat with one punch, then the left arm, right hand, right arm. At first, he was mainly tortured, but after a few punches, it was completely venting his anger.

“It’s stubborn! If that’s the case, then go to hell! Baba!” He raised his fist and aimed at the head of the man in the chef’s hat.

Suddenly, his eyes became pitch black.

As a senior agent of the World Government, Owl “Otone no” has the basic qualities to pass the test. He remembers very clearly that the lights are always on in the room, but at this time he can’t see his fingers. There is no doubt that there is an enemy coming!

The enemy is using the Devil Fruit ability, but he doesn’t know what kind of fruit it is.

The thick black mist surrounded him like ink, and it even felt sticky on the skin.

The owl let go of the comatose man in the chef’s hat, prepared for defense, and looked around alertly.

He, who has always been talkative, has become very silent this time, as if he is betting that this dark environment will also affect the enemy.

Weiwei sneered and said in the other person’s tone, “Why don’t you talk? You’re dumb? Bah!”

Before the sound of “Bah” fell, the owl launched a fierce attack.

He first used “Six Forms. Iron Nugget”, and after his body was as hard as steel, with the technique of ‘shaving”, he rotated at high speed and slammed into the enemy. This was also his stunt “Super Spin. Iron Nugget Jade”!

There was a loud bang, and the wall on the side of the cake room was smashed. His stunt didn’t even touch the edge of the enemy. He smashed through the wall, and the expected light did not appear, and the surroundings were still shrouded in darkness. It can be said that Neither goal was achieved, the owl was very calm, turned its direction, and rammed into the other direction again.

When he started to hit the third wall, he just rushed out less than ten meters, and his high-speed rotating body was blocked by a hand.

The opponent stood there and didn’t move, and only one hand offset the huge kinetic energy carried by his high-speed rotation.

“You? Who are you!” he demanded loudly.

“Idiot!” Weiwei pressed against the opponent with one hand, then twisted her waist and swung her legs, wrapped in a domineering armed look, and kicked the opponent’s big head like a watermelon.

“Iron!” Owl had a premonition of something at a critical moment. This time, he didn’t play the Meat Bomb Chariot, but instead went all out to support his defense.

His iron blocks are well used, but in a horizontal comparison, they are still a little worse than Zefa’s disciple Binz. Vivi beat Binz before eating the Devil Fruit, let alone now.

The “iron block” of the owl broke the defense instantly, and kicked it in the face with unparalleled strength.

“Bang!” A muffled sound.

He was kicked out more than ten meters away, and his fat body slammed into the refrigerator of the cake room. The dishes in the cupboard fell out and hit him all over the face. Something like ketchup ran down his hair. flow down.

The owl was very embarrassed. Almost all the teeth on the right side of his face fell off, and his big round face was shriveled. But at this time, he couldn’t care about his teeth. The power used at the time, secretly calculated, and then opened his eyes in shock.

“My Dao Strength just broke through 750, and this guy’s Dao Strength value is 5100?!”

Weiwei chuckled: “Dao Strength is 5100? Your test skills are quite interesting, but unfortunately, simple numbers can’t measure a person’s full combat power.”

The owl shouted: “Who are you? This fruit ability… Could it be that the dark fruit has appeared again?”

“Who am I? On Judiciary Island, did you take my salary of fifty thousand Baileys a month…”

salary? Fifty thousand Bella? Owl’s head is muddled, and he is said to be confused.

With strength like yours, do you still care about fifty thousand Baileys?

In fact, the owl is not greedy for money, it is a small game for him in his spare time, and the master who kills dozens of hundreds of people at any time, who cares about that little money! He asked for bribes too many times, and he really couldn’t remember who the other party was.

It’s best if you can’t remember, Weiwei isn’t going to reveal the answer, so just keep being confused.

The owl thinks that there is a sticky substance in the black mist. This perception is completely correct. It is blood, very fine blood droplets.

At this time, the dense blood had already surrounded the owl’s inner three layers and the outer three layers without the other party noticing it.

Wei Wei opened her right hand and was enveloped in the blood in the black mist. The owl completely lost control of her body and flew straight towards her palm.


Weiwei’s right hand pulled out, and dozens of wounds all over the owl’s body burst open, like a fountain, and all the blood was drawn out by Her left hand faced the blood.

The blood was poured into the chest of the comatose chef man by the method of “transforming life energy”. These life forces are very strong, and there is no problem with hanging a breath.

In fact, the blood transfusion would be easier, but she found that the blood types of the two were different, so she could only hang her life with life energy, and she should go to the doctor for the treatment afterward.

“Boom” The blood of the owl was drawn away from most of the body. As soon as Weiwei let go, he fell to the ground all over. The physical fitness of these guys who have practiced six styles is not generally good. Weak breathing, but that’s all, the owls looked like they were in their 20s before, now? With gray hair, sagging skin, and sunken eye sockets, some people believe that he is 60 years old.

Weiwei contacted the top leaders of the revolutionary army, and late that night, Belo Betty, a bold woman who never buttoned her clothes, rushed over.

The cake room was in a mess, both the Otonashi owl and the chef man were in a coma. When Bello Betty arrived, Vivi was eating cake.

She licked the cream on her fingers: “It’s a pity, such good craftsmanship… Well, is this chef yours? He was seriously injured, and the bones of his arms were almost broken, I can only help I’m hanging on to my life, I have to see the doctor in the hospital for the specific treatment. I came a little late. Two of your people died. The murderer is the one over there… That should be an old owl, and that’s cp9. Agent, I’ll leave it to you to deal with it too.”

Even in the middle of the night, Bello Betty is still the one who wears sunglasses, holds a cigarette in her mouth, and shows her bosom.

She looked at her companion first. The chef man’s arms were completely broken, but his chest was still breathing steadily. If he went to the doctor immediately, he should be able to save his life.

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