The Pirate Princess Becomes King

Chapter 99

Chapter 98: Handcuffs

“Weiguo” vs “Bahai”!

The two moves not only have different names, but also different ways of exerting force and attacking angles, but whether it is Weiwei or Yamato, they both see an inexplicable fit in the difference in their own stunts.

They didn’t have time to think about it at all, and the two moves collided.

“Boom!—” There was a loud bang, the collision produced a huge roar, the air wave exploded from the collision point, the smoke and dust were squeezed by the huge force, and had to gather together, and finally became a column of air that penetrated the sky and the earth. The ground cracked, and the cracks got bigger and bigger. Finally, even the entire Ghost Island was shaken violently for five or six seconds!

The momentum and destructive power caused by the collision of “Mighty Kingdom” and “Bahai” this time were more than ten times stronger than the previous “Chopping” versus “Ming Dysprosium”.

Ace, who was completely a melon eater, was overturned by the aftermath of the attack, and he turned two somersaults in midair before he could stand still.

The first to bear the brunt, Wei Wei spurted blood from her mouth and flew out more than ten meters away.

Yamato on the other side stepped back again and again. She gritted her teeth and used her right hand to insert the mace into the ground, trying to stabilize her body, but the force of the collision was stronger than she imagined. The stick plowed out a 7-8 meter long ditch on the ground. In the end, she still did not completely escape the impact, and slammed into the mountain behind her, leaving a human figure half a meter deep on the stone. contour.

Yamato held on and did not fall, although her right hand holding the mace was trembling all the time, her physical fitness was obviously stronger than that of Weiwei, who was knocked away.

“Weiguo” and “Bahai” did not decide the winner, but those who used tricks decided the winner.

“I’ve been beaten by Kaido for many years, such a small shock can’t knock me down at all!” she yelled.

Weiwei in the distance spat out another mouthful of blood.

Although it wasn’t a heartbreak, the continuous vomiting of blood was also a great harm to her body.

She also lifted her trump card that had not yet grown up.

“Isis, hurry up, give me a mouthful of milk.”

“Okay, sister.” A tender voice sounded, and in the next second, pure blood gushed out of the seal and turned into pure life energy, nourishing and repairing the wounds inside and outside her body, and the shocking internal organs were one by one. Repaired, the cracked skin on the body also healed quickly, and in less than three seconds, she stood up again.

She reverted to being the elegant vampire queen.

Weiwei covered her mouth lightly: “Oh hehe hehe – Big Wolf Dog, you are stronger than I thought, you are indeed very resistant to beatings, very powerful, but… I only used less than 10% of it just now. Power!”

She is a dead duck with a tough mouth, and she will never lose if she loses.

Yamato has never left the island of ghosts since she was a child, and her personality is too upright.

Yamato was very surprised, and then his face turned excited: “Really? You are so strong… Well, let’s continue fighting!”

Weiwei (‘???`)

Keep going! She has played all her cards here, and she is trying to support her now, but if she has a bit of eyesight, she will know that she doesn’t want to play.

Ace saw that she was strong on the outside and doing things in the middle, and took the words with a smile.

“Seeing that you played very interestingly, let me try it too.”

Died after trying, Weiwei deeply realized the power of Yamato, she really had no choice.

You can go on.

Yamato claims to be beaten by Kaido every day. Outsiders don’t know whether it is or not, but this guy’s resilience is indeed inhuman. Weiwei used all the pure blood Isis stored to recover, and she just stood there. Where, through the effort of speaking, 30% to 40% of his physical strength was restored.

Weiwei believes that willpower is one aspect, and the opponent’s strong resilience must also be partly derived from devil fruits. Yamato’s animal form must be some kind of creature with strong resilience, most of which are phantom beasts, but she didn’t think of anything for a while. Wolfdogs have such strong resilience.

She went to the side to rest, without Kalu the duck pouring water on her and rubbing her shoulders, she felt awkward, took out the phone bug and looked at it, this little thing was shocked by the domineering and domineering, and now she is completely dizzy, what? It’s really unknown when it will recover.

The battle between Ace and Yamato was another style. The fire was soaring into the sky, and all kinds of flames were shaped. After that, they smashed their heads in the face. Yamato’s response was still simple and rude. One power down ten sessions!

Weiwei has seen a lot of fame, this guy doesn’t have giant blood, right? The strength is too great! The pair of corners on the head is also very strange, and it doesn’t look like a decoration…

Of the three present, Yamato was the oldest and looked at least twenty years old. Ace was about seventeen now, and Weiwei had just celebrated her fourteenth birthday.

At the age of old Zefa, the difference is not obvious, but in the age group of the three of them, each year older, the strength, speed and endurance are completely different.

Weiwei didn’t feel any depression. The other party was at least six or seven years older than her, and she was still six or seven years old when her physical fitness had skyrocketed. In addition, she had a father of the Fourth Emperor as a sparring trainer, and she brushed up her experience every day.

After all, Yamato’s physical strength has not recovered, and it will be very difficult to fight Ace in all aspects.

I was able to swing the “Thundering Four Trigrams” before. Now let’s not talk about the four trigrams. Both of them are laborious. When the mace is swung out, the speed is slow, the power is small, and the blue lightning is reduced by more than half. “Hai” spent too much energy fighting against each The stamina may be recovered, but the domineering will not recover so quickly.

Fighting, not knowing what the two of them whispered, Ace suddenly raised his voice: “We don’t have the right to choose our father, even if your hands are bound, even if you hate your father, why should you choose yourself? His heart is so completely bound!”

Yamato was silent.

The battle ended when an oversized “Yang Yan” was defeated by “Thundering Bagua”.

Ace was exhausted and could not stand up. Yamato also sat on the ground, gasping for breath, completely powerless to fight.

The physical strength was completely exhausted, and the spirit was exhausted to the extreme, and there was no energy at all.

After listening to all of their conversations, Weiwei carefully looked at Yamato’s handcuffs and observed it for a while, but in the end she was not sure about her guess: “So… so you have been wearing Hailoushi handcuffs and I fought???”

She previously thought that the other party was carrying some kind of props to limit combat power, but she never expected it to be Hailoushi handcuffs!

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