The Player that Can’t Level Up

Chapter 298: The Vatican (5)

“Are you finished?” Gi-Gyu asked.

“Yes,” replied Paimon. He was done tuning his new body. Paimon had told Gi-Gyu a lot about Ha Song-Su and Andras’ current possible location. He had also told Gi-Gyu why they preferred to remain in the shadows.

I never even thought they could be hiding there.’ Gi-Gyu was surprised. Apparently, his enemies had set camp in an unexpected location.

The Tower had absorbed hell, but Paimon was certain Andras and Ha Song-Su were inside hell. Then, Paimon had talked about hell for a while.

Hell…’ Gi-Gyu knew Paimon wasn’t lying. Hell unquestionably existed, but the one inside the Tower probably differed from the one Lou and Paimon remembered. Gi-Gyu wasn’t happy with what he had heard. Paimon had finished his tuning, but he still hadn’t told Gi-Gyu everything.

“I apologize.” Paimon seemed confused as well. He hadn’t forgotten the information. He had just lost it during the tuning process. Paimon suspected something had gone wrong, as some important pieces of information no longer existed in his head. He felt that someone had interfered. It was a miracle that Paimon even remembered the approximate location of Ha Song-Su and Andras.

Paimon later explained that he had to make a choice during the tuning process. He could only keep part of his memories, so he had chosen his research results over the time he had spent taking orders from Andras.

Paimon thanked Gi-Gyu, “Thank you for not blaming me for keeping what is precious to me.”

Paimon now only had the memories of his research, experiments, weapons, and family. Gi-Gyu didn’t criticize him for making such a choice.

“We will find our enemies one way or the other. It will just take more time, but it doesn’t matter. You don’t have to worry,” said Gi-Gyu.

“Thank you.” Paimon seemed genuinely grateful. Sincere gratitude from such an arrogant creature should have touched Gi-Gyu, but he had more pressing matters to consider.

“By the way, the one who interfered with your tuning process…” Gi-Gyu trailed off.

Paimon nodded. “I’m guessing… it’s him.”

Paimon had undone the restrictions Andras had placed on him. However, they later learned that someone had placed another limitation on him—someone who could fool Paimon and Gi-Gyu and interfere with Paimon’s tuning.

“Kronos,” Gi-Gyu and Paimon said simultaneously.

“As you know, Kronos is on Andras’ side,” Paimon explained.

So he is on the prowl now.’ Gi-Gyu thought grimly.

The one who had remained hidden until now…

The one who had been sealed away in the Tower...

Kronos had finally made his move.


“I’ll ask you again.” His red eyes shining, Go Hyung-Chul looked straight into Gi-Gyu’s eyes.

Gi-Gyu looked right back at him, having realized that something was different. Before, Go Hyung-Chul’s eyes only had desperation and impatience; now, they looked calm.

“I need more power. I mean it,” Go Hyung-Chul continued. “I require it for my revenge. I need it to do what I want in life. Right now, I am just a side piece in this war, which is not what I want. I want to get my revenge with my own two hands.”

Go Hyung-Chul knelt, and Gi-Gyu didn’t stop him. Gi-Gyu only looked at the paparazzo, whose emotions had transformed.

Go Hyung-Chul begged, “So, please… Give me power.”

He looked down quietly, waiting for Gi-Gyu’s decision.

“I won’t ask you if you won’t regret it.” Gi-Gyu finally opened his mouth. “Everything will change after this. You will no longer be yourself. You will be reborn as a creature who belongs to me.”

The lines were a bit embarrassing, but he needed to do this. The sync was Gi-Gyu’s unique ability, and it was a powerful one.

He continued, “The sync is a merciless process. It won’t care about my or your situation. It will bind us forever.”

It was a sacrifice, but it gave great power in exchange.

“After we sync, you will have to give up on your revenge if I order you to. If I ask you to kill someone precious to you, you will have no choice but to do it. That’s what the sync is all about.”

Go Hyung-Chul only listened.

“You won’t become my friend,” Gi-Gyu announced.

Go Hyung-Chul finally looked up. There was confusion in his eyes, which made Gi-Gyu smile.

Gi-Gyu continued, “You’ll become a creature with unconditional loyalty to me.”

“Did you consider me your friend?” Go Hyung-Chul asked with a satisfied grin. There was no sarcasm or any negative feelings in his voice.

“I will also try to be your friend,” Go Hyung-Chul added. Clearly, he wouldn’t give up on syncing with Gi-Gyu.

Shaking his head, Gi-Gyu replied, “All right.”


Gi-Gyu’s hand placed his hand on Go Hyung-Chul’s head, and his hand began glowing. It almost looked like Gi-Gyu was baptizing Go Hyung-Chul.

“Ahh…” Go Hyung-Chul moaned quietly. It was from contentment, not pain.


The sorcerous energy, Life, and Death in Eden melded together and filled Go Hyung-Chul.

“So this… is the sync.” Go Hyung-Chul felt the indescribable energy.

Gi-Gyu clenched his lips even tighter and focused. Ignoring the energies filling Go Hyung-Chul, he stabilized the connection between the two shells—something he couldn’t do before.

With the newly gained power, Gi-Gyu made the connection firmer.

In the past, I synced to gain more power, but now…’ Gi-Gyu could empower others. Of course, this didn’t mean he couldn’t take what was Go Hyung-Chul’s. It was a two-way street, and Gi-Gyu could also use Go Hyung-Chul’s abilities.

Gi-Gyu had perfected the sync.

After a long time, the light finally disappeared.

“Thank you,” Go Hyung-Chul whispered and lost consciousness.


Everyone gathered in the training hall.


“Go get him!”

“Whoever wins gets to ride it!”

The creatures shouted in excitement. Eden had a new addition thanks to the recently closed S-Class gate. The newcomer was the drake Gi-Gyu had defeated on Sung-Hoon’s request; it was currently jumping around in the training hall.

Hal stood nearby.

“The loser will have to do intense training until they become a lich,” Hal ordered as he watched his knight fight the drake. This drake had transformed into a death drake after syncing with Gi-Gyu.

Hal already had a drake, so he announced, “And the winner will get the drake and become the second Death Drake-Knight.”

The knights’ eyes glowed dangerously. They were all holding their weapons. Some wielded only swords, while others used shields as well. Some even used spears, halberds, and axes.

“Ackkkk!” the knights screamed as they ran toward the angry drake. The drake’s skin was so much harder than before. It almost seemed like it had been carved out of stone.


The drake’s skin was tough enough to withstand the knights’ weapons. But in the end, one of the knights managed to defeat it.

“It’s over,” Hal murmured before the drake collapsed.

The winner was a death knight holding a sword and a shield.

“Uwahhhh!” the winner climbed the drake and roared.

[A new Death Drake-Knight has been born.]

The system announcement rang in Gi-Gyu’s ears. He was watching the battle from nearby and witnessed the glow in the winner's eyes becoming a darker orange. Then, he heard another system announcement.

[The maximum number of knights in the order has increased.]

“I better ask Sung-Hoon to see if I can enter any more gates which have drakes,” Gi-Gyu mumbled. It was just a little, but he could feel his power increasing thanks to the drake.

Although the drake battle was over, the Eden creatures remained in the training hall. Actually, more people and creatures, including Choi Chang-Hon and the other players, gathered in the hall.

“Hmm.” Lou joined the crowd.

“I’m here. I heard there is something fun going on here.” Soo-Jung arrived as well.

El was currently busy devising their next step with Hamiel.

Soo-Jung asked, “It hasn’t started yet?”

The center of the training hall had nearly 300 beings. A barrier materialized around it, and everyone waited quietly. Gi-Gyu walked to the middle, and when he waved his hand, the abundant energy in the area consolidated to strengthen the barrier.

The final result was an unusually sturdy barrier.

“You can come out now,” Gi-Gyu grinned and announced.

“I was going to anyway,” a voice replied. Everyone here turned toward the speaker, who walked into the training hall. It turned out that the drake wasn’t the only addition to Eden.

“Thank you for sparring with me again.” Go Hyung-Chul smiled as he stood in the middle of the training hall.

Gi-Gyu and Go Hyung-Chul looked at each other. Go Hyung-Chul’s outer appearance hadn’t changed much except for one thing. He no longer had his signature red eyes. Instead, his eyes glowed blue, the same shade as the gate.

The sync tethered him to Gi-Gyu and helped him evolve. Gi-Gyu wasn’t sure if it was because Go Hyung-Chul was a failed product of Project Adam or because he was demonified [1]. It could even be because of his unique ability. All in all, it was an inexplicable outcome.

Go Hyung-Chul smiled again and added, “I’m thankful I get to use this new power against you.”

Gi-Gyu’s smile deepened at the thought. Go Hyung-Chul was now his loyal ally. However, he was trying to act the same way as before to not make Gi-Gyu uncomfortable.

“We have a big audience, so let’s get this started.” Gi-Gyu stretched his neck from side to side. He didn’t use Lou or El. Instead, he raised his bare hands. “First move is yours.”

“If you lose this battle, you will be so embarrassed. Are you sure you’re okay with that?” Go Hyung-Chul teased.

Gi-Gyu smiled, but before he could even blink, he heard Go Hyung-Chul’s voice again. And this time, it was from behind.

“You will regret this match.”

Gi-Gyu didn’t jolt. His feet turned into a blur, and he dodged Go Hyung-Chul’s attack. Go Hyung-Chul’s current speed and power were on a completely different level from before. He had also gained a new ability.

“Here I go.” Go Hyung-Chul abruptly turned into black liquid and was absorbed by the ground in less than a second.


Go Hyung-Chul reappeared from Gi-Gyu’s shadow and thrust his dagger toward Gi-Gyu.

[Shadow Lord]

This was Go Hyung-Chul’s new job.


“Are you sure about this? If you’re worried, then…”

Gi-Gyu interrupted Lou’s concerned words and replied, “I’ll be fine now. I’ll do great with you. And if something happens, I’ll just run this time.”

Gi-Gyu grinned to reassure Lou. But this time, he wasn’t being arrogant. Gi-Gyu was stronger than before and had prepared for traps.

“And it’s not like a battle will erupt immediately. I’ll call for you if I need you. Go, be prepared for me,” Gi-Gyu said to Lou.

“All right.”

Turning toward Soo-Jung, Gi-Gyu requested, “Please take care.”

“Don’t worry. Lim Hye-Sook and Shin Yoo-Bin are also going this time.” Soo-Jung sounded relaxed.

“Don’t get into any fights. The second you get a whiff of them, come back,” Gi-Gyu said to Soo-Jung.

“I got it. I’m not some weakling you need to worry about,” Soo-Jung grumbled. She was about to leave to look for Ha Song-Su and Andras.

“Most of all—”

Soo-Jung interrupted Gi-Gyu and added, “I know, I know. If I find your family and Yoo Suk-Woo, I should prioritize rescuing them.”

Go Hyung-Chul was the one best suited to search for Suk-Woo and Gi-Gyu’s family; at the moment, he couldn’t join the search party.

“I’m ready,” Go Hyung-Chul said to Gi-Gyu.

“We’re ready too, Master,” said El. Behind her, Hamiel and the other two angels stood waiting.

“All right. We’ll see you later,” Gi-Gyu said goodbye to Soo-Jung. Gi-Gyu, Go Hyung-Chul, El, and the other angels were leaving for Italy, which they suspected was where the Vatican was located.

1. The author doesn’t explain the “demonified” part ☜

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