The Power of Ten, Book Five: Versatile Wizardry

Chapter 8-371 – A Desert Invitation

Things in Egypt moved at a much more deliberate pace than they had in Mexico City. Part of that was because the Pharaohs knew exactly what we were here for and what was going to happen if they didn’t fight, while at the same time they were still restricted by territory in what undead they could manifest.

The Undead Hunters actually busied themselves hunting down the remaining Snakes, Scorpions, Spiders, and Medusas that had stayed sworn to Apis’ two older sisters. The majority of those forces were outside the Pyramids, and if they were spread over a vast area, we just didn’t care.

We could also crack the Medusan Curse at will, and so had nothing to fear from the snake-women who led up those forces, and we were deathly good at tracking them down in all the numbers and starting a conflict they just didn’t want. But as most of them had Dark Magic, with all the Medusas having Earth and Curse magic available, Disruption wouldn’t kill them like it would undead, but it would do double damage, and they couldn’t avoid or escape us unless we wanted them to.

They did realize soon enough that they were in a fight for their very survival, as the Undead Hunters hit far harder en masse than any Egyptian military force that they had ever had to face, and we didn’t acknowledge their safe zones at all.

Apis’ forces just looked on, despite all the pleas from her sisters for their help and aid, as thousands of the creatures died every day, relentlessly, piling up the dead and helping grow the new Egyptian volunteers.

Three Crystalheart Compounds were opened eventually in Egypt, fully sponsored and endorsed by the Egyptian government and military, as well as the Acropolis. The first batch of Star-bursters did indeed include every single person at my initial meeting, as well as multiple generals and military officers, much to their dismay.

Some refused, representing others who did not want their magic taken away from them. Sama was plenty happy to help clean house, especially since those men were also the most likely to be players in the infamously corrupt society of elites for the country, specifically indulging in sexual and child slavery practices.

The movement spread from the base soldiers out into the country as a whole, a grassroots movement that soon became almost a religion of its own, especially as the Kabbalists came in and started founding Crystal Churches of Heaven as sub-centers of these efforts, helping small groups of people suffer through the process of cleansing their Stars with advice and moral support.

A large number of Adepts and Mages fled the country rather than have to go through the process. I made sure to track them all and remind them coldly and repeatedly from the distance that Infinite Sands was following all of them, and would be coming for them when it was time. They couldn’t hide from Him, they were going to doom anyone around them when He took action, and the local Emperors were probably going to snuff them soon on general principle.

Some actually did get snuffed. Any who went to America, for instance. They set foot on the continent, and a Thunderbolt came right down and blew them into bloodspray instantly. Some headed into Europe, took a step into Old Mountain’s territory, and fell into a crack in the ground instantly. It closed up on them, squirting crimson into the air with lethal finality, and that was that.

The ones who fled into Africa got to enjoy the sensation of the eyes of the Beasts following them literally everywhere, showing them they’d been Marked, they couldn’t hide, and the more aggressive Beasts just immediately went for them and anyone in the way, creating bloody carnage around themselves and rendering them instant pariahs.

None who survived lasted more than a month before crawling back to Egypt, eager to get into a Crystalheart Compound and clean up their Stars.


Month by month, the KIA lads all hit Sage, one after another, regular as clockwork, a feat which had a lot of organizations inhaling nervously in fear and desire.

That gave Coralost ten Sages to fall back on, and there was nothing saying that more weren’t on the way. Certainly we also had a slew of Archmages, both traditional and Typeless.

Ten Sages... was a lot of Sages. More than most countries in the world had. That we nominally operated out of Michigan and America didn’t make us American Sages, either, as pretty much all of the lads had their own Patron Emperors.

Bjorn was the fourth of the KIA team to Ascend, graduating to Plant Magic as a true son of Michigan, and Queen Gichigumi herself Named Swampy The Swamp Bastion Sage for his ability to bog down his opponents and defend a position.

Big John made it next, taking up Chaos Magic for its battlefield control and ability to coordinate the firepower of his Summons. Fire Phoenix named him The Big Works Sage.

Glenn graduated to Sage with the Ice Element as a Vassal of Ice Phoenix Emperor, and She Named him The Far-Seeing Sage for his sniping ability and Divination Element giving him tremendous long range threat capability.

Burt followed him to Sagedom, also an Ice Phoenix follower, gaining the Divination Element as part of his focus as someone who stood guard and snooped out problems. She Named him The Unseen Eye Sage.

Tox, as reticent as ever, was the last to break through, more from patience than any lack of ability. He was a true Blue Ox Mage all the way, and took Water to bind himself more firmly to the Great Lakes about his home. It was Princess Karegnondi who Named him The Silent Iron Sage.


Queen Aspis was still bound by Contract to Mok Fan, but given his Sevenfold Sage status, he did not limit her natural power at all, and she was already at half-Emperor status, exceeding her sister Euryale and easily rivalling her other sister Stheno. When she matured to her full power, she’d move easily into Low Emperor, not needing any physical evolutions to do so, only gather and refine the appropriate Mana... which, conversely was actually much easier to accomplish while she was Contracted, so she hadn’t bothered to break her Contract with the irascible Mok Fan yet.

She was standing atop a Great King Scarlet Desert Python, a famous Snake of ancient lineage and servant of her mother’s that had decided to follow her instead of her sisters. It had proven to be a wise decision, as the Snakes who had followed the other two daughters of Medusa had dropped in number precipitously.

Aspis’ wordless call for my attention had been subtle, designed not to be felt by anyone else, and definitely testing my magical awareness. Despite her elegant and quite beautiful humanoid façade, she was truly a Magical Beast of great power, under Contract, and did not think like humans nor consider herself one.

That said, she had mastered Plant Magic in the Human Tradition with great glee, and had taken to surrounding herself in black and white roses with gleaming black thorned vines of surpassing lethality.

She had inherited mastery of the Medusa’s Curse as a magical ability, but not true Curse Magic, and was not bound to the Netherworld, either... although that was admittedly tenuous. Her natural Psychic and Earth Magic were of Sage level, however, and she could probably learn the Poison Element with little true effort if she cared to, also holding off for fear of contamination.

I didn’t have to broadcast my Aura as I glided down from the sky above her. The millennia-old Snake she was riding on groveled immediately before both my Aura and the Wills of the Emperors hanging from Noble, as was proper in the world of Beasts, and she hesitated only a moment before reluctantly going down to her knees before me.

I wouldn’t do anything to her if she ignored the etiquette, but the Emperors watching her through their Tokens certainly would note the disrespect, and pissing off Emperors was not wise.

“Lady Aspis,” I greeted her calmly, waving her back to her feet, which she reclaimed promptly. “What brings you out of your territory?” She had pulled her Tribes away from the Pharaohs, heading east and north into Libya in a curve around the Sahara and desert that was the domain of Infinite Sands. Amusingly enough, she and her creatures had taken over custody of five separate Obelisks and the Soul and Spirit Seeds the things could make, meaning we didn’t need to collect them ourselves any more.

“Healer, Fae, we come bearing a message from the High Emperor.” There was a catch in her voice, and I raised an eyebrow. There was absolutely no way that Infinite Sands was going to have communicated with her, who was basically a bastard of a Magical Beast made by corrupt netherworld magic and Tainted Beasts.

She paused at my expression, and then remembered that lying to me was simply not possible, instead just gesturing at her erstwhile mount.

I turned my eyes to the prone and motionless Great Scarlet Desert Python King. “You have words for me, Elder?” I asked politely.

There was a long, relieved hiss at my politeness. “The High Emperor ordered me to convey a message to the Healer Fae. He will meet with you at his Demesne in the sands,” I translated from his sand-shaking susurrations.

That was sort of talking around not giving me an order to attend on Him, and also not bothering to contact me or mine directly. The great Snake was a worthy emissary of sorts, especially dragging along Queen Aspis like he had, but he was not an Emperor, and I knew at least six lesser Emperors dwelled in the Sahara who would have been completely honored to convey His words to me.

It was a definite snub, but He was a High Emperor who despised Humans in general, was arrogant, proud, and powerful, and He thought He could get away with it, regardless of what The Ice Emperor had told Him.

“He has noticed that almost all Magical Beast servants of the Pharaohs have been dispatched, and is considering expanding His domain into their territories. However, I am here, and He is not sure what to do about me or my intentions here,” I mused aloud. “Your message is delivered, Elder. I will not hold you to blame for it.”

His long and relieved exhalation was heartfelt. Being a messenger for a High Emperor was both a great honor and an incredible burden. He could also feel just how damn dangerous I was, even if I wasn’t toting around a number of Imperial Wills.

“That Infinite Sands even deigns to meet with you would be considered an incredible honor, Healer Fae,” Queen Aspis offered carefully, unable to ignore the gulf between us in power levels.

“The reason He has not exterminated you and the other medusas is because of me, Queen Aspis,” I told her calmly, and she flushed in shock. “You have claimed several of my Obelisks, you tolerate the vivic flame, and I have led my people against your sisters and their servants, clearly conveying my position on this matter. He knows what we did in Mexico, it is plain we are here to do the same, and He is not going to interfere in that happening.”

“This is a test, then,” she judged hesitantly, realizing that for all intents and purposes she was basically my Vassal, and that her hopes of being recognized by Infinite Sands were basically dust and trash. The dragon High Emperor had no use for her people whatsoever.

“Indeed.” I turned my eyes north. “And there are eyes watching Him all the time, so I will have to be more careful than I would be otherwise.” Especially in His Demesne.

“This is not a friendly meeting,” the cunning Queen deduced shrewdly.

“He is a Dragon. Dominance or submission, little equality. Aye, there is no friendship implied here at all, despite what we do. Humanity trying to solve a problem we are contributing to does not excuse what we have done in the past and will continue to do in the future, at least in His eyes.” I rubbed my fingertips together thoughtfully. “Well, I will go see Him tomorrow. I have things to take care of right now.”

That I would dare to delay and see him on my own schedule also sent a message, and Aspis could only nod, wide-eyed as I took off to head back to the Valley of Kings and domain of the Pharaohs, where golden sands were Burning endlessly in vivus, shrinking their realm every minute of the day and night now.

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