The Power of Ten Book Four: Dynamo

Issue 510 – Final Issue Wrap-Up

As the Final Issue arises and the story closes, the story has been ongoing for 500 Issues. So, this is my last request on Book Four!

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The Start of Book Five is in the link above.


Well, this is the traditional round-up chapter, representing over a year of daily postings, twice on Fridays, and Book Four coming to an End.

Mithar’s Grand Plans extend across multiverses. I waffled at the end between Dyna coming down in Gotham with nothing but a base Spider template, no magic, and working her way up from there, but nixed that as being incredibly dumb for her level and intelligence. The first thing that was going to happen was that the Joker was going to stumble across her, start to shoot her for the fun of it while she was puking out multiversal energies, and she was going to shove his gun up under his chin and off him...

Also, Mithar is an opportunist, which Dyna took full advantage of to subvert the Yellow, turn it Gold, and straighten out a major error in the Emotional Spectrum.

The other major error includes Greed and Compassion as Major Emotions. The two Emotions most missing from the Spectrum are Joy and Sorrow. You can give Joy to Pink, but Sorrow should be Indigo/Dark Blue, by my way of thinking. Compassion is a subset of Love or Hope, not a major emotion itself. Greed... is a Sin, not an emotion, right, and tied to Love/Desire? Especially with orange, the happiest of colors...

As for the more recent Ultraviolet Light, which represents survival/emotions/instinct, that should be Infrared. Ultraviolet should be emotions beyond control, or mad enlightenment/insanity/lack of emotional control. One side of the spectrum is more primal, the other more destabilizing and unbalanced.


You have Dyna’s final Assay up in 501. I specifically changed her appearance as a reaction to her having the Balobedu bloodline still, which was formerly covered up by Golden Child levels. Her Clones and Dupes don’t have it in DC-dom, as the Oshtur-born effect isn’t there to empower it, so they look like her original appearance.


If any of you followed DC comics, then the 1985 Crisis on Infinite Earths was the first big multiversal reboot, just like Secret Wars was the first Comic Event reflected in ALL comics of its publisher. The Crisis went on for a full year, spilled into ALL DC comic book lines, featured all DC characters, and basically was a big reset button the whole universe was in desperate need of after 40+ years of zany continuity to keep track of.

Marvel has done some subtle versions of the same things since then, with House of M, Secret Wars II, the Infinity Stone books, and the like. DC seems to want to do the same thing every five years or less now, but I’m not an active collector anymore, so it doesn’t impact me so much.

Divine was the name given Dyna here, instead of chosen by her, and since she doesn’t have bioelectric powers anymore, she just went with it. The fact she’s a full Heavenbound Warlock means that she has tremendous magical presence and influence, and as a tri-color Power Ring bearer she’s got great cosmic representation. Her Level and mental Stats are totally cloud-cuckoo compared to DC heroes, too, and I’m sure her point-buy in any system would be unbelievable.

‘Current’ DC world-building has superheroes active in the 40’s during World War II, but the ‘modern’ age starts whenever Superman shows up. In this iteration, we’re going with the original Earth-1, with the ‘modern’ Justice League starting in the 1960’s, and Earth-2, the ‘original’ DC, with the Justice Society that started before WW II. Dynamo came down before all the reboots happened, and came on the scene basically a short while before Superman made his splash in Metropolis, although he had been around as Superboy for a couple years.

Of course, Dyna doesn’t wear a mask or costume, or have a secret identity, which means she can do things that many other heroes cannot, like, oh, make lasting change and contributions to society that don’t involve punching bad guys or property destruction.

For those of you unaware, the original Green Lantern Power Rings worked on a 24-hour charge, and were vulnerable to the color yellow, which, given the power of the Rings as limited only by the will and imagination of their bearers, was a necessary weakness for villains to exploit and be able to overcome the hero.

Such rings were later replaced by the Guardians on Oa during the War of Many Colors, after Parallax the Yellow Avatar escaped the Central Power Battery. In doing so, the Guardians also relaxed many rules on the Corps (such as not being allowed to kill), and at least doubled the size of the Corps and more.

Mechanically, I see Green ruled by Concentration Skill Ranks, Yellow by Intimidation, and Blue by Diplomacy. A key Feat for Yellow would be Unnatural Will, which gives the person a bonus to Fear and Horror saves equal to their Charisma modifier, and reflects pure resistance to fear coming from will and personality. It’s the /5 Advance on the Willpower Mastery tree...


The Marvel Universe Dyna leaves behind would have been in the late 2000’s or so, some thirty-plus years after her arrival in 1975. As Marvel has a rolling timeline, the fact that many crossover Events took place years earlier in their world should not be a surprise, and would have worked out to about 2017-2018 in Marvel continuity as far as such things go.

Note by then Peter Parker is in his forties and his eldest daughter Mayday Parker is probably itching to join the spandex set, but the level of Earth technology and Powered Leveling means Peter and MJ are still physically in their 20’s. Peter is probably one of the most respected scientists and engineers on the planet as part of the original Baxter Buddies, as opposed to his complete non-presence in Marveldom, which the Dynamic Family simply will not let happen.

The Dynamic Family can still tap the Underweb if need be and allowed to, but after Dynamo’s exile it is much more difficult, as they lack the direct tap and Pact-borne harmony that could extend from it. Oddly enough, Sublime Chord Casting means it definitely isn’t an issue, and the Vishanti definitely like having the Scarlet Witch there on the Sorc Supreme seat, too, helping straddle the balance line they love so fervently... and they’ve more than enough evidence that she’s capable of making devastating dire choices.

With the Strontian race reborn as an incredibly strong backbone to the Pentad Alliance, there is little doubt that the Alliance will rapidly expand to dominate the Milky Way Galaxy, with the five Corps cooperating to slowly expand their spheres of influence. Super-Soldiers will make sure that any military actions they undertake are devastating, and balance that fine line between expenditures, needs, and quality on a razor edge, because they can.

Large numbers of Marvel heroes are heading for Eternal Status. The Fantastic Four definitely are, for starters. Mr. Hill will reach it naturally, although he’s never going to be one for much world-walking, given his nature. Peter and MJ will reach it in the future, and probably become Reality Guards, walking the Spider-verse and taking care of problems. Howard and Tony Stark should both reach it, but their influence will be on the cosmic science end of things, out in space and the burgeoning Terran influence out there.

Sama and Briggs will slowly work to uplift Terra and bring it ever more fully into the Pentad Alliance, raising its science level and technology to be an equal contributor, breaking down old governmental barriers (with force, if need be, they’ve only so much patience), and getting humanity out into the stars as a whole, not just a fraction of them.

Within ten years after the end of the story, the X-gene puzzle should be completely cracked, and ‘mutant powers’ become available to anyone who wants them, with ninety percent-plus predictions on what is possible, and even changing powers if need be. There will be a short period of violence, followed by rapid societal change to a new power paradigm, and the realization that even with all those powers, there’s stuff Out There that could bomb the planet to heck, and they are just individually strong as mutants are. Terra is still just one world (two) out there in a hostile universe.

The Marveldom Earth there will also go through some revolutions, as many of its best and brightest will leave the planet to join the Pentad Alliance, including most of its mutant population. The news of the mindblade ‘mutant cure’, combined with cracking the genome, will also cause waves of change around the planet, which in the Marvel manner will probably end up quite violently, and require Pentad intervention to put down as normal society collapses under the strain of possible super-powers for everyone... and it will naturally be the Marked on that world who start putting it back together.

Massive amounts of humans embrace the frontier mentality to get out of their broken current homes and start up lives on Venus and New Venus. Mixing with Pentad races there helps loads with a more cosmopolitan atmosphere.

The Kree, Shi’ar, and Skrulls are non-issues at this point and for the foreseeable future. They are living on Ringworlds, and are occupied by basically eternal battles against the remnants of the Negative Zone forces who have taken over their native galaxies. While they will scramble for resources to wage that war, their interest in messing with the Pentad Alliance and its waxing power will wane tremendously as they grapple with their own loss in status.

Uncle Ben and Aunt May will be welcomed into the cosmic tier of beings there, mentored by Galactus. As a being with power only below Eternity and the Living Tribunal, Uncle Ben is obviously of high status, and at that level all beings have their own motivations, and don’t gainsay his.

At some point, the Pentad Alliance will likely absorb most of the remnants of the Kree and Shi’ar, while the Skrulls are forever broken as a people (helped by the fact their greatest champions and ruler are copies of Carol Danvers and Dynamo). The wars against the Negative Zoners will never really stop, and led by Super-Soldiers, the species of the Zone will be slowly forced back to the Ringworlds prepared for them, a process that will take centuries, but leave multiple galaxies under the control of the Alliance.

Galactus and Uncle Ben will complete the Reclamation Ringworlds for the species exterminated by Galactus during His hunger, a process that will also take centuries, returning to life worlds and species absent from the cosmos for billions of years. This may even include a few Elders of the Universe’s original species, who had been exterminated by Him! (I can see Survivor of Galactus’ Hunger being an acceptable focus for an Elder)

News of the Celestial Seeds will naturally cross the cosmos, and the arrival of Galactus’ Heralds, the Surfer and the Savior (Magneto), will in the future be met with expectation at least as often as fear. The Sanctuary Ships made by Galactus will also become known across the cosmos for rescuing people and species from worlds being destroyed by apocalyptic events, bringing them to the Ringworlds, and at least allowing them to survive annihilation by cosmic accidents, all without Galactus actually being involved in the process at all.

One of my more winsome ideas was there to be an Elder of the Universe called The Banker, who would be invited in to help set up an intergalactic monetary system for the Alliance.

Clea Strange will reign over the Dark Dimension, not expanding, but holding the lands her uncle Dormammu seized against all comers. Their wars against Mephisto will be particularly noteworthy, and the propensity of Munroe Archcasters to pop up and really punish the shit out of the Red Rat noted by all concerned. Their Name as a Patron of Faltine Fire and friendlier energies will soon be known across multiple galaxies and other realms, spread by the Pentad Alliance, and with it their advance to a Principal and perhaps an Archprincipal will come in time.

Dr. Strange of Earth would become the new Headmaster of the Kamar-Taj School of Advanced Sorcery for two Earths, and later the whole Pentad Alliance. The Mentor Supreme would be known across worlds mortal and Limbo, at least as far as the Scarlet Sorceress Supreme who backs his position unflinchingly.

Dealer’s status as a unique Guardian of the Cosmos will take her across the length and breadth of the universe at the will of the Enigma Force, spreading the Light of Good and beginning the process of elevating it to one of the greater powers transcending Eternity there. Markspace and connections across the cosmos would follow in her wake, giving birth to heroes in countless galaxies as the Marks proliferate, and unprecedented amounts of unity and harmony among disparate parties would arise, where such things before inevitably devolved to war and racial interests above all else under the influence of Law, Chaos, and Evil.

The Munroes in Otherworld gradually start replacing alternate Satyrnynes in their duties out of sheer competency and power, and in doing so rein in some of the excesses of Avalon’s temporal empire there. The Merlin who began it will undoubtedly run into Sama at some point, and his non-temporal existence come to an abrupt end in a Null Field that doesn’t care if you aren’t subject to Time, you can still die.

The practice of creating a Dynamic Clone in new alternities will likely continue, especially worlds that are on negative survival trends. Even restricted to Twenty, with Dupes, Clone, and Simulacra, they can rapidly make a huge difference in the future of any world they are in, and just being able to save everyone with a Uni-mind in event of catastrophe can assure the future of humanity there.


Taking Things Home: The biggest thing The Human Race sent back to Terra-Luna and all these other places was the Human Racial Class, and with it that of so many other Races.

In this story, the number one thing is the Moondragon Mysteries, which will allow a normal human with some ki to access telepathy, without using a Mark-to-Mark connection to do so, or an Allegiance link. While it will be limited to among the more mentally-developed normal people, the fact is that they will be able to DO it, giving the Primos one more area to develop in, and even the Forsaken will benefit some with enhanced mental defenses. I consider the Mysteries to be the equivalent of a telepathic profound martial art; Terra’s defenders of the dreamworld and psiscape are going to be hellaciously dangerous as a result!

Aelryinth coming back with fully-developed Psionic powers and the ability to do Psychic Surgery means the Powered of Terra-Luna can have Psionic Cores opened, just like Homo Mentos have naturally. Psionic Classes among the natives of Terra-Luna will thus be on the board. Confirmation of Human Evolution to /8 and Full Exemplar, as well as knowledge and confirmation of Eternal status, will also be noted as something to work towards.

The Ranks of Lore in Alchemy, Spellcraft, and Psicraft may or may not be relevant, but they will provide an excellent avenue for future testing and research, regardless. Him learning all the super-science is just a case of having the mental chops to do so, and so indulging excess brainpower.

Learning Timeless Mind will mean that human Eternals won’t go nuts in the long-term, a positive effect.

He’ll also be able to say he shook hands with Spider-Man and Superman, and watch all his friends grow green with envy and dream of following him back to that Pyramid out in Creation and doing the same.

Also, he’s establishing stepping-stones Outside the Domains of Mithar, basically doors through which He can expand and grow His influence, and that of the Pantheon. As well as, you know, trade or immigration or something potential in the future.


The Dynamic Family will not be appearing in any normal Power of Ten stories as guest-stars or anything. That is mostly because of this being Fan Fiction, and doing so would imperil that material. They might be mentioned in passing, but seeing as how they are in different multiverses and literally have their own cross-infinities to work with, they have all the fun they can handle on their own.

If I add any more stories to this, it will likely be exclusive to Patreon. The original Dynamo stories I wrote about this are on there, a very different take on how things proceeded.


Lastly, if you’re still with me, you’ve had 500+ Issues of entertainment behind you! While joining my Patreon for a month or two or longer would be great (I put those reminders in there for a reason, you know!), one of the things I hope you can do is leave a 5-star Rating or Review.

As I write this, Book Three is number Six or Seven on the best finished stories on Royal Road, which is basically free advertising. Positive Ratings and Reviews push up a book into higher numbers, where more people see it, and a higher Quality Score encourages them to read it if other people have enjoyed it.

So, if you haven’t done it already, I’m hoping you can leave a 5-star, or upgrade a lower Rating from earlier, both help!

Thanks for your help, and I’ll see you in Book Five: Versatile Wizard, already posting on Royal Road!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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