The Priest Wants to Retire

Chapter 100

EP.100 Bigtim Saw

Bigtim was deep in thought.

Just a little while ago, when his sister happily asked him which type of dog collar suited her best, he had not felt this much turmoil in his heart.

Now, it had been several minutes since his sister had stormed into the room where the priest was isolated after successfully completing the first day of the Blessing Ceremony.

Bigtim was faithfully carrying out his sister’s orders to not let a single ant enter, but in his heart, he wanted nothing more than to escape right then and there.


As Bigtim wrapped his head in his hands and let out a gloomy sigh, his sister’s determined back briefly flickered in his mind.

Holding a collection of weak potions that would make even an ordinary person buckle at the knees just by smelling them, she was solemnly taking deep breaths, looking just like someone heading to their doom.

Among those potions was even an aromatic potion rumored to make dragons go wild.

What a ridiculous situation.

Bigtim knew all too well that the fact his sister was Immune to all poisons meant that any shop-bought drugs or poisons wouldn’t work on her.

It was pretty clear what those pink potions would be used for.

Uncle, I’m sorry. I couldn’t stop her in the end.

Of course, he had tried to stop her. He made an effort.

But his lengthy pleas over several minutes were crushed by a single confident line from her.

Don’t worry, Bigtim! Justice and pure love always win!

In that moment, who could dare criticize Bigtim for being momentarily dazed?

After making the man locked in the room under the influence of a potion, if leading him to pounce on her was what pure love was about, then Bigtim believed there was no trace of pure love left in this world.

Hey sis, do you know what pure love means?

Of course! Naturally! Be pure like my father!

He should have predicted that things would turn out this way when his sister suddenly called all the party members together and declared, I’m giving away my virginity today!

Right after she uttered those words, the image of Apis wearing a proud smile at her “accomplished” daughter while Dawna, who was suddenly foaming at the mouth, was seared vividly in his memory.

Although Bigtim had never seen his sister as particularly sharp, it felt as if a few screws had come loose in her head ever since that day she got involved with the priest.

P-Priest? What is going on? Uh! Uh!

It was just then.

From beyond the firmly closed door came the sounds of his sister’s rapturous moans.

Immediately, Bigtim hurriedly shut his eyes and covered his ears with both hands, but thanks to his sensory acuity developed just as highly as his sister’s, such barriers were hardly effective.

Though he had loved his sister, who had raised him like a mother since their biological parents abandoned them, more than anyone else, there was a stark difference when it came to hearing her share that kind of love.

Even the most devoted children who serve their parents would rather not hear the sounds of their siblings being made.

What’s more, the person was someone he had respected like an uncle. The shock that Bigtim felt at that moment was beyond words.

Mm! Chuu! Pwah! Ahh! Ugh!

There was no torture greater than this.

In a fleeting moment, Bigtim was seized by the impulse to tear his ears off, but he bit down hard and managed to withstand it.

The moans pouring out from the crack of the tightly closed door showed no signs of stopping, and the splashing sounds accompanying them sent chills down his spine.

He thought about ignoring his sister’s command and simply leaving, but having recently escaped a similarly embarrassing situation, Bigtim reconsidered.

His sister was rarely angry, but she had laid down one serious restriction.

If he acted irresponsibly and fled this time as well without fulfilling his duty, she would publicly reveal the embarrassing love letter he had sent to the Beastwoman next door back in his youth.

That was a statement enough to chill his blood.

Revealing not only his own dark past but also his secret preferences that one would not easily share with anyone?

No way, that couldn’t be the work of a hero.

His sister, who was kind to everyone, felt particularly mean today, especially since she sometimes acted worse than a demon towards him.

Well, he had to make a correction to that statement.

There was just one person.

Although she was usually gentle towards everyone, there was one person who could provoke palpable hostility from her.

The Saint. Angelus Ashes.

Bigtim was already shy, and he would freeze up if any woman other than his sister even brushed a fingertip against him.

But even he, in some mystical way, found himself drawn to the beauty of the saint, who looked like she was not of this world.

But for some reason, Bigtim felt fear creeping in.

It might have been an inappropriate expression, but he didn’t even want to approach her.

It wasn’t just because of his fear of women; he instinctively sensed that such an extraordinary being was not someone he could ever cross paths with.

Even if it meant risking the loss of someone he loved, Bigtim felt genuine respect blooming for the sister who could stand against such an unusual presence.


Just then, Bigtim realized that the moans coming from behind the door had suddenly stopped and cautiously removed his hands from his eyes and ears before approaching the door.

He couldn’t gauge how much time had passed.

After all, his experiences with women were similarly nonexistent.

It seemed like things ended a bit too quickly despite all the high-grade aphrodisiac that had been used, but it could only be expected.

His uncle was a bit older, and maybe he struggled a bit to handle his sister’s fiery vigor.

If Regis had heard Bigtim’s thoughts at that moment, he would surely have bellowed angrily.

Something felt off.

As Bigtim placed his hand on the slightly ajar door, he sensed a troubling atmosphere and furrowed his brow.

It was too quiet. Almost suspiciously so.

The room that had been filled with unwanted moans was now completely devoid of life.

Moreover, this ominous aura seeping through the crack in the door was unmistakable.

Although he couldn’t quite put it into words, he was sure something strange was happening inside.

There was also a slim chance that he might have been overthinking things.

After all, it was his sister in there. The hero!

Even if something went wrong, he believed she would be able to handle it.

Wait. No way…

Suddenly, a grim hypothesis crossed Bigtim’s mind.

He recalled a tavern he had been in one time by circumstance.

In it, a group of unknown men had boldly exchanged crude stories without caring about the disapproving glances of other patrons.

Hey! Have you guys heard? Just recently, an S-rank diva was having a good time! When her husband was mindlessly pulled in by the legs, she ended up breaking him!

Hahaha! I heard that rumor too! Fortunately, he didn’t die, but he was eventually dumped by his charming husband, right?

Hahaha! A masterpiece! This is why I say women adventurers are a problem! They don’t even know when they’ve turned into gorillas and think they’re still heavenly beings! They act without considering the power gap with ordinary folks!

Right? And what kind of man can penetrate that gorilla’s virginity? Guess he must be stronger than he looks!


Although it was a conversation so immature it almost made him grimace, Bigtim had indeed heard that lamentable rumor.

The bodies of adventurers, who had undergone a transformation through their magic and become significantly stronger than ordinary people, sometimes unintentionally harmed their partners during intimate moments with them.

That was a joke that circulated among adventurers, often appearing when least expected.


With his face pale as a sheet, Bigtim hurriedly placed his hand on the doorknob.

Unlike the story he had previously heard, both the hero and the priest had awakened their powers, but what mattered here was the difference in their strengths.

Even if they were both Awakened, the power discrepancy between a hero and a priest was like comparing an elephant to an ant.

The possibility that the hero might accidentally break the priest’s back in a moment of clumsiness before their first experience couldn’t be disregarded.

If the first thing he saw when opening this door was his bare sister and her benefactor sharing an intimate moment, it would have been the end of the road for him that night.

Yet, in a situation where a comrade’s life might be at stake, he wasn’t foolish enough to hesitate over such trivial reasons.


Bigtim forcibly yanked open the lock door secured by a bent iron bar.

What unfolded before his eyes was…


His sister lay unconscious on the bed without a stitch of clothing, alongside the priest.

And towering over them, gazing down with a menacing air, was an unidentified figure.

Just then, as Bigtim stood momentarily frozen, unable to comprehend the chaotic situation unfolding before him, the disguised figure that had been wrapped in tattered cloth swiftly drew a weapon hidden close to their body and aimed it at the two lying on the bed.


The blinding light that erupted from the priest’s grasp scattered across the dark room almost instantaneously.

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