The Prime Minister’s Beloved Wife

Her Anger

Separated by a table, Bai Yu Yan and Lu Tong Xiao sat across each other. Various kinds of dishes were laid out in front of them. Knowing that Lu Tong Xiao would be coming over for dinner, the servants didn’t dare to be careless. So although Bai Yu Yan didn't tell them to cook anything in particular, the dinner was sumptuous with all kinds of dishes that would suit anyone’s palate.

At the sight of all those food, Bai Yu Yan nearly cried in happiness. Revived from the smell alone, she felt like she had been starving for a whole year and wanted to wolf down everything in sight. But considering the man sitting opposite was also eating together, she sat with a straight back and gracefully ate with small bites. Hailing from an affluent family in the modern world, she didn’t have any problem with table manners.

The servants excused themselves when their masters started eating. Inside the room, only the sound of chopstick and cutlery could be heard. The two people sitting face to face didn’t speak while eating.

Lu Tong Xiao’s table etiquette was comparable to a royal. He didn’t speak a word throughout the dinner as he calmly ate with utmost elegance. The way he held the chopstick between his long fingers, delivered the food to his mouth and slowly chewed, his every movement naturally flowed without even trying.

Bai Yu Yan was torn between devouring the delicious food and watching this man who looked extremely dignified even while eating. Perhaps, her stare was a little too strong but the man, who was satisfyingly basking under it while maintaining a calm front, finally couldn’t control and raised his head to look at her.

Caught staring, Bai Yu Yan was startled for a moment and hurriedly averted her gaze to look down at the food. Unfortunately, her movement caused the food in her mouth to suddenly get caught in her windpipe, resulting in her having a coughing fit.

Lu Tong Xiao didn’t even have the time to think why she was staring at him when Bai Yu Yan’s face turned red and tears were coming out of her eyes from coughing too much. Mentally cursing himself for startling her, he hurriedly poured a glass of water and leaped behind her to support her body. Without a word, he took her in half embrace and rubbed and patted her back while helping her take sips of water.

“Better?” His low voice had a hint of caution. After a while, her coughing fit finally stopped, still, his hands rubbing at her back didn’t stop but only became gentler.

Bai Yu Yan raised her head to look at the man who was attentively looking at her with furrowed brows. His usual cold eyes had ripples of concern that he couldn’t hide. Bai Yu Yan seemed to be sucked in those dark eyes for she couldn't take her own eyes off of them.

In the silence of the night, there was only the sound of crickets’ singing as it called for its mate.

Her eyes trailed down to his adam apple that bobbed up and down. After what felt like half a day, she felt Lu Tong Xiao slowly leaning towards her. She had never seen him from so close where she could even count his soft lashes. A light blush slowly crept its way up to her cheeks. Her hands on the floor curled up into a fist as she tightly gripped the hem of her long dress. Slowly closing her eyes, she was getting ready to take whatever was coming down her way.

But even after a moment, nothing came down.

Bai Yu Yan heard a light groan come from his mouth.

The man embracing her suddenly created a distance between them. Although confused, the feeling that swept her heart was more of an embarrassment. What was she even expecting? Gulping down the tight knot forming in her throat, she opened her eyes with difficulty and saw him weakly leaning on the wall behind him. Beads of sweats had formed on his forehead and down his neck.

Bai Yu Yan blinked her eyes to focus on the man. When she actually realized his state, she was startled for a moment. The embarrassment was thrown at the back of her mind. Looking at his pale lips and the way his breathing was becoming ragged and laborious, she swiftly crawled towards him.

“W_What happened to you?” Bai Yu Yan’s voice was laced with nervousness. She didn’t know what happened to the man. Roaming her eyes on his body, she noticed a wet patch with a small slit on his robe which had gone unnoticed because of the dark color of his robe. Anxious, her hands stretched to touch the wet patch near his abdomen but was caught midway by Lu Tong Xiao.

Lu Tong Xiao opened his eyes with difficulty. Although he appeared weak to the point of almost fainting, his grip on her hand was still strong. If he didn’t want her to touch it, Bai Yu Yan knew she would not have a chance.

Judging from his reaction, she knew what the dampness on his cloth was. Her usual calm temper shot up at a split second. She fiercely glared at the man who had the nerve to calmly eat with her when he was injured to this extent.

The hand holding her would not budge even when she tried to twist it with force. Bai Yu Yan narrowed her eyes at the man in vexation. Seeing that he still did not let go of her hand, she suddenly lowered her head and bit his hand.

Suddenly bitten, Lu Tong Xiao was taken aback by her reaction and unconsciously loosened his hand. Although the bite wasn’t hard enough to cause him any pain and was more of a ticklish sensation, he was surprised by her act nonetheless. She used this opportunity of his unguarded moment to boldly remove his belt and roll up the hem of his top.

With the cover of his robe removed, a ghastly wound came into view at the side of his abdomen. It looked like a stab wound and had fresh blood oozing out of it. Although it didn’t seem much deep, the seeping blood still made it look scary. Bai Yu Yan’s hand flew to cover her mouth in horror. She looked at his pale face with wide eyes and back to his abdomen. She couldn’t understand why he was hiding such an injury under his clothes. It probably got worse due to her movement when he held her in his embrace while helping her drink water.

“How did it happen?” Bai Yu Yan murmured in fluster. She didn’t know whether to press on the wound or not.

Seeing the man holding on with difficulty, she shouted at the top of her lungs, “Xiao Fan! Hurry and call a physician.”

Xiao Fan, who was waiting outside with Xuyi, was startled by Bai Yu Yan’s sudden loud voice. Beside her, as soon as her words fell, the fidgeting Xuyi bolted as if he was desperately waiting to get the physician.

Lu Tong Xiao held the hand of the frantic woman. Smiling lightly, he assured her, “Don’t worry. It’s not as serious as it looks.”

“You still dare to say that it’s not serious? Lu Tong Xiao, are you crazy?” Had he not been in this state, she would have directly kicked him.

It was probably the first time someone ever talked to him in that way. If it was any other person, they would be severely punished for talking to him so rudely. But when it came to this little woman, although he was surprised by her sudden outburst, not only did he not mind it but also found it endearing.

Bai Yu Yan was exasperated seeing his smile. Furious, she poked at his abdomen with her finger, making Lu Tong Xiao wince in pain. 

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