The Primordial Record

Chapter 823 Inside The Vault

Chapter 823 Inside The Vault

There was nothing to be shamed about losing to a man who was probably unique in this universe and every other universe that existed.

He had crushed the God of War and Rowan was sure he was not even using a fraction of his true power, Rowan knew that if not for becoming a Dimensional being who controls Will, he would not be able to challenge Telmus.

This man was the true Dominator of Space.

Even if Telmus had gained only 10,000 points of Attributes from each technique he brought to Origin Stage, disregarding the abilities he might have gained from crushing its tribulations, after gaining tens of thousands of Intent, his total attributes should be in the hundreds of millions at the least.

With his control over force, he could nearly multiply the amount of power he could unleash to an unknown degree. Such a level of ability was chilling to contemplate.

Acquiring so much Intent was admirable, but it would ultimately block his path toward Will. It was such a shame that he was on a lost path. If only someone had been there to show him the true road to power, which was towards higher dimensions.

Technically it was possible for a single Intent to give birth to a Will, but that would require an in-depth understanding of that Intent to its ultimate extent, with his talent, there was no reason why Telmus would not be able to acquire Will but he had gone the opposite way and pursued more Intent.

With so much Intent acquired, how could Telmus be able to reconcile all the Intents he had for his path toward Will to be revealed?

This was also not addressing the fact that his Soul was still mortal, and even though he must have acquired a lot of Intent that could aid in the strengthening of his Soul, he was still ultimately a mortal being, no matter how powerful he was.

His mortal soul would not be able to hold the power of Will. It was already ridiculous that he could hold all these Intent inside him in the first place.

It suddenly struck Rowan that perhaps he had seen the key to the entire puzzle of Telmus, which was his soul. With his talent, Telmus should probably be able to reach the limit of a single Intent and then discover a higher realm which is Will.

Yet he was unable to take this step because of the bloodline lock over the Children of Trion. He was stuck to be nothing but an Earth god, and to break the lock perhaps he sought other alternatives. If one Intent would not do, what about a thousand, or ten thousand, or even more?

To conquer Time, Telmus had chosen to conquer Space, but it was useless, without an Immortal Soul.

No matter which prison his mother Minerva kept him in, there was nothing greater than the prison over his bloodline.

Telmus could likely see the path of time displayed before him, but he would never reach it. He was a man dying of thirst before a flowing river, held back by chains forged by his mother.

The tragic fate of this man was no concern of Rowan, however, this battle had drawn the attention of every single god in Trion. There was no better chance than this one to begin his replacement of the gods.

"Luck is on my side." He chuckled wryly.

If this coincidence was possible because of luck, then Rowan shuddered to contemplate what truly powerful members of this bloodline would be capable of.

The seed his mother left for him was burning inside his consciousness, and he feared he already knew the truth about this third bloodline of his, but he placed that matter aside for the moment.

"The weight of expectations from our parents hangs on our neck, choking us all… If you are wise you would do like I do Telmus, ignore or kill them."

Rowan's consciousness in the Crystal Leviathan began to follow the battle as he increased the speed of his other consciousnesses toward the remaining vaults.

If he timed it right, he could control all the vaults before sunrise, and then it would be him against the God King, the first Reflection. His true enemy.


Rowan's consciousness reached the vault and he noticed little differences in its composition from those of Boreas apart from its shape, but those were all cosmetic changes to fit the personality of the god, everything here was virtually the same, only in a slightly altered form appearance-wise.

When he had used Circe to bypass the security of the first vault, he had been using a fraction of his entire consciousness power, but now he had access to seven consciousness pillars and something better, he had the keys to the vault.

Technically he did not have the keys, but he had memories of the pattern of the Runes for each vault, although each Rune was incredibly complicated, etched in three-dimensional space, he was able to memorize every single bit of it, it was with this Runes he had used in locating this place and it would be his key into it.

The only challenge would be how he could enter the vault without alerting the God of War. A greater part of the distraction was being made by Telmus, and Rowan only needed to let himself in.

He had studied the structure of the vault, and so he knew that this was only a small part of the vaults, a greater portion of it was located elsewhere, and more importantly, he now knew its physical structure and he could imitate it.

His consciousness wearing the form of a Spirit Guise in the shape of a boy scattered into thousands of black threads that reached the body of the vault and began to drill their way silently through it.

These thousands of threads were individual Spirit Guises he had created specifically to deal with the structure of the vault, and he had experimented with them on the Vault of Hekaton until he was assured that he had the perfect tool to enter any vault without using the front door.

Unlike the Vault of Hekaton, this vault had far thicker walls which Rowan ascribed to the fact that each vault was similar but unique, and although there were slight differences in their composition, Rowan was able to adapt his Spirit Guises on the fly to handle everything that came up.

The current power of his consciousness was no joke.

Although it appeared as if the infiltration took a while, breaking into the vault took less than three seconds.

He recorded himself into shadows and carefully scanned through the internals of this vault.

The Vault of Hekaton where Boreas resided had been simple, just a wide hall and a single throne, and beneath had been the eighty million Spirit Guises that were Boreas' secret weapon, which turned out to be invaluable tools for Rowan during this period.

The vault of the God of War was different.

There was no hall or a throne, just a large pool and a stone at the center. The pool was nothing but fresh blood that bubbled slowly with heat, and on the stone was seated the God of War who was staring into the pool of blood with a frown as he watched his avatar being repeatedly destroyed by Telmus.

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