The Primordial Wizard

Chapter 10 Book Classification and Indexing

A year later, it was July, and the sun was scorching. Peter was standing in the shade of the tree in the front yard giving a lecture, and all the disciples were listening attentively, either standing or sitting.

In the beginning of ancient times, human beings drank their blood. According to legend, the Goddess of Hope, Medira, stole the sky fire and passed it on to humans, so that we could get rid of ignorance. However, fire alone is not enough to resist the raging monsters on the entire continent. One corner, lingering. It is the gods who left their blood and gave birth to heroes, leading the people to drive out the monsters and establish countless city-states.

Peter narrated under the tree in cadence.

Only the nobles can have a surname, and use the name of a god to crown themselves. The surname is the manifestation of their blood, and then gradually formed the unique coat of arms of the nobility. Now, let's explore the secrets of the surname and coat of arms...

Ace listened to Peter's narration below, but his mind flew to other places. During this year, he basically finished reading Peter's collection of books, dabbling extensively in law, theology, arithmetic, lectures, medicine, art, folklore, ghost stories, monster illustrated books, and the Encyclopedia of Heroes, with a wealth of knowledge.

Combined with the communication with other seniors and sisters, after confirming that there are no reference books like book indexes and dictionaries in the city-state, he plans to compile a book index book and a dictionary by himself as a step forward.

To become famous as early as possible, cultural fame can give him the best protection and gain prestige among the middle and high levels of the city-state.

He took out a thread-bound parchment book that Marina had sewed from his pocket, and it was written Book Classification and Index by Ace.

According to the existing disciplines of the city-state, combined with the classification and indexing methods of the previous life, he compiled this reference book to guide the classification and storage of books and library management methods.

This book is not useful to most people, but it is very useful to Peter, and it is also very beneficial to the management of the city-state's public library and the royal library. This is a stepping stone for him to impress Peter. .

The next day, after Ace asked Joan that Peter was at home, he went to the third floor and knocked on the door respectfully.

It's little Ace, do you still not understand the heraldry you learned yesterday, let's come in and discuss it slowly. Peter opened the door and said kindly to Ace.

In his impression, Ace is a very studious and inquisitive student, polite and serious, even rarer, smarter and more modest, which suits his appetite.

Ace followed Peter into the study room and bowed slightly, Teacher, I have read through the books in your library this year, and I have made great progress. I found that when there are too many books, it is not so easy to find and manage. So I ventured to write a book on how to classify and index books, and I invite your criticism.

Our little Ace is really a thoughtful person, let me take a look. Peter casually took the book in Ace's hand, looked at the neat bird font on the cover, and wrote Book Classification and Index written by Ace.

The handwriting is good, with one-third of my skills, and the book looks decent. Peter thought and flipped through the pages.

As he flipped through the pages, Peter's expression slowly became serious. Ace raised many real problems in library management on the title page, which is fine. Among his classmates this year, he has the reputation of Ace who asks questions, and he is famous for asking questions.

Peter has also thought about many of the problems raised by Ace, but there is no good solution. Unexpectedly, Ace gave a detailed solution in the book, and even put forward the library management method at the end, and carefully regulated the management of the library.

These methods haven't been implemented yet, but many catch Peter's eyes.

The idea of ​​your book is very good, but you can only know whether the road is smooth or muddy if you really walk it. Now you will manage my private library for a month and practice the method you proposed. If the effect is good, I will give it to you. You are well paid, and recommend your methods and books to the royal library and the city-state public library.

I am willing to serve you, Mr. Peter. This is what Ace was waiting for. Only by managing the books well can we show the difference of cultural people, gain initial prestige among citizens, and lay a solid foundation for the next step of dictionary compilation .

Ace did what he said. After taking over the library, he divided the existing collection into three categories, namely theology, society, and comprehensive. Number combinations are arranged sequentially.

Different bookshelves and different bookshelf layers are labeled with corresponding classifications on small parchment cards. All books are registered and cataloged according to classification, and the version, category, shelf position, etc. of books are recorded.

After sorting it out, Peter and his disciples looked at the well-ordered library in amazement. Books can be found quickly, management is standardized, access registration, and records are kept at any time, which is rigorous and efficient. Advanced library management methods quickly conquered Peter and his disciples.

A month passed quickly. In Peter's library, Peter took Morton to inspect the library managed by Ace.

I think I have a rich collection of books. I didn't expect that in your classification, many categories still have gaps. For example, I haven't kept books on fighting skills. Your method has inspired me a lot. What I have done this month is also very good. Excellent. Here are ten quintales, an encouragement to your genius and rigorous approach.”

Peter said with emotion, and handed a bag of quintals to Ace. According to the price of the city-state, one quintal is almost enough for a family of three for a year. Ten quintals are indeed a penny for Ace. huge sum of money.

Ace did not refuse. Peter has always taught them that knowledge is valuable and exchanged at equal value, which is in line with Peter's philosophy.

Tomorrow I will meet with Dawen Instructor and suggest that the royal library and the city-state public library also adopt your library management method. Let's call it the Ace library management method.

Peter turned to leave, and Morton followed closely. Before going out, he turned his head and gave Ace a big smile.

The library resumed its rotation system, and after Ace helped teach several seniors on duty how to manage it, it became completely free. He began to concentrate on compiling the Dictionary of the Common Language.

He already had some understanding of the city-state's system, and any deeds that contributed to the city-state could be converted into equivalent military merits, so fighting for citizenship didn't necessarily require beheading ten enemies.

In the process of proofreading the meaning of words and sorting out commonly used words, time flies. After the two major libraries adopted the Ace book management method, the book management situation was greatly improved, and the rewards came accordingly.

Carter came to Peter's villa in a black waistcoat and carrying a bag of quintals. Carter had just obtained citizenship last month and was able to hold a higher-level public office. Unfortunately, there was no vacancy for his favorite assistant judge, so he could only work in the Department of Culture and Education.

Ace, congratulations. I didn't expect that the first task of my new public office is to give you rewards. Your Ace library management method has been highly praised by the Dawen instructor. This is the twenty-gold thaler and the copper city-state Contribution badge, this badge is equivalent to the military merit of beheading three people, and you are one step closer to citizenship.

Congratulations too, Senior Carter, the new uniform suits you very well.

Because of your method, the Department of Culture and Education has found that there are still many deficiencies in the books. It is going to start screening and collecting valuable orphan copies next month to enrich the two major libraries. We want to hire you to be in charge of book screening and classification. I don't know if you have not interested.

Carter spoke loudly in a hearty voice, and it could be seen that he was in a good mood.

It's my pleasure and I'd love to.

Ace replied with a slight bow.

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