The Primordial Wizard

Chapter 19 Logic

The next day, on the second floor of the city-state public library.

Young man, you can't go in. This is a gathering among the city-state's top scholars. When Ace planned to enter the conference room on the second floor of the library, he was stopped politely and firmly by a middle-aged man who was presiding over the meeting. The disciple of Tang Sen, a famous scholar, will be received by him today.

Ace was a little helpless, being too young was troublesome. He gave the middle-aged man the scholar badge issued by the Department of Culture and Education to observe carefully for a long time. Finally, with the help of Dana who passed by, the middle-aged man agreed to go in and ask Tang Sen for instructions. to enter the conference room.

There were about thirty people in the meeting room, and most of the scholars had gray hair. It was no wonder that they refused to let him in. After all, no one told the middle-aged man that a half-old child was also eligible to participate in the meeting.

It's time, gentlemen, please be quiet. I am Tang Sen, the presiding scholar this year. I mainly study the status of monsters. I am the author of the book Low-level Monster Illustrated Book. I am very happy to communicate with you today. There are many acquaintances here, and some new faces. , please introduce yourself one by one, and then we will take turns to speak.

It turned out to be him. Ace thought of the Low-level Monster Illustrated Book that had helped him a lot, and he couldn't help feeling more fond of Tang Sen. He sat in the back row and watched everyone take the stage to speak. When it was his turn to take the stage, there was a small burst of murmurs, most of whom were surprised by his youth.

I am Ace, a disciple of the polymath Peter. I co-authored the book Common Vocabulary and Common Language Dictionary with my teacher, and independently wrote Book Classification and Index. Learn from everyone. The standard Peter-style opening was polite and humble.

After the presiding scholar Tang Sen made a few warm-up remarks, he entered the stage of taking turns to speak. Scholars began to elaborate on their academic ideas on stage, and Ace, as a new scholar, came last. By the time he came on stage, the crowd was tired, and some scholars yawned. Peter looked at Ace with encouraging eyes, and Ace nodded slightly to him.

I'm Ace. I'm good at language and I'm studying medicine. But today I don't speak language or medicine. The yawning scholars below will definitely think, is this little guy playing us? Besides language and medicine, he also What can I say?

Ace successfully made the sleeping scholar laugh at the beginning, and everyone's attention was focused.

What I want to talk about today is 'what is logic and its decisive significance in academic research'.

The scholars in the audience were a little confused when they heard this unfamiliar word, and it was a new coined word. Peter smiled knowingly.

This is a new word created by me. It is a combination of the root of thinking and the affix of rationality, which means rational thinking. When studying language, I found that language is the key to thinking. If we define language, then language It is a tool for thinking, to realize, consolidate and convey thinking. Ace slowed down, waiting for the scholars in the audience to think.

Scholars in the audience discussed in low voices, Your disciple is a bit interesting. Whether it is a compound word or a definition of language, it is very novel and appropriate. It is worthy of explaining words. Bayern, a scholar who studies arithmetic, said to Peter.

Through the study of language, I found that thinking is regular. A good way of thinking will help us better understand the world and do a good job in our own academic field. If we want to really study a field well, we must be free from prejudice and without prejudice. The study of subjective color, I named it neutral and objective research. Logic is a science that helps people think neutrally and objectively.”

Your disciple is very ambitious, and you actually want to teach people how to think. Bayern was a little disdainful. How could a half-year-old know how to think better than the old men present? Did he think he was the lucky one favored by the Goddess of Wisdom?

Peter was also a little puzzled, but he believed in his disciples, because Ace was an example of independent and objective thinking, maybe he really had some insights.

Ace ignored the whispers in the audience, Logic is the study of thinking, thinking is too lacking, and there is nowhere to focus.

We must give a fulcrum, and this fulcrum is the concept.

The so-called concept is a way of thinking that reflects the essential attributes or unique attributes of things. Concepts are qualitatively different from sensations, perceptions, and representations. Sensation, perception, and appearance reflect concrete images, and in concrete images, the essential attributes and non-essential attributes of objects are mixed together without separation.

The concept does not reflect the specific image of the object, but abstracts the essence of the object and discards the non-essence of the object. Concepts are abstract and general.

The scholars in the audience gradually became quiet and serious. This series of coined new words and new definitions clearly outlines what the concept is. Sometimes it seems like it's about to click through.

What is an attribute is the nature and relationship of things. The weight, color, taste, time, space, performance, and function of things are all properties, and the correlation between things and other things is what we say logically. .

There are two types of attributes of things: essential attributes and non-essential attributes. Essential attributes are unique to a class of things. For example, sickness is the essential attribute of a patient, and having eyes and having feet are non-essential attributes of a patient.

Giving a concept to things is the process of abstracting the essential attributes of things.

The entire conference room became more and more quiet, all the scholars were thinking, Peter had surprise in his eyes, never expecting Ace to have developed such a knowledge.

We also need to understand the relationship between concepts and general words. All thinking is expressed with the help of language. Words are the sounds and symbols that express concepts, the language form of concepts, and concepts are the ideological content of words. There is a difference between the two Yes, it won’t start here.”

I also feel that there are differences, but why don't your students explain the specific differences clearly. Bayern scratched his head and complained to Peter.

I would suggest that he write a book in detail after the meeting, discussing the concept, and then he can sell it to you at a high price. Peter slightly mocked Bayern.

Then you must suggest him to write. I wish I could learn logic. I think you got a big deal. You can't teach such a talented disciple. Bayern replied really sweetly, and at the same time, he didn't forget to hit Peter.

Peter didn't answer any more, and continued to concentrate on listening to what Ace said about concepts.

Next, let me talk about the connotation and extension of concepts. Concepts reflect the essential attributes of things, and also reflect objects with this essential attribute. Therefore, concepts have objective content and a definite scope. The connotation of concepts is the concept The essential attribute of the concept, the extension of the concept is the scope of the concept.

For example, the connotation of the concept of 'City State Scholar' refers to people who are recognized for their outstanding academic achievements and have been awarded a scholar badge by the Department of Culture and Education, and its extension refers to all people who are recognized for their superb academic achievements and have been awarded a scholar badge by the Department of Culture and Education. Whether you are studying monsters, studying laws or studying arithmetic.

The connotation and extension of concepts are deterministic and flexible, because concepts come from people's cognition of things, and people's cognition of things is stable in one stage, and will deepen and develop in continuous time, so...

There are types of concepts, there are individual concepts and universal concepts, collective concepts and non-collective concepts, positive concepts and negative concepts...

There is a relationship between concepts, because there are various connections between the objective things reflected by the concepts. According to whether the extensions coincide, they can be divided into compatible relationships and incompatible relationships...

Limited to time, I will only talk about what concepts are and the relationship between concepts today. Only by maintaining an objective and neutral research thinking and using basic knowledge of logic as a tool can we get rid of prior thinking and imaginary thinking, and use rational thinking to study academics, thank you Everyone.

Ace stepped off the stage, and the entire conference room was silent. After a while, there was warm applause.

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