The Primordial Wizard

Chapter 24 Shaman (Part 1)

He is not going to hide his plan, he has the protective color of a scholar, and Peter also knows that he wants to set up an experimental field.

As long as he writes a series of works on economy, internal affairs, education, medicine, and agriculture in a few years, he will be the most famous scholar and encyclopedic figure in the city-state and even the entire Salia Peninsula.

Fame will give him more opportunities to attract talent.

He can completely rely on the manor to be self-sufficient, use the continuous output of the manor to support academic organizations, and use academic organizations as skins to patiently select suitable talents and establish his own wizarding organization.

The establishment of the Manor Affairs Office accelerated the construction of settlements.

Three months later, the residential area of ​​the manor was basically completed, the mining field was initially completed, and the freed slaves were directed to reclaim and replant the land. The cultivated land was divided into two categories, food crop farms and economic crop farms, and pastures had also begun to take shape. .

Shortage of manpower soon appeared, and Ace wrote to Romon, requesting to repurchase a batch of slaves and supplies.

Romon wrote back and told him that the purchase of manor land, slaves and supplies had basically spent all of Jintale, and the book market in the city-state was basically saturated. He could only continue after Joan opened up commercial channels in the northern city-state in the second half of the year. opened.

Ace couldn't do anything about this situation, and his steps were too big, almost to the limit. We can only be more patient and wait for the development of the manor to give back the benefits.

Gore is a barbarian slave. His full name is Gore Owl. He is a member of the ancient owl tribe. He is absent-mindedly tending the grapevines.

Half a year ago, in the bloody battle with the Medimus city-state in Dunqiu, the murlocs and barbarians were completely defeated. The owl's totem pole was cut off. big fireball.

He is the talented person that the old shaman said, the disciple of the old shaman, and the precious maddened fur was passed on to him very early.

At the time of the great defeat, the old shaman stuffed the tribe's holy relic into the chrysanthemum between his buttocks, and separated from him to escape.

Gore resisted the foreign body sensation and ran for his life. As a result, he ran headfirst into the enemy's trap and was captured by an eagle-nosed enemy.

Hooked Nose took away his mad fur, but did not release the holy object in his buttocks. Finally, after several twists and turns, he was sold to this strange manor.

After half a year of training, Gore has basically understood the language here. According to the conversation he overheard the local debt slaves, this manor is different in all aspects.

No one will spend a lot of effort on building houses for slaves, and force marriages between slaves. He also picked up a barbarian girl for nothing.

I heard that an office was set up recently, and a series of laws and regulations were issued. To sum up, the life of slaves in this manor is not like that of slaves. Although it is strictly managed, the labor intensity is still acceptable. space.

Gore was stimulated by the ups and downs, and finally broke through, gaining the shaman power that the old shaman said. Although he didn't have the berserk fur, he had more important holy objects.

Feeling the test of the sacred object every day, his strength grew rapidly, and in a few days, he would escape from the manor. As for the woman, carrying her is a burden, so I can only give up.

In the afternoon, the captain in charge of the grape planting asked all of them to undergo a medical examination. Gore didn't quite understand what a physical examination was, so he went with the public considering that he couldn't be exposed.

Ace saw that the recent development of the manor had reached its limit, so he decided to start his own new medicine. First, he checked the bodies of the slaves, and collected the external characteristics of the human body in this world through a large amount of actual data.

The internal structure is not easy to solve. The slaves bought by the family cannot be directly captured and dissected. The waste will cause panic, so I have to think of other ways.

Ace carefully observed the physical condition of each slave in the square of the settlement, and made a record. This is first-hand information. Follow up to see if we can cooperate with the public office to purchase some unclaimed fresh corpses in the town,

Used for dissection.

When it was Gore's turn, Ace noticed something strange. In recent months, Ace's mental power has become much stronger, and his perception has also increased a lot. He is keenly aware that the mental power of the barbarian slave in front of him is unusual, far exceeding that of ordinary people. This slave has a problem.

Ace continued to check more than a dozen people without moving his face, then called Kelsen and announced that he was going to rest, and the rest will continue to check tomorrow. After learning about the basic situation of the barbarian slaves with extraordinary mental power, they gathered most of the hired veterans and went directly to the grape growing area to arrest Gower.

After being inspected, Gore returned to the grape growing area, feeling a little uneasy.

The look in Ace's eyes when he checked made him a little hairy, and what made him even more disturbed was that the power of the shaman seemed to be peeped by something. He decided not to wait any longer, dug out the wrapped sacred object from under the vine soil, and left immediately.

Ace missed it, and when he arrived, Goyle seemed to have left, leaving only a dirt pit, as if mocking him. Ace didn't distract people to look for it. It was impossible for Goyle to run far in such a short time. It was more likely that he was hiding somewhere.

He expands the mental power into a linear shape. In the limit state, this spiritual power line extends nearly 100 meters, and then the spiritual power line spirals rapidly, scanning and sensing creatures within one meter of the spiritual power line. This is his recently developed Several applications of pure psychic power, spells, touches of perception.

Got you!

Goyle hid in the shadow of the bushes, holding his breath. This was the lesson he learned from running away in a panic last time. A panicked escape would leave too many traces, and he would eventually fall into a trap. He chose to deal with most of the traces, leaving one obvious trace, and then quietly hid.

If the other party is cheated, he can escape without risk. If the other party is not cheated, it will take a lot of time to search, and he has the same chance to escape.

Gore felt a sense of discomfort, similar to the feeling of peeping during the inspection, he was discovered! Like an ape, he jumped nimbly among the trees, trying to escape quickly.


With the roar of the veteran captain, everyone took action.

Ace followed him not too far away. This slave had supernatural powers, and he might have what the barbarians call shamanic abilities. We can only let the hired veterans try it first.

Seeing that the veterans were getting closer and closer, Gore took out the tribal sacred object from his arms, recalling the words of the old shaman.

My child, when you become a shaman, you can lightly touch the holy object with the power of the shaman, with your pupils facing yourself, and he will give you a trial. After passing the trial, your power will be stronger. If you In case of danger, use the power of shaman to stimulate the holy object with all your strength, aim your pupils at the enemy, and you must close your eyes.

Gore used the power of shaman (spiritual power) to fully stimulate the holy object in his hand, his pupils aimed at the veterans who were chasing up, and he closed his eyes tightly.

Goo~ Goo~

The hooting of the owl sounded, and Ace and the veterans watched as darkness erupted from Goyle's hand, instantly blacking out the entire world. A blood-red eye hung high in the night sky, and everything and people around him disappeared. Ace seemed to be Arrived in a forest.

What's wrong with you? Why did the experiment go wrong again? An old man with gray hair in a white researcher's uniform said to Ace displeased.

who I am? where is this

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