The Primordial Wizard

Chapter 29 The Sub-Mechanical Mind

Teacher, I have no problem. After these months of thinking in the manor, I have a new understanding of logic, and I just spent these two weeks writing it. Ace replied straightforwardly.

Very well, then it will be on Thursday in two weeks' time. This is your first public speech. When you prepare the content of your speech, I will train you on your public speaking skills.

Ace chatted with Peter casually, and Peter really asked him about the new medicine. Ace was embarrassed for a while, I've been busy with the construction of the manor recently, and the new medicine has just begun.

Peter didn't take it seriously, and chatted about the construction of the manor, and praised Ace's innovative farming methods.

Your new methods, I have seen similar descriptions in a library in the northern city-state. It is said that before the last mass extinction of civilization, people used cattle to plow the land. There are a series of methods to increase production, but I don't know the specific methods. , I didn’t expect you to recover.”

Ace also blushed. It turned out that this world used to have intensive farming methods. He saw all slash-and-burn farming methods, and subconsciously thought that farming methods were backward.

But when you think about it, it’s nearly 100,000 years of history, dozens of civilizations have risen and been destroyed for various reasons, and the hidden intensive cultivation technology is not surprising.

Ace took the opportunity to chat with the teacher about the history of the rise and fall of civilization for a long time, and learned that it is about two thousand years since the last civilization was destroyed. It is said that the last civilization finally developed a great empire that unified the continent.

The emperor of the empire is the son of the god-king Knoans and a mortal woman. The emperor is favored by Knoans and bestows him with infinite glory.

However, he was tempted by the ancient greedy devil, and he was not satisfied with being the king of the earth, but wanted to become the king of the sky, which eventually led to the destruction of the previous civilization.

After chatting casually again, Ace began to think about it, and wanted to borrow Peter's precious mirror when writing new content on logic.

The bronze mirror for calm thinking is really helpful to help you write new content. I can lend it to you. But you can only use it here. It's not that I don't trust you, but it's not safe to take it out.

Peter took out the wrapped bronze mirror from his wide white robe and handed it to Ace, Remember to only look at it once, don't look at it too much.

Ace took the bronze mirror and lived in the guest room of Peter's house. The room is spacious and sunny, with tables, chairs, beds and parchment. Ace lit the oil lamp on the table and took out the bronze mirror for calm thinking.

Last time in the palace, Ace didn't dare to release his mental power to perceive, because there are too many heroes, and he might be discovered.

He rubbed the copper mirror, the cold texture, when he looked at the surface of the copper mirror with his eyes, Ace felt that his mental power was slightly torn and absorbed, if he didn't want to, he could control his mental power and not be torn.

Ace let go of his control over mental power, and a little mental power entered the bronze mirror.

In spiritual perception, the world becomes black and white, the bronze mirror gradually disappears, and there is a flat soul rune structure on the mirror surface.

After absorbing Ace's spiritual power, it caused a burst of magic movement, which was fed back to Ace. He felt that his emotions were depressed, and his mind became calm and active. This situation reminded him of a word, mechanized mind.

Ace controlled his mental power and felt it carefully. There is no secondary rune on the bronze mirror. There is no way to reproduce the soul rune for the time being. Should we give up now?

Ace doesn't want to give up. He really wants to achieve this mechanized state of mind. Whether it's academic thinking or tense battles, getting rid of emotions and making thinking active is an ideal state.

In addition, the bronze mirror for calm thinking and the hallucinogenic eye should both be strange objects, and the hallucinogenic eye is obviously of a higher level.

The bronze mirror only has flat soul runes, which have a single function, and there are no secondary runes on the entity. There are secondary runes on the illusionary eye, and the secondary runes found can be found in the three-dimensional rune structure. Version.

Maybe we can start from this angle and try to degrade the soul rune of the bronze mirror.

After some thought, Ace took out the hallucinogenic eye and began to study the difference between the same type of soul rune and the secondary rune on the hallucinogenic eye.

For the next week, Ace was basically locked in the room all day, except for eating and going to the bathroom. Peter saw him meditating every time he ate, so he asked everyone not to disturb him.

After careful comparison and experiments, Ace discovered the relationship between similar soul runes and secondary runes. Although the soul rune is more complicated, its basic expression is similar to that of the secondary rune, except that many high-level expressions are ignored in the secondary rune.

The internal structure of runes is also a language. Ace speculates that if he can master it deeply, he can even create original runes in the future according to the laws of nature.

The main point of degraded runes is to skip the expression of core points. Soul runes cannot be reproduced, but not all content cannot be reproduced, but some core points cannot be reproduced. Excited, it means that the degradation is successful.

After some research, Ace found that the magic runes on the bronze mirror are different from those on the hallucinogenic eyes, which may be recorded as Soul Magic #1 and Soul Magic #2, limited by mental power, and the specific utility difference cannot be studied .

He successfully degraded the runes on the bronze mirror. A total of two secondary tool runes have been degraded, namely emotional suppression and active thinking, and a secondary basic rune is automatically absorbed.

The effect of secondary automatic absorption is that it can automatically absorb magic power or spiritual power within a certain range, and it can be used in combination with magic runes or alone.

A secondary spell model embedded with secondary automatic draw can be activated automatically when the conditions are met.

The other runes are auxiliary runes and magic runes, there is no need to degrade them.

Ace successfully combined the secondary mechanized mental spell model and drew it on the card of the spell book. Fully activating the spell, Ace successfully entered a secondary mechanized state of mind.

He uses a lesser loathing spell on himself, and the feeling of loathing is suppressed by the lesser mechanized mind as soon as it arises.

Both the secondary Lost Gaze and the secondary Panic Gaze are spells cast through the eyes. You can use the reflection of the mirror to cast spells on yourself, and the effect will be weakened to a certain extent. Ace is still exempt from using these two spells on himself.

After about 10 minutes, Ace felt himself withdraw from the mechanical state of mind with no adverse reactions.

He recorded this experiment in his magic diary, and wrote at the end, Use effects to classify existing spells, and the secondary mechanical mind needs to be classified separately. I named this kind of spells that impose states on themselves Aura-like spells.

There is still one week left before the end of magic research, and the content behind logic also needs to be well prepared. There is a lot about judgment. He recalled the state when he first learned judgment in his previous life, and his mood became more and more cheerful.

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