The Primordial Wizard

Chapter 37 Shimmer

At night, the stars twinkle. Ace showed the scholar badge issued by the city-state, coupled with the charm spell, and gained the trust of the village chief.

For the price of a silver thaler, he boarded in an abandoned courtyard, and he has lived in this courtyard for almost half a month. The village is called Sanshili, so it got its name because it is 30 kilometers away from Tsmali Fishing Port.

Ace tried to study the burning dagger, and found that the dagger would burn the invading spiritual power and block spiritual perception, making it impossible to understand the possible soul rune structure in it.

He put away the dagger and began to sense Sharp's heart.

The runes in Sharp's heart are very unique. The complex rune structure composed of secondary runes actually overlaps a soul rune at the core.

At first he thought it was a brand new structure, and the soul runes and secondary runes could be combined, but after careful perception, he found that the soul runes overlapped at the same position.

This is still unique, considering Sharp's near-hero-like strength, it can be assumed that to become a hero-like, the heart needs to form the soul rune structure, and Sharp is in the process of forming.

This has reference significance for Ace, even greater than the discovery of the rune itself, he vaguely touched the possibility of being promoted to the next stage.

The soul rune in the heart is very common and can be recorded as Soul Magic #3, but the secondary rune structure is very novel. Ace deciphered several new runes from it.

The fire elemental rune, the expression of this rune is to change the order of the magic power, showing an active fire attribute. It is a brand new type of rune, which does not belong to the tool and basic runes. The related auxiliary runes are also invalid for it. Ai Si called it attribute runes.

After experimentation, the fire elemental runes can be added to meditation methods to change the magical properties of the spirit and soul. Ace worried that although this would strengthen the fire attribute magic, it would greatly limit the range of the spell, so he still used the original meditation idea.

In addition to the elemental runes, three new tool runes have been discovered, the scorching runes, the shining runes and the bursting runes.

When the magic attribute of the scorching rune is fire, the scorching rune will work, which will make the magic power have a strong burning and high-heat effect. According to the experiment, it can melt the iron sword.

When the magic attribute of the Radiant Rune is Fire, it can emit light of different brightness according to the composition of the caster. It is a variable rune similar to the sound rune.

Explosion rune will produce an explosion effect when the magic attribute is fire attribute.

Ace researched and disassembled the rune structure of the heart, creating four secondary instrumental spells. They are the Secondary Flame Missile, Secondary Light, Secondary Flash and Enchantment.

The secondary flame missile does not require casting materials. It can release a burning magic missile with an effective attack distance of 300 meters. When it hits an object, it will burn through and explode in half a second.

Each casting requires 1.5 units of mental power, and the damage far exceeds magic missiles and acid splash.

The secondary light technique creates a suspended light spot that moves with the will of the caster. The moving range does not exceed 10 meters near the caster, and the lighting radius is 5 meters.

Lesser Flash, an instant burst of intense light in front of a subject's eyes, blinding him for a minute.

Enchantment can contaminate an item into a magic item, and make it have the abilities of burning, shining, bursting and so on. It's a brand new spell that Ace calls alchemy.

The act of artificially creating strange things in a planned way, Ace thinks it is not appropriate to call them strange things, so he calls them magic items, and if they are weapons, they are called magic weapons.

After studying obsessively for nearly half a month, he finally succeeded in creating a magic short sword. Alchemy cannot be accomplished overnight, and requires four processes.

The first step is casting blanks. Ace charmed the blacksmith in the village, borrowed the blacksmith's shop to cast blanks, ground and dried Sharp's heart, and fused most of the powder with molten iron to create a magic sword blank.

The first step is magicization\

,"Through the continuous cycle of magic power accumulation, the sword blank is slowly infected by magic power and transformed into a high magic power accumulation item. It takes about a week, six hours a day to infect;

The second step is elementalization, which converts the magic power of the iron sword into elemental magic power, such as fire attribute magic power. It takes about a week to convert four hours a day;

The third step is enchantment, drawing the spell model on the iron sword, mainly based on the automatic absorption of basic runes, magic power, and magic crystals, supplemented by attribute runes, fire elemental runes, and transformation of magic power, forming automatic absorption of magic power and converting it into fire attributes Magic spell model.

Then take this spell model as the core, add the scorching spell model, burst spell model, light spell model and flash spell model to form a composite rune array.

The rune array can operate on its own, and after the sword-wielder guides it correctly with will, it can release different effects during the process of swinging the sword. A single-function rune array is easier to make successfully than a compound rune array.

Relying on his superb rune drawing skills, Ace succeeded in drawing it once. If it failed, the dagger used as the material would be scrapped directly.

Ace danced his first magical creation, feeling extremely happy, and he remembered what he had said.

Heroes are powerful because of blood, and spellcasters are powerful because of knowledge. I will use an objective and neutral research spirit to ignite the torch of magic. The night is dark, and I am the only light.

Ace solemnly engraved a word on the handle of the magic dagger, Shimmer.

After analyzing the runes, Ace bid farewell to the village chief and left the village in a carriage against the sunrise.

After thoroughly understanding the new runes, Ace can pretend to be the blood of the fire god. With his skillful martial arts and shimmering and flexible abilities, he can even look more like a god-inspired than the ordinary blood of the fire god .

This is the advantage of magic. By researching and imitating extraordinary creatures, the caster will gain extraordinary knowledge, apply the extraordinary knowledge to transform and innovate, and the caster will have more powerful power than those who are born extraordinary.

Ace drove the carriage slowly to Tsmari Fishing Port, it was already around four o'clock in the afternoon. The Tsmali people are pulling fish by cart by cart, and everyone has a happy smile on their faces.

Thanks to the great Pontos crown!

Thank you for the blessing of the Son of the Sea!

Ace rubbed his nose a little uncomfortable. The Tsmali fishing port is indeed as rich as the legend says, but the whole port smells of fish, which is unbearable.

He drove a carriage into the city of Tsmalli Fishing Port, found the largest hotel, and slept comfortably.

In the evening, he was woken up by a loud noise. He opened the window and looked down, and found that people were holding torches, wearing local costumes, and parading on the street.

It's only early spring now, but Tsmali, a fishing port, has a pleasant climate. It's already evening, but it's still warm.

Ace walked out of the room, and the hotel waiter saw him coming down and greeted him warmly.

Hi, my name is Perry. I see that you are wearing a scholar's badge. You should be a great scholar from Medimus City, right? Since I was a child, I especially worshiped people with knowledge. I don't know if I have this luck. You visit our fishing port of Tsmali.

It's already evening, what's the fun here? Ace looked at the waiter, who was actually very immature, with a few obvious pimples on his face, with a look of anticipation and nervousness.

Ace is only thirteen years old, but since his mental power broke through the limit of ordinary people, his body has developed rapidly. From the perspective of body shape, he is more than 1.7 meters tall and strong. He looks more like an adult with a baby face.

You don't know, the most interesting thing about our Tsmali fishing port is the bonfire festival at night. Once a month, in order to thank the gift of Pontos, we can have a good harvest every month. The bonfire festival has Lots of vaudeville shows, hot Tsmali girls, and at ten o'clock in the evening, everyone dances around the idol in the main square and shares a feast of grilled fish for free.

When Perry said this, he said in a low voice with a somewhat mysterious expression: This month's Bonfire Festival is the most special. Your Majesty Pontus will give blessings to the luckiest people in the Bonfire Festival at this time of year. Those who are blessed There will be unimaginable benefits.”

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