The Primordial Wizard

Chapter 72 Irregular Shapes

Eddie happened to be assigned to Betty's calculation group, and he was struggling to calculate the left-handed sublimation path of dream #34. Under this kind of calculation deduction, he gradually discovered that Lord Ace seemed to be leading them to use a method that had never been done before. algorithm.

Regarding this calculation method, Eddie seems to have understood something, but he seems to have found nothing. He is eager to know the whole of this algorithm.

Curves, tangents, curves, tangents... Irregular shapes...

Betty has more information flows and more calculations, and she is keenly aware of the superiority of this method.

If this method is used to construct the spell model, it seems that the amount of calculation can be greatly reduced, and the area of ​​the irregular figure can be calculated more accurately...

This is exactly what Ace intended. The method he used was the most important breakthrough in modern mathematics in the previous life, calculus.

Calculus is dedicated to solving four problems. How to find the tangent of a curve? How to calculate the area under the curve? How to calculate the velocity and acceleration of an object at a certain position? How to find the optimal solution?

This is also the main problem that plagues wizards. Ace has laid the foundation for wizards in elementary mathematics, but with the continuous progress of magic, elementary mathematics is becoming more and more incompatible with the development of wizards.

Using this method, Ace first formed expectations for the new calculation method among the wizards. After the crisis is completely resolved, he will release an epoch-making mathematics masterpiece for free, combining the knowledge of calculus with all advanced calculation methods. Tower wizard shared.

Time passed by second by second, minute by minute, the entire magic network was running at high speed, and the wizards at every node were computing at full capacity.

The dream rune group in Ace's mind image world is gradually dyed with a layer of gold, with gold on the outside and red on the inside, very beautiful and charming.

Finally, the last dream rune was also dyed gold, and the entire group of dream runes was promoted to gold runes. They happily rippled in the empty mental world, and circles of dreams dispersed in the mental world.

This dream floated out of Ace's mental world, covering the entire Luminous City, and covering the Luminous City in the middle of the night with a golden gauze.

Ace changed the target of the deduction, and the combination of manifested runes and the simulated runes were included in the operation sequence in turn.

He was not in a hurry, although the dream series of runes is the foundation of his path, but his path is not a simple dream, but a dream that turns everything into reality!

If you want to dream everything, the imitation rune group is indispensable, and if you want to make the fake come true, the manifest rune group is indispensable.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, day after day, with this unique meditation environment, gathering the wisdom of all people, a week passed, and the simulated rune group and the manifested rune group were also dyed pale gold.

Dreams, simulations, and manifestations are the foundations of my magic path, and I can boldly try various hypotheses on this path. Whether it is an approximation of the truth or a wrong path, it will not lead me to a dead end.

Even if I really go astray, I can wake up from the disillusionment and start a new path.

Ace, who was high in the air, opened his arms, released the magical network link that lasted for a week, and said slowly facing the sunrise.

The wizards woke up from the calculations that lasted for a week. They were not as refreshed as Ace. Instead, they were dizzy and sluggish because they had been doing horrible math problems for a week without sleep.

Although the harvest this time is quite big, the wizards really can't hold on anymore. They may feel sick when they see mathematics and irregular graphics in the next few months.

Some people support each other,

Some summoned magic pets, some lay straight on the magic carpet, and each returned home. They just want to sleep well now.

Most of the mortals in the High Tower Territory watched curiously and enviously. Everyone here is proud that their family has an apprentice wizard. Although many people are not used to magic, they all have the most basic understanding of magic. , talking about magic with joy, like a powerful official wizard.

Ace landed slowly on the top of the west tower, and returned to the west tower through the window. He wanted to rebuild his basic spell model. This deduction was only to deduce the golden runes related to dreams, simulation and manifestation. The specific spell model construction He still needs to do it himself, and the wizards of the magic network are already overwhelmed.

Aretha was half leaning against the wall, because Ace forgot to tell her to take a break, and she fulfilled her duty and hadn't had a rest for seven days in a row.

You go to rest first, and let Sita take care of the rest.

Ace looked at the hard-working Aretha, and said with some embarrassment, he decided to try to save her life when he dissected Aretha in the future, maybe he could try to transform her into a warlock?

It's just that the hero has already embarked on the path of the flesh, and it may be very difficult to transfer to a warlock, or if Alesha degenerates first, it should be possible to transfer to a zero-level life.

Ace expelled these distracting thoughts from his brain, ordered Sita to seal it off, and no one was allowed to enter, and then returned to his meditation room.

At this moment, Arnold walked to the door of Sita. His power of abomination was too powerful and corrosive, and he wanted to ask Ace to help him make a set of armor to block the power of abomination.

When the spirit of Sita told Ano Ace that Sita had been banned, he had to leave slowly, and happened to meet Betty who was going to Sita to meet Ace.

Betty was still a little dizzy. The days of calculations made her, a person with excellent magical and mathematical talents, vomit. Originally, Betty was resting, but a message came from the city-state of Milne in the north, so she had to get up and report to Ace. .

Has Master Ace banned Sita? It seems that there are still some things that need to be deduced. The information this time is not very urgent. I will wait another day.

After hearing Arnold's words, Betty murmured to herself, and then she glanced at Arnold who was shrinking and asked, What do you want to do with Master Ace? And why are you shrunk like this?

A Nuo straightened his body, the pressure of hatred scattered, and the surrounding plants withered instantly, and Betty also felt a chill all over his body, as if being stared at by a terrible ghost, and broke out in a cold sweat.

That's why I'm looking for Master Ace, the power of hatred is too powerful, if I don't fully control it, a little coercion released will be enough to affect everything around.

I want to ask Master Ace to build me a set of armor that blocks power and help me suppress this power.

Arnold said with a wry smile.

Betty nodded in understanding, and then her eyes showed interest. This is a rare research topic, and it happens to be able to learn more about the mysteries of knights.

So she straightened her slightly bulging chest, lightly flicked the golden double ponytails, and asked with bright eyes: Lord Ace doesn't have time, why don't I come to help you, you know, I am the most talented magic item enchanter in the tower. academic experts.

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