The Prince of the World

Chapter 141 - Yanli\\\'s plan

Once the ambush is exposed, it is very likely that the ambush will become a dish in the mouths of the legions of the two countries, so that it will become a steal and eat rice.

Of course, Yanli did not immediately express his thoughts.

“What do you think should be the strategy of joining the general?” Yuan Kaishan asked, looking around again.

Now that someone started, the other generals stopped being polite. One of the young generals stood up, saluted all around, and said:

“The strategy that should be involved is indeed unique, but have you ever thought that the coalition forces of the two countries are stronger than our army, and if we divide them, we will likely be defeated by each. In the following view, we should use Taihao County as a base to defend and then ask the Empire for support …! “

I should have been quite proud of the fact that I should see that my own strategy was criticized completely and completely, and I could not help but stand up with a cold hum. “Huo Sen made a difference. My Qinglong army is the first army of the Great Cloud Kingdom. Haocheng, what others will think of us, the reputation of our Qinglong Legion will certainly be greatly damaged! “

General Huo heard the words, and could not help Shen said: “Victory or defeat is a common matter for soldiers! A temporary concession does not mean escape. If we finally win, who dares to say that our Qinglong Legion is not?”

Seeing that the two had escalated to the point of discrimination, Yuan Kaishan, who was in charge, could not help coughing. The two of them suddenly realized that this was not the place where the two were arguing.

“Do you have any other suggestions?”

Once Yuan Kaishan’s voice fell, a slightly fat senator sitting on the edge stood up and said, “Li Sen will be able to take the position of junior at a young age. Department, let him talk about any good suggestions. “

While speaking, the other party also deliberately looked at Yanli with a bit of provocation and sneer.

“Yes! I agree! General Li is a young genius and will definitely resolve this crisis!” Another general’s voice sounded.

“Senior General Li, you are welcome, let us see your insights!” A slightly sneered voice followed.

Yan Li heard that a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Sure enough, there were rivers and lakes in some people’s places. He asked himself not to offend the three generals, but they still came to provoke him.

Yuan Kaishan is a coach. How can he not see the flowers and intestines in the belly of the three generals? So, Xiang Yan, with encouragement, said: “Senior General Li, since everyone asks for it! Let’s talk. “

“Okay! Let’s talk next!”

Yan Li nodded and stood up from the seat. After saluting to the Quartet, he slowly said: “Here I think that the division of participation should be very insightful, and General Huo’s retreat is also good!”

As soon as the words fell, the three embarrassed generals suddenly cast a sneering expression, “Sure enough, the child with yellow mouth has no skill, and can only fry people’s cold meals.”

As for General Shen Ying and General Huo, they also expressed disdain for this, but Yuan Kaishan’s complexion slightly sank, and there was a little deeper worry in his eyes.

With regard to the sneering and disdainful eyes, Yan Li did not care, and continued: “Since the Great Qin State can unite with the Barbarians, why can’t our Great Cloud State?

Let us think about it. If we can fight against the barbarians, and then jointly attack the Great Qin State at an unexpected speed, even if the “Iron Blood” Legion is even more powerful, we will have to be in a hurry.

Also, since Daqin can attack us, why can’t we attack them? “

Hearing this, everyone had the feeling of a bright eye, and the look in Yanli was so different, especially Ying Shen almost screamed and secretly blamed himself. Since he could think of it, why did he hit it? Didn’t think of further countering barbarism?

Yanli stood up from his seat and walked to the map. His finger fell on a huge mountain range and said, “If we can traverse this dark night mountain range, we can appear behind the Taihe County of Daqin. The capital of the northbound province was attacked. Will they ask for help?

If you ask for help, who can get the fastest support?

Needless to say, it must be the ‘Iron Blood’ legion.

Therefore, we can retreat to Taihao City and make the illusion of defensiveness, while photographing a group of military horses crossing the Black Night Mountains and attacking Taihe City from behind.

While Taihe City is returning, we can also ambush them under an ambush here, because they will definitely lose a certain amount of vigilance when they are returning to Taihe City, so it is relatively easy to make a sneak attack. “

Speaking of which, Yanli stopped talking and looked around, and found that everyone’s eyes were jealous, admired, surprised, and contemplative.

“Okay! Good talk!”

Lieutenant Chi Chengfeng slapped it on the table, applauding applause.

“This strategy is indeed good. If you can succeed, you can definitely eat half of the army of the Jagged Legion!” Yuan Kaishan said thoughtfully: “In this way, in the next few years, the Great Qin State will not have the ability to violate my border!”

“Li Sen will be amazing!” Admiral Ying should admire.

“General Li, I am convinced of cholera!” General Huo also admired.

As for the three generals who provoked Yanli, it was as uncomfortable as eating a fly at the moment. I wanted Yanli to be ugly, but he did not expect him to be a big fan.

Just then, a thick voice sounded, speaking of a thin, dark man in his early fifties.

“General Li’s strategy is second, but it also needs to meet two conditions to achieve it! First, who is sent to fight against barbarians, can they fight against them, and second, there are a large number of monsters and poisonous insects in the Black Night Mountains, I ’m afraid it ’s not easy to cross. ”

Yan Li heard the words and could not help but nodded secretly. This person’s eyes were indeed poisonous, and at a glance he saw the two most important links in his strategy.

The first link against barbarism, he hadn’t thought of a way, but he had a plan for how to cross the Black Demon Mountains.

“Can Ginger Ginseng have a solution to these two problems?” Yuan Kaishan’s eyes fell on Jiang Geng’s body. Among the twelve generals, Jiang was the oldest, and he rarely published every time he discussed His own opinions, but once published, he will definitely be able to talk about the key points and the key, so he has high prestige among the twelve generals.

Slightly pondering, Jiang Shang continued: “In order to counter the barbarous thing, Lao Xuan is willing to ask to go, but it is difficult to think of a good way to cross the Black Night Mountains!”

Yan Li heard the words and couldn’t help but feel happy, so he said loudly: “The matter of crossing the Black Night Mountain Range is under certainty, and it is guaranteed to appear behind Taihe County without injuring one soldier and one soldier!”

“Does this matter seriously?” Yuan Kaishan asked with a happy face.

Yan Li said from his channel: “I want to make a military order! But there is a request underneath, that is, this march, I must participate in it!”


“It’s too dangerous to go alone. If there is any accident, I am afraid … General Li, you should consider it!”

Hearing that Yanli was actually going to participate in the operation, Yuan Kaishan refused without thinking. If he was a general participant, it would be fine, but his true identity was a little prince. If he had something wrong, how could he ask Yong? Wang explained.

Yuan Kaishan would veto him for joining this action, Yan Li had expected it.

So he took a step forward and paid his respects to the first Yuan Kaishan, his eyes sparkling with crystal jade, and said loudly: “Marshal, everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world! Although he is only a small general, he is willing to serve the empire Throwing my head and pouring blood, besides, if I ca n’t go in person, this operation cannot be carried out. “

Although Yan Li’s words are not flamboyant, there is an aura of iron and clank in it. It is unconsciously boiling blood, and there is a heroic idea that wants to rush into the battlefield in an instant.

“The world is responsible for the rise and fall of the world, throwing his head at the blood.” Yuan Kaishan chewed these two words slowly, nodding secretly, and at the same time a stream of heat flowed all over the body. Two words come.

Fortunately, he woke up quickly, and once again thought of Yanli’s identity, Shengsheng swallowed the word “quasi” in his stomach.

“Li Sen will be right! When I receive the grace of the empire, I should give everything to the empire, even at the expense of sacrifice!”

A thunder-like explosion sound went through the whole meeting room, but it was picked up by Chi Chengfeng, who was infected by Yan Li’s words, and applauded loudly.

The Qinglong Army is the first army of the Great Cloud Kingdom. Naturally, there will be no lack of **** generals. Therefore, there is Chi Chengfeng to take the lead, and the 10-way generals will have the nine-way, loudly applauded.

Only those three generals who were jealous of Yan Congsheng’s face became more ugly.

“Marshal, since Li Sen will have the heart to serve the country, the old man urges the marshal to give permission.”

The veteran general Jiang Jiang stepped out and paid a respect to Yuan Kaishan to ask for his life.

“I beg the coach to allow it!”

“I beg the boss to promise!”

General Ying Ying and General Huo stepped forward one after another, asking for Yan Li successively. Among the twelve generals, everyone knew that the two had never been in harmony, but this time they asked for Yan Li at the same time, but it was Yan Li. Fans infected them.

“I beg the coach to allow it!”

The three most representative of the three generals asked Yan to leave, and the others couldn’t sit still. They all approached one after another, even the three envious of him and the three generals were no exception.

After all, everyone else did that. If they did n’t, they would probably be rejected by the entire group of generals. Besides, crossing the Black Night Mountains was not an easy task. They were skeptical about it. If Yan Li If it fails, the result is …!

Seeing that all the generals would ask Yanli for their help, Yuan Kaishan felt very embarrassed, and secretly blamed Yanli. How could you, a little prince, go to risk?

In fact, where did he know that Yanli also had pains, and the method he thought of, except for himself, was really impossible for others to implement.

Seeing the hesitant Yuan Kaishan, Yanli decided to add another fire, “Marshal, since I joined the Blue Dragon Army, I Li Li is the person of the Blue Dragon Army! If you are not worried, I am worried that I will mess up this matter, A military warrant can be made under Xia, unable to complete this task, I am willing to accept any punishment! “

Facing Yan Li’s step-by-step pressure, Yuan Kaishan felt frustrated and swept over Yan Li with a slight bitter grudge. You’re good. I’m thinking of you for safety. I won’t let you go, but you don’t know well-hearted people, step by step. Pressing, let me step down.

Seeing Yuan Kaishan’s dilemma, Wang Yuanshan, who knows Yanli’s identity, secretly laughed secretly. To achieve the purpose of assaulting Taihe City, at least 10,000 soldiers and horses are needed. There are many poisonous beasts and beasts in the Black Night Mountains. Fortunately, one third of the people survived, so he was also very curious. What method should Yanli use to cross the Black Night Mountains?

After hesitating for a while, Yuan Kaishan agreed.

Seeing his compromise, Yan could not help showing a faint smile.

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