The Prince of the World

Chapter 156 - a great invention

Promoting the junior army’s commander, Niu Meng, as the general, and sealing the Duke;

In a word, the junior army has been promoted to the rank of prince from top to bottom. All the ten captains have been promoted to generals. The hundredth commander, the ten captains, and the soldiers are all upgraded to one level.

And give the title.

Of course, the decree has been issued, but the Ninth Army is still in the barren territory, and they do n’t know the news. Yanli does n’t even know that he has an extra princess wife.

Because in the last month, he killed too fiercely, causing the villages of Manyi to merge into the tribe, so the number of villages in Manyi has been greatly reduced.

In a flash, another month passed.

This month, the village burned down by the Ninth Army reached tens of thousands of villages, but only tens of thousands of people were killed, and they were all old people of the Barbarians.

In the mixed element space.

“From the king, the barbarians have learned to be smart. Now, except for some old, weak and sick, there are no barbarians in the village. Should we continue to sweep the village?” Gu Feng Shensheng asked.

In the middle of this month, the spirit babies who were traveling around learned the news of the junior army’s collective official and passed it on to him.

The junior army has been fighting alone for almost a year, and has made immortal credit for the Dayun Nationality. Therefore, after learning the news, Yanli called all the junior army together and announced the news, which made the junior army excited. abnormal.

Since then, the junior army has changed its mouth, all called Yanli as the King of Li.

Yan Li looked around, and found that many people looked at him with the look of expectation, so, “It doesn’t make sense to sweep the village anymore, so, in the next step, we’ll have to take a barbarian tribe!”

As soon as this remark came out, the officers looked extremely excited, and the general Wu Ximing couldn’t help laughing: “Haha, that’s great. It’s too boring to sweep some villages every day. If you can kill hundreds of tribes from the Barbarians, say Maybe our military ranks can be promoted one more! “

“Li Wang, when are you going to attack?” Asked with an irresistible joy on the face of the bone.

Yan Li did not answer him immediately, but unfolded a map, which was the result of Fan Dongliu and his special team for two months.

The above detailed records of the areas where the various tribes in the barbarians are located, and at the same time, they are accompanied by detailed information about the number and strength of each tribe.

The finger fell on a barbaric tribe called “Black Bird”, Yan Li slowly said: “There are 6,500 adult soldiers in this tribe, as well as three high-level middle-level warriors, as well as a high-level high-level warrior and beast Three teachers.

Among the many tribes, the Xuanniao tribe is considered to be of relatively low strength. Our junior army was able to win it. However, the barbarians did not agree with the human race, they were born warriors. It is estimated that when we won this tribe, our junior army Of casualties will reach at least one thousand! “

The generals who were eager to try suddenly calmed down and stayed away from Yan for several months. They also found out some of his temperament and treated the enemy coldly and mercilessly.

But to treat his soldiers is absolutely nothing to say, give a lot of immortality medicine to improve their cultivation, and give a lot of spiritual tools, in order to reduce sacrifice.

In the past, everyone did not take the lives of soldiers seriously, but now they are also affected by Yan Li. The cost of a thousand soldiers’ lives is too high.

“Leaving the king, the special team can infiltrate the Xuanniao tribe to poison!” Fan Dongliu suggested.

“I’m afraid this won’t work!” Yanli shook his head, otherwise, this proposal, after two months of the first nine army, the barbarians are the national security, plus the obvious difference between the human race and the barbarians, even if the special team is good at hiding Make-up, etc., is also difficult to mix into the Manyi tribe.

Next, the generals expressed their opinions, but still did not think of a good way.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed in Yan Li’s mind, accusing him of being stupid, because he still traversed from the earth, and he didn’t know how to use the power of technology.

The Tianhuang Continent is dominated by martial arts, so it is very backward in the development of science and technology.

The plan to attack the Xuanniao tribe was cancelled for the time being. He sent the special team and the secret team to let them look for two things.

One is called potassium nitrate and the other is called sulfur.

The special team lived up to his expectations. In just ten days, he found a large amount of potassium nitrate and sulfur.

Not bad!

Yanli intends to make gunpowder!

The cryptic powerhouse can fly, as long as the storage spirit ring is filled with black gunpowder, and then thrown into the barbaric tribe, shooting a rocket, the situation is exciting to think about.

The formula of black powder is potassium nitrate, sulfur and charcoal, the ratio seems to be 15: 2: 3.

In the following month, the junior army was dispatched to make black powder.

In a month, Yanli’s mixed-element space has thousands of tons of black gunpowder, and all of these black gunpowders are packed in wooden barrels in units of one hundred catties.

Blackbird tribe.

In the middle of the night, all the barbarians in the tribe had rested except for the barbarians who were patrolling.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared on the tribe sky, it was Yanli.

“come out!”

At the next moment, nearly a hundred figures appeared in the sky.

“Are you ready?” Yan Li asked.

“All ready!”

“it is good!”

Yan Li nodded his head, his eyes sparkling with excitement, his thoughts moved, and 20,000 wooden barrels filled with black gunpowder flew out of the Hunyuan space and fell to the Xuanbird tribe below.

“Bang Bang Bang Bang!”

There was a huge movement when the wooden barrel fell to the ground, waking the barbarians in the tribe.


Fan Dongliu ordered that a bow and arrow appeared on the hands of hundreds of Masters of the Secret Realm and mounted several rockets.

“Boo babble!”

Hundreds of rockets fell into a barrel of black gunpowder that was shot with precision.

“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!”

There were tremendous explosions, accompanied by the barbaric screams of the tribes below.

“It’s a human race!”

Several barbarian advanced warriors rose into the sky and shouted to Yanli and others.

It is a pity that the special team and the secret team are not vegetarian, and take ten people as a unit to gather several barbarian warriors to fight together.

And below.

The explosion is still ringing, and the destructive power is amazing.

“Boom! Bang! Bang!”

The explosion lasted a full quarter of an hour, and finally, the entire Blackbird tribe turned into a pile of burning ruins. As for the barbarians in the tribe, no one was spared, and they were completely killed in it.


Seeing this scene, the barbarian advanced fighters are going crazy, roaring, and attacking the special team regardless of their lives. Unfortunately, all this is in vain.

The special teams are not only masters of the secret realm, but also practiced the sword array. The sword array composed of a group of ten is enough to shake the masters of the secret realm.

Soon, several barbarian advanced fighters were completely beheaded.

Yanli took them into the mixed-element space, and he sat in the void to absorb the rich mixed-element particles.

After half an hour.

He opened his eyes suddenly, a smile on the corner of his mouth filled with satisfaction. Although he hasn’t broken through to the fifth level of the secret realm yet, his mixed spirit has reached the peak of the fourth level.

Solved a black bird tribe, the power of black gunpowder was fully displayed, there are about 4,000 tons in the mixed element space, enough to kill four satisfied tribes of the same size as the black bird tribe.

After an hour.

The figure of Yanli appears in a barbaric tribe called “Black Dragon”, which is slightly larger than the Xuanniao tribe.

“Bang Bang Bang Bang!”

A large number of wooden barrels filled with black gunpowder poured down, disturbing the barbarians.

It is a pity that before they understood what was going on, a burst of explosion sounded like the destruction of the world, devouring their lives.

The “Black Dragon” under the shady tribalized into a burning ruin, and thousands of barbarians died in a huge explosion.

There were only a few scarred, high-faced soldiers who fled into the sky.

However, before they could understand what was causing such a horrible explosion, a group of human masters flew by and surrounded them.


The secret squads were murderous on all sides, and in World War I, within a short while, several barbaric advanced soldiers were all cut under the sword by them.

Feeling the dense mixed particles floating in mid-air, Yanli’s mouth showed a complex smile, “This time is enough for me to break into the five-fold secret area.”

After the people from the Mystery Squad entered the Hunyuan space, they sat in the void, and the “Huanyuan Jing” started to move with their thoughts.

Tens of thousands of pores are all open, greedily absorbing mixed particles floating in the air.

Before, his mixed elemental qi has reached the quartet peak. After absorbing and refining some mixed element particles, his mixed elemental qi has reached fullness and cannot absorb another point.

“It’s time to hit the fifth weight!”

There are nine secret points in the human body, namely Dantian, Fuzhong, Lingquan, Chongling, Kuhai, Taiyin, Sun, Yinyang, and Emperor Wheel.

Today, Yan Li is going to hit the fifth secret hole-the bitter sea.

The Kuhai Secret Point is located three inches below the human heart and close to the Fuzhong Secret Point. The Hunyuan True Qi is slightly mellow and slightly sharper than the Blood Demon True Qi.


The Hunyuan True Qi in the body turned into sharp True Qi needles, which under the control of Yan Li, constantly hit the Kuhai Secret Point level.

Every time the collision, Yan Li shivered slightly.

For this pain, he clenched his teeth and insisted.

Shock again and again.

Finally, the overwhelmed level was rushed away by Hunyuan Zhenqi. Suddenly, a lot of Hengyuan Qi rushed into the bitter sea, which was even more open.

The new exercise route of the “Huan Yuan Jing” flashed through my mind, and then, based on the five major secret points, began to flow slowly.

For a moment, Yan seemed to produce a vortex-like force field away from the body, pulling the surrounding mixed particles into the body.

After a long while, the mixed particles in the four weeks were completely absorbed. It is estimated that his breakthrough, which took about half an hour, should be gone.

Shaking his figure, he disappeared into the night and entered the Hunyuan space again. He continued to run Qi and polished his foundation.

The destruction of the Black Bird and the Black Dragon Tribe attracted the attention of the masters of the Barbarian tribe that night. When they came to investigate, they looked at the unrecognized tribe.

That is what caused the destruction of the two tribes is not the true energy of the human race, but another kind of energy.

They reported the news to their respective superiors, and finally, it reached the ear of King Mani. While angry, he also had some fear.

People are always so scared of the unknown energy.

At the same time, the annihilation of the two tribes made most of the barbarians win the panic and uneasiness again, and even produced a huge sense of fear for the first nine troops led by Yanli.

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