The Prince of the World

Chapter 471 - Angel elf

When everyone heard the fat man’s words, they discussed it again. Bing Hanzong had nothing to build a new sect, but it was necessary to recruit disciples so quickly. This is obviously to promote the sect, but Bing Hanzong as a third-level sect I believe there will be many small forces, and the family is willing to send their children.

“We will post the specific situation, you will know by looking at the notice.” After the fat man turned and returned to Bing Hanzong’s mansion, he was relieved as soon as he entered the door, and he spoke at this height for the first time. Still nervous.

The entire city of ice and snow on the notice is posted, and within a few hours, no one in the entire city of ice and snow has no idea about the change of the owner of the ice and snow plateau, and this matter also came out of the city of ice and snow like inserting wings. Northern Chen Guo knew that a third-level Zongmen Binghanzong appeared here.

It did n’t take long for many architects to volunteer to come and build a new gate for Bing Hanzong. After all, Bing Hanzong gave a good price and was still very attractive.

Because the new Binghanzong occupies a huge area, it must take a lot of time, and it is impossible to wait forever. Therefore, Yan Li put the whole thing to Lu Yi and Long Di, and he and the three elders retired.

Long Di and Lu Yi also have some abilities. He organized the entire Binghan Sect disciple to establish the sect gate. Since some people ’s residences are built by themselves, they only need to build public facilities, and their own buildings can only be themselves. Do it, or find someone to do it yourself.

Bing Hanzong was busy again, but this busyness made every disciple have a smile on his face. They were building their own sect. Many years later, they can proudly say that I am also the founder of Binghanzong. , Zongmen construction also has my credit.

When Zongmen was busy, the three elders went to retreat in their own territory, and Yanli also came to the center of the ice and snow plateau, which is the place with the strongest coldness in the entire cold, generally The warriors in the realm of the Venerable Realm must be unable to withstand the invasion of this cold force when they arrive here, but at this time Yan Li was sitting in an ice cave with great enjoyment.

This is a cave house that Yanli laid out on an iceberg half a year ago. In a flash, Yanli has been closed for half a year.

At this time, Yan Li was sitting cross-legged on the ice bed in the cave. A plume of white smoke floated from all sides of the cave and entered Yan Li’s body along the top of Yan Li’s head.

Yanli has entered a state of ecstasy. In his consciousness, only ice is left. He feels that he has dissolved in ice, and he is ice.

A white world, with snowflakes jumping around, the thickness of the ice layer below is unknown how thick, except for the sound of snowflakes, there is no more sound.

Suddenly a strange snowflake fell among the snowflakes. This is a snowflake with colors. It fell from the void with the snowflakes around him. Slowly it fell to the ground, and a color appeared on the ground. It was obliterated in an instant.

The snow did not stop, endlessly, no time, no height, and the snow falling on the ground could only see the last glimmer of light. From then on, what was waiting for him was being pressed deeper and deeper.

I do n’t know how long it has passed or how thick the snowflakes have been. Here, a hint of color appears on this snowflake. Although only the size of a fist, it is particularly conspicuous in this endless white world.

After some unknown time, snowflakes still failed to cover this piece of color, and this piece of color seemed to become larger, and it could have a washbasin.

Snowflakes can no longer cover this color, the color continues to spread, from the size of the washbasin, to the size of a half room, the size of a room, and finally become endless …

This place has become a colorful world. As soon as the snowflakes fall, they are dyed in color, and you can no longer see a little white.

Gradually a ray of consciousness appeared in this colorful snow, and this ray of consciousness flew in this endless space as soon as it appeared, and finally there was a trace of sound in this space. A little bit of life.

“Bah …”

This ray of consciousness is like a little elf flying around, it has slowly condensed its body, it is an angel-like figure, the color of his body is like this world.

Slowly, the angel elf became more and more excited, and the heavens and earth became its territory, facing the snowflakes, shuttled around.

After the endless time, the figure of the angel elf was completed, but there was no entity, only a phantom.

Dongfu is still the original Dongfu, Yanli is still sitting cross-legged, but it has been nine years since he closed the gate, he has been sitting here for nine years, he has been comprehending this ice source attribute for nine years, and it is now time to come The most critical moment.

The original attribute is a power that transcends all entities. Only by mastering the original attribute can we break through the current state. The reason why Yanli is stuck in the supreme state for thousands of years is because he did not really master a source attribute.

Although he has merged the two relics of ice and fire, it is not really the original attribute of his own perception, and the source power contained in these two relics is only a trace.

The fusion of the body of the ice relic, and the cultivation over the past 10,000 years, Yan Li faintly felt that he had a certain awareness of the ice’s original attributes, and it was time to realize his first original attribute.

This colorful elf is transformed by the ice-cold Dao Nian planted by Yanli, and the snowy field stained with color is transformed by the ice-cold force in Yanli’s body, and Yanli is using this ice The force of the cold cultivates its own ice cold source attributes.

It’s just that Yan Li’s brows are tight and frowning, and there is no excitement to realize a source attribute at all, because the ice cold power in his body has been used up, the elf is still flying around, but the snow has stopped, there is no extra The snow can dye it.

This is already the most tense moment. Could it be pushed back indefinitely because of the lack of ice and cold power in your hands?

“Impossible! Absolutely impossible!” Yan centrifuged with a low roar. He had waited for tens of thousands of years on this day, and now success is imminent, let him give up.

“I am Sect Master of Binghan Sect, Bingxue Highland listens to my orders, the power of Binghan, get together!”

As soon as the sound fell, the ice plateau seemed to come alive, and he understood Yan Li’s order. Starting from the cave house where Yan Li was located, a white gas slowly emanated.

In a space about a mile away with Yanli as the center, the ice layer is blowing white gas. These gases float in the air, and the whole sky is blurred.

Suddenly the white gas got the order and rolled directly towards the center. Yan Li sat in the center and his body was already covered in white. He tried to open his pores as much as possible to let these cold forces enter his body.

He wants more ice cold power! He wants to break through!

It was snowing again in that colorful place, and the elf was excited again, flying in the snow, and it was almost difficult for the snow to be dyed on the ground.

“not enough!”

Yan Li’s eyes turned red, obviously this bit of cold power is not enough!

At this time Yanli’s hair was already scattered on his shoulders, he suddenly raised his head and yelled into the sky.

From a radius of one mile to ten miles … one hundred miles … one thousand miles … until a thin layer of white gas rose throughout the ice plateau.


With Yan Li’s order, these white gases instantly condensed from all directions towards where Yan Li was.

The west wind felt the difference of the ice plateau. He felt the movement of this ice cold force. He looked up and looked at the position in the middle of the ice plateau. He knew that it was the location of Yanli. What he had to do now was to protect Yanli Good way, don’t let anyone disturb.

Slowly, both Changying and Gu Jianfeng felt it.


“the host!”

Xiao Yun and Haotian felt Yanli’s breath almost at the same time, and that powerful force gave them a sense of suffocation. They knew that Yanli was about to break through.

The whole Binghanzong felt this kind of strength that made people dare not look directly, and made them excited. The stronger the Yanli, the more guaranteed they are.

At this time, the force of ice and cold gathered from the entire ice plateau had formed a storm. The storm lifted the cave house where Yanli was located. Yanli was still sitting there and was instantly submerged by the storm.

The ice cold storm is like a sharp knife slamming down Yanli’s skin, and every second he has to bear the pain of tens of thousands of knives, but this pain is what Yanli’s body is full of snowflakes .

The snow is so big that it has to hide the color and restore the place to white again, but this white color can only last for one second. When the elf flew from the front that day, the world became colored again.

“Fight …”

With a clear cry, the illusory angel elf almost rushed out of this space, and the snow became bigger and bigger, and it became more and more excited.

As time passed by, Yan Li’s location calmed down again, the storm stopped, and the original iceberg disappeared.

A year passed …

It has been ten years since Yanli retired, and the snow in Yanli’s body stopped slowly. After a sharp cry, a dazzling angel elf appeared in this color.

“Come out, ice source attribute!”

As soon as Yanli’s voice fell, the excitement that caused the elf that day broke through the space directly and rushed out of Yanli’s body.

Just after rushing out of Yanli’s body, the elf directly broke the ice layer covering Yanli’s body and flew straight into the sky. It has been ten years since he was born. It is finally capable of rushing out of that space. To a much broader world.

“Bing’s origin attribute is Sect Master Binghan …” Chen Guoguo murmured as he looked at the angel elf flying into the sky.

“Is the Sect Master Binghan Breakthrough? You have to seize it …” Wang Patriarch looked up at the elves over the ice and snow plateau and closed his eyes again.

All the warriors above the Supreme in the northern part of Chen Guo felt Yan Li ’s breakthrough, a kind of original attribute, which represents the capital of attacking Feng Zun. There are many Supremes. status.

Yan Li also rushed out of the ice and came to the air elf. The angel elf felt the breath of Yan Li and flew directly to him, rubbing his head up and down on Yan Li’s shoulder to express To Yanli’s intimacy, Yanli also liked this cute little elf, touched his head, and flew straight down with it. When he came to Zongmen, the elf flew in directly under the command of Yanli Yanli disappeared from the body.

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