The Prince of the World

Chapter 485 - Ten spirits

Then another red shadow flashed, and then the third, fourth, fifth, and five red shadows rushed out of the five sarcophagi.

Yan Li saw clearly that the red shadow came out of the sarcophagus, five sarcophagi, five red shadows …

“This is …” Yan centrifuged and couldn’t help but shook back several steps. When he looked up again, five red shadows were floating on top of his head, staring at himself.

“Blood Spirit!” Yan Li has been determined. From the sarcophagus are five blood spirits, blood spirits! The life born from the blood reveals a kind of blood heat. Yan Li dare not look directly at some blood spirits. The pressure they give makes the spin of the centrifugal jump uncontrolled.

At this moment, Yanli’s feet moved back and forth unconsciously, but every time he stepped back, the blood spirit behind him would follow him one step. His eyes had not left Yanli’s body, and apparently regarded Yanli as his prey.

Eventually he retreated to the root of the wall and looked back. There was no way to retreat. Yanli had to smile and looked at the five guys with a wry smile.

The evil blood spirit, a guy suddenly moved forward, with a roar in his mouth, and Xiang Yanli rushed over.

Yanli felt that his heart was about to jump out, but in the end, a thunder appeared, and the blood spirit that rushed over was repelled a little bit. It was Yanli who released Thunderling at the last time. Thunderling used Thunderbolt to knock off the Bloodling .

This blood spirit was struck by lightning, more tyrannical, and the roar in his mouth was sharper. It was a kind of rebelliousness, and it did not admit that it was weaker than Ray Ling!

The blood spirit moved forward again, a blood red flew into the sky, and flew towards the thunder spirit. The thunder spirit immediately summoned a lightning, and the red and purple colors collided.



“Roar ~” Blood Spirit also felt the power of the opposite Thunder Spirit. Thunder Spirit looked at the red blood spirit and did not dare to take it lightly.

Neither of them dared to shoot easily and confronted each other for a while.

The remaining four blood spirits simply ignored the confrontation between the two, and another blood spirit burst out with a roar in his mouth, facing Yanli, a blood mist waved away. In its view, the creature in front of him, in his own Under this blood mist, it will surely become blood water.

As soon as the blood mist appeared, he immediately rushed towards Yanli. Yanli had already felt the terrifying breath in this blood mist, which was absolutely terrifying many times more than when he first entered this cave.

Suddenly, the space in front of Yanli began to rotate, and the speed of rotation was faster and faster. A whirlwind formed in the blink of an eye. As soon as the whirlwind was formed, it swept toward the blood mist. Without any suspense, the blood mist was blown. It was gone, but the whirlwind was getting smaller and smaller and eventually stopped.

A white phantom stood in front of Yanli, it was Feng Ling!

The blood spirit was obviously angry, thinking that he could kill the weak creature in front of him. Unexpectedly, he still had the means. From the white phantom, it felt a force that was not weaker than it, and the two confronted again. stand up.

The remaining three blood spirits were also irritated. I did n’t expect the creature in front of me to be so difficult. The three blood spirits glanced at each other, and at the same time they roared at the same time, and then looked at Yanli at the same time. come out.

Yan Li felt bad. The three guys were going to rush at the same time. Yan Li looked nervously at the three blood spirits. Sure enough, in the next second, the three blood spirits rushed towards Yan Li at the same time.

“Bing Ling! Fire Spirit! Water Spirit!”

Yan Li is also unambiguous. He summons the only remaining three spirits directly. As soon as the three elves appear, each of them directly screams at the same blood spirit, and the same spirit roars, and the road ahead of the blood spirit is blocked immediately.

At this point, Yanli’s Wuling faced off with these Wuxuelings, and he fell free, standing behind to watch their confrontation.

“Roar ~” The blood spirit confronting Thunder Spirit could no longer stand it, and directly transformed into countless blood drops, which formed a blood rain and fell in this place.

“Boom ~” A bright lightning came out, Yan Li looked at this guy, Lei Ling, if it rained, you would match the lightning with others, but fortunately Feng Ling blew a wind to blow Yan’s blood rain from the top of his head gone.

This could not help Yan Li relieved, if this blood rain really fell on himself, even with the blessing of the dish of fortune, it is impossible to escape the fate of serious injuries.

Blood rain fell on the ground with the lightning, and the sarcophagus began to melt. Yan Li looked at the melting sarcophagus on the ground, but he discovered a strange phenomenon. The sarcophagus in the middle, which was still closed, did not melt. Signs, blood stains on it disappeared directly.

“Is it an illusion?” The sarcophagus would actually absorb the blood. Yan Li rubbed his eyes and finally determined that the sarcophagus could indeed absorb the blood.

What kind of power does the sarcophagus that cannot be broken and melted in a single bit? Yan centrifuged endlessly, and the situation in front of him was so urgent that he had no time to think about it.

The blood rain of the blood spirit did not cause substantial harm to Yanli, it did destroy his home, and the blood spirit roared at the same time, using his strongest magic power.

For a time, the entire cave was wrapped in red. In addition to red, you can also see blue, purple, fiery red, and white. All colors are merged together. The sound is loud and the earth is shaking!

It was n’t until a long time later that the original particles around them slowly dissipated. Yan Li patted the dust on his body and looked around. At this time, the cave except for the sarcophagus in the middle is still there. There was no more sarcophagus, and even the remains of the sarcophagus could not be seen at all, and all became fly ash.

Looking up at Shiling again, they still face each other after putting their strongest means against each other, but they can be seen from their breathless appearance, they are already very tired, often encounter this The opponent with the same strength is the most tired.

However, the five elves of Yanli are still quite reliable. At the moment of the war, a magical power was released to protect him, which made Yanli not actually hurt.

Shi Ling confronted again, and Yan Li couldn’t help but watch this scene. If Xue Ling took the initiative to retreat, he would let them go without hesitation, but how could he retreat if the other party did not retreat.

“Creak … creak …”

Shiling is still confronting the sky, there is silence all around, but Yanli hears a voice, what voice? Yan Li raised his ears and listened carefully.

“Creak … creak …” The voice sounded again.

“It’s that sarcophagus!” Yan Li suddenly found out that it was the sarcophagus in the middle of the cave. At the same time as the sarcophagus made a sound, the whole coffin was shaking, and the lid was shaking. It seemed that there was something to be Rushed.

Yan Li looked nervously at the sarcophagus. Just after Ten Spirits used the strongest supernatural power, he could not hurt the sarcophagus, which shows the strength of the sarcophagus.

“Boom …”

With a bang, the sarcophagus’s coffin lid flew out, and at the same time, a raging cry spread through Dongfu.

Across the disc, Yanli felt that his eardrums were about to be cracked, his belly rolled, and his chest was upset.

“This cry!” Yan Li could not hold back his blood, but the other party just hurt himself with a cry. How strong was his body?

Without allowing Yanli to react for a while, a mass of red and yellow spirits rose from the sarcophagus. This should also be a blood spirit, but the difference is that part of the blood spirit’s body is golden yellow.

“Golden Blood Spirit!”

As soon as the golden blood spirit appeared, the five blood spirits in the air trembled, and the shouts in their mouths were weakened. They gave up their confrontation with Yanli Wuling and began to flee around.

But how could the golden blood spirits let them escape and flew directly up, flying towards a blood spirit.

“Roar ~” This blood spirit wailed, but still could not escape, and was directly caught by the golden blood spirit, and then swallowed. The golden blood spirit swallowed the red blood spirit, and the body was obviously bigger. It did not stop, and directly caught up with the second blood spirit.

This second blood spirit couldn’t even make a scream, and was directly swallowed. The golden blood spirit body was once again bigger and the movement was slower, but even if it was slow, it was not comparable to other blood spirits. .

Then the third …

the fourth……

the fifth……

The five blood spirits were all swallowed by this golden blood spirit, and the body of the golden blood spirit had become three or four times the size of the previous one, and the golden color in the body was not clear.

Its movements have also been very slow, so many blood spirits swallowed it, and no matter how much it takes time to digest it.

Suddenly, the golden blood spirit saw a red spirit!

“Be careful!” Yanli reacted in an instant. That golden blood spirit regarded the fire spirit as the blood spirit. Yanli still shouted slowly. The huge body of the golden blood spirit directly pressed on the fire spirit. The body of the fire spirit It disappeared directly, and the golden blood spirit instantly burned in the body.

Obviously, the golden blood spirit also felt the discomfort of the body, the kind of burning roar that kept him, Yanli could not bear this roar, regardless of all the recall of the other four spirits, all blessed on himself to resist this power.

Before long, the sound suddenly stopped.

Yan Li opened his eyes and looked at Dongfu, which was empty and empty.

“Fire Spirit! Return my Fire Spirit!” Yan Li reacted suddenly. This blood spirit swallowed his own Fire Spirit and fled.

Yanli ran to the middle of the Dong Mansion, and found no figure of the blood spirit everywhere.

“Sarcophagus!” He suddenly thought that the blood spirit came out of the sarcophagus. When he came to the sarcophagus, he finally found a difference. There was a hole in the sarcophagus!

“Can’t you go down?” Yan Li hesitated standing in front of the sarcophagus. The hole in the sarcophagus did not reach the bottom. Could it be dangerous? Although the fire spirit is very important to him, if you go down, you may be in danger of life!

“You can’t manage so much!”, Wealth and wealth are seeking, and Yanli has understood this truth for so many years.

Pressing one hand on the side of the sarcophagus and pressing hard, the whole person turned back and entered the hole in the sarcophagus. The hole was very narrow and deep, and Qigua Bagua Yanli finally fell into a big A little cave house.

“Why is it so quiet here?” Yanli didn’t understand it. This cave house is the quietest of all the cave houses that Yanli entered. There was no quiet voice. The difference is that almost all the cave houses he entered before were almost Unobstructed, this cave house is covered by some stones, not completely.

“Where did this **** blood spirit go?” The reason why Yanli dared to chase in was because he felt that the blood spirit had swallowed so many spirits, and it certainly needed time to digest, so he would have a chance.

But this **** soul escaped fast enough, and the kung fu in a blink of an eye was gone, and there were ruggedness here, and it was not easy to find.

Yanli walked along a path that was obviously stepped on. The road was particularly bumpy and rocky. Some ditches blocked the view in front. He walked through several hills and climbed up several large stones. , He finally saw a flat land in front.

He jumped from the big rock and moved forward again. He wanted to see the flat area.

Standing on the big stone looked far away and walked farther away. When Yanli walked past the last stone blocking his view, it was already a day.

When he looked at the flat land, he was shocked by the sight in front of him. He had never expected that the Blood Sect Master he was looking for was still here.

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