The Prince of the World

Chapter 88 - Detain Yan Li

At the moment of seeing Yanli, his face suddenly became pale, and he understood that the matter was exposed, and then a strong murderous intention rose in his chest.


The sword suddenly emerged from the sheath, and suddenly a silver dragon flew across the sky and ran straight away to Yanli. Now, only by killing Yanli and Sun Tian can he protect himself.


Yinlong hit Yan Li ’s location, but bombarded a residual image. At the next moment, he felt a sudden chill in his throat, trying to avoid it, but a quiet voice came from his ear. “Don’t move, otherwise, I will pierce your throat!”


A figure descended from the sky and turned into the figure of law enforcement elder Yuan Changfeng.

At the moment when he saw Yuan Changfeng, Sun Xing knew that he was finished, and there was no room to turn over.

Yuan Changfeng slapped at Sun Xing’s Dantian, sealed the other’s cultivation behavior, and Yanli put away his sword.

On the second day, a message circulated in the Great Wasteland Palace that the inner disciple Sun Tian suddenly disappeared. It is said that before his disappearance, Yan Li went to the courtyard where he lived.

Therefore, it was inferred that Yanli might have moved Sun Tian to kill him because of Xue Zhan.

On the third day, after the event was fermented and ignited by the interested people, a large group of inner disciples were excited and came to the law enforcement hall with anger. Yan Li justice!

The Great Desert Palace, the law enforcement hall.

Nearly two hundred disciples from the inner gate gathered here. The crowd was turbulent and shouted loudly, demanding that the Law Enforcement Hall arrest Yan Li and deal with his crime of killing Sun Tian.

This news soon spread throughout the Great Abandoned Palace, whether it is outside disciples or inner disciples, and elite disciples, all heard the news and came to see the lively:

“Oh, this Yan Yan is in great trouble. I really thought I could be a little prince or a close disciple of the palace master. I could do whatever I want!” An elite disciple said, gloating.

“Isn’t it? I heard that he had a quarrel with Elder Yuan the day before yesterday, and also called Elder Yuan confused, and now he was miserable and fell into the hands of Elder Yuan!” Another elite disciple thought deeply. Road.

“I don’t think it is possible, Yan Li is distinguished from his status. Elder Yuan may not have the courage to punish him?”

As the saying goes, it’s irrelevant to oneself. The elite disciples who don’t have any entertainment projects usually stand tens of meters away from the law enforcement hall and read jokes one by one.

Elite home.

Yan Lipan sat under the tree and closed his eyes to raise his mind. Suddenly, the courtyard door opened, and Lin Wen stumbled in, shouting anxiously: “Senior Yan, no good, a lot of people went to the law enforcement hall, They claimed that you killed Sun Tian and wanted to enforce the law to deal with your sin! “

“Is it?” Yan Li responded faintly.

Lin Wen didn’t expect Yan Li to have this response, “Brother Yan … Why don’t you worry at all?”

“What are you worried about?” Yan Li asked rhetorically, still looking unhurried.

“They are suing you. What if the law enforcement elders really want to punish you?” Lin Wen saw Yan Li’s appearance and only stomped hard.

Yanli smiled a mysterious smile at the corner of his mouth, “Let them go make trouble!”

As soon as his voice fell, he continued to close his eyes and recuperate.

Seeing this scene, Lin Wen completely lost his temper.

On the other side, the law enforcement hall is getting more and more noisy, and more and more disciples of the inner gate have joined the team.

Finally, the incident reached the ears of the two vice-presidents.

Since Xia Houzun announced his mentor-discipline relationship with Yanli, the two deputy palace masters felt the crisis. Now, Yanli just happens to have the handle in their hands. If you don’t use it, you are really sorry.

Moreover, now the palace owner Xia Houzun is retreating, as long as they cast a quick knife and squander the chaos, and expel Yan from the Great Desolation Palace, even if the palace owner goes out of the customs, there is no reason for them.

So, after deliberation, the two issued an order to require all elders to immediately go to the Great Desolation Hall to attend the elders meeting.

There are forty-nine elders in the Great Wasteland Palace, of which nine elders are involved in management. The other elders generally do not ask about the affairs of the palace except for their spiritual practice.

Soon, forty-nine elders were completely concentrated in the Great Desolation Hall.

The Great Palace is the first hall of the Great Palace, and there will always be a meeting here for any important events.

After all the elders came together, the two deputy palace masters came together, but their faces were a little ugly.

The two deputy palace masters are named Ming Hu and Xuan Min. Both of them are genius-like figures. They are only forty years old and have been promoted to the Secret Realm.

The two of them walked straight to a place just one step away from the throne of the palace. Then Minghu said to the forty-nine elders below: “Today, inside the Zongmen, a very bad thing happened. Dealing with this matter properly, my disciples in the Great Wasteland will surely be separated from Germany, and the consequences will be disastrous! “

Xuan Min answered: “Yes, because this matter is related to a more special person, so we will call everyone to discuss.”

The following elders heard the words and expressions. Although it means that Hu Xuanmin and the two did not call their names, they are not simple characters. They have their own channels, and they already know the two vice palace masters in their hearts. What to say.

“Elder Yuan, you are the elder of law enforcement, you come to tell everyone, what happened outside the law enforcement hall today?” Ming Hu’s eyes fell on Yuan Changfeng, said in a deep voice.

Yuan Changfeng nodded, paused, and slowly said: “Today, hundreds of inner disciples gathered outside the law enforcement hall. They suspect that Yanli killed the missing Sun Tian and demanded severe punishment.”

“Does Elder Yuan think it will be Sun Tian killed by Yanli?” Ming Hu continued to ask.

“Isn’t it Yanli? I don’t know yet. After all, Sun Tian hasn’t been found yet. I don’t know if it’s missing or dead. It will take some time to investigate and obtain evidence!”

As soon as Yuan Changfeng’s voice fell, someone could not wait to jump out and said: “Elder Yuan is so bad. Yan Li’s character is arrogant and arrogant, and he does not take others in his eyes. I think he is very likely to kill Sun Tian He grabbed it and tortured it. “

Looking at Wang Bosen who jumped out, Yuan Changfeng flashed a touch of disdain in his eyes. “Elder Wang, you must pay attention to evidence when you speak and do things. Can’t you catch Yanli on one suspicion?”

Wang Bosen didn’t expect Yuan Changfeng to refute him, “Huh, isn’t he who else? Sun Tian pointed out that Xue Zhan is a spy, and Yan Li has good relations with that Xue Zhan. You quarreled a lot, and later someone saw him go to Sun Tian ’s residence, so I inferred that he must have killed Sun Tian because he was angry and angry. In order to prevent the murderer from escaping, I proposed that Yan should be removed Go to prison! “

“Elder Wang is right, I also think that Sun Tian was killed by Yan Li, and then he will be put in jail and then slowly investigated!” An elder followed with an echo.

This person is called Liang Kun, and he has an excellent relationship with Wang Bosen. Last time Wang Bosen wanted to seize Xie Tian’s spiritual weapon and elixir king. He also came out to help.

Minghu’s voice sounded again: “This palace also feels that the two elders are right! You should put Yanli into jail, do you have any comments?”

Yuan Changfeng said loudly: “Slow! This matter is not proper, or ask Yanli to ask for a decision before making a decision!”

“Is there anything to ask! Is n’t this a clear-cut thing, and besides, even if he comes, do you think he will admit the crime he committed? So, the best way is to catch him now, not because he is The little prince of Dayun Kingdom, who is also a disciple of the palace lord, engages in special treatment, otherwise, who would appease if hundreds of disciples of inner gates make trouble? “Wang Bosen’s obscure way, since last time he hated After getting into Yanli, someone just asked him to deal with Yanli together, and after the event was completed, there was a generous reward, so he would not refuse.

Minghu said loudly again: “This palace also thinks that Elder Wang is right, Yan Li should really take control first! If it is found that Sun Tian was not killed by him, he is releasing it!”

“That’s good! I’m going to let Yanli get him in jail now!” Yuan Changfeng said with some helplessness.

The door of the elite courtyard where Yan Li lived was suddenly knocked open, and then several law enforcement disciples who reached Tianxuan Realm rushed in, staring at him staring at him, one of them said: “Yan Li, you are suspected of killing Sun Tian, ​​Elder Yuan sent us to get you into prison, I hope you do n’t resist! “


Yan Li got up slowly and walked lightly to several law enforcement disciples, but sneered secretly in his heart, “I want to see who wants to hurt me!”

The four law-enforcement disciples saw that Yanli had not resisted, and they suddenly felt relieved. After all, his identity was placed there. Even if Sun Tianzhen was killed by him, in his capacity as a little prince, the Great Abandoned Palace was afraid to handle it without authorization.

at this time.

Several figures flew by. It was Lin Wenlin, Wu Wu, Yao Ling, Situ Xue and his party. When they saw Yan Li surrounded by law enforcement disciples, their expressions changed greatly.

After listening to the sound of “moaning” for a while, all four of them actually pulled out their long swords and pointed at the four law enforcement disciples. Yao Ling sneered: “Why do you want to catch Brother Yan, he didn’t kill, let him go.”

When the four law enforcement disciples saw this, they couldn’t help but sink their faces, and there was a flash of anger in their eyes. The law enforcement disciple headed sneered toward Yao Ling and others: “Law enforcement disciples perform their official duties, and idlers and other people avoid them!”

Law-enforcement disciples are usually high on the ground. Many disciples saw them like rats and cats. In this case, four inner disciples dared to draw swords at them.

“Even if we die! We can’t let you take Brother Yan!” Yao Ling’s expression refused.

Brother Lin Wenlin and Wu Wu also looked firm and shouted in unison: “For Brother Yan, don’t hesitate to fight!”

Situ Xue’s face was slightly pale, but at the moment a pair of eyes were all firm, and also followed with a light drink, “Release our Senior Brother Yan!”

The four law-enforcement disciples saw that they still refused to let go, and their faces were almost green, and the one headed snorted even more, and a strong spirit broke out all over the body, heading straight to Yao Ling and others, “Go away!”

“Kick kick!”

Under the oppression of the powerful, Lin Wen and others stepped back a few steps before standing firm.

After forced to retreat the four people, He Yunmu swept Yao Ling with disdain, with a disdainful tone: “A group of waste also dare to stop us from doing things!”


Suddenly, He Yun felt a flower in front of him, and then there was a pain in his left face, and there was a crisp slap in his ear.

“Slap yourself?”

The responding He Yun was very angry and looked at him, and found Yanli staring at him with a bad look, “Yanli, what do you mean?”

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