The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 220 - Travel To North

"This is kinda chewy…" a certain boy holding a slice of meat on the stick with a deep frown on his face while chewing his meat reluctantly.

"I think it's overcooked….." he complains again.


"It's a bit salty too" he grumbles with an upset look.

'Hello, Masterchef!'

Lory's mouth twitches "That's how rustic taste all about!" she lied through her teeth without blinks

The boy puff his cheek "I don't like it, can I have the food on the box again?" he asked for another bento box again, sadly this woman didn't know anything about cooking he will never ask her to cook anything anymore.

"For someone who lives in a jungle you quite picky, don't you" Lory raised his eyebrows but she gives the boy another bento box from her spatial ring, secretly she agrees her cook is not good, the boy quickly accepts the box happily.

"Hey, how long I've been unconscious?" Lory asked.

Shin Jiu chew munch a mouthful after he swallows it he glances at Lory "A week" he said shortly.

Lory almost falls on the ground, A WEEK!!

How the hell e sleep for a week, the last merged between him and Girsha really took every strength she had is no surprise she fell in deep sleep for days but for a week? now that's the problem!

 Lory become anxious as she realizes Zhao Li Xin probably thinks she was dead, she knew Zhao Li Xin extreme temperament, she can even start to fathom how shocked he would be when she disappeared from the manor and if he found her trace on the cliff.

Wait, there also another thing that bothers her.

[Girsha, are you there? Girsha!] Lory close her eyes try to connect with him.

There's no answer for a few seconds but then she heard a tired voice [I'm sleepy....don't wake me up…] a familiar voice mutter with a low voice.

Lory sigh in relief thankfully he's alright he just drained out from all that merging things, it would take a while before Girsha awake.

"Hey kid, is this far from where you found me?"

Shin Jiu nods his head again "Yes, someone chasing me and I think someone chasing you too so I left right away after I take you with me" he finishes his meal and closes the box.

Lory let out a long sigh, is no wonder if Hei Shen members would think she's dead when they can't find her body. Zhao Li Xin faces flash through her mind and her worry increases.

She hopes Zhao Li Xin doesn't get too crazy. Lory pours another cup of tea to calm herself, the problem is how the hel*she gets home from here?

"Kid, where are we anyway?" she asked.

"Uhm….My grandfather said I should go North" he scratches his chubby cheeks "I don't know where is north?" he said with an innocent face.

Lory sips another tea 'Figured!' she holds the cup on her thigh, whenever she's in trouble it's better to sort out her though what would she do first and first she must heal herself other than the wound on her chest she also got broken ribs from falling to the water although thankfully for Girsha wing she's not dead from the falling still fractures on her bones are unavoidable.

Then she has to get out of this jungle and find whatever civilization out there, she needs to find any news about Hei Shen and perhaps she can contact them. The biggest problem is she didn't have a clue where she knows and she doesn't have a map and that chubby boy seems clueless either.

But on the bright side, there have carriage meaning this is the road where ordinary carriage used to pass so they just have to follow the road and hopefully it leads to a village or a city.

"Hey Kid, I want to go to the city, you want to come with me? It's not safe to stay in the jungle like this and you said you want to go to the north right" Lory worry leaving the little boy alone with a monkey and a tiger.

"Uhm….Grandfather said I should go to Ching Su city at the Liu Yan Kingdom and find someone with name Qian Qi Feng" his eyeball move left and right as if trying not to forget anything perhaps his Grandfather force him to remember all of that just in case something happen with him the boy can look for help.

"Liu Yan Kingdom…"Lory murmured as she recalled Lao Min Na had saved some prince from the Liu Yan Kingdom but know Lao Min Na at the Misty lake she might not in the Liu Yan Kingdom anymore but her people might still dare, it quite a risk for Lory to go there when everything happened to her probably connected to Lao Min Na even though she had no concrete proof yet but she can't leave the boy alone.

"Fine!" she hit her knee with a determined gaze "I'm coming with you to the Liu Yan Kingdom!"

Shin Jiu face beamed with joy the truth is he is scared to go by himself he also spends his time inside the jungle he didn't have much experience with other people other than his grandfather so he is reluctant to leave the jungle that's why he stays here for so long but because of that, he managed to find Lory and save her.

"But, because we both have an enemy we must be discreet we don't want to attract unwanted attention so the tiger can't go with us" Lory stare at the Tiger who almost as tall as a horse.

"If Bai Zi can come with us, is that mean Qiao Qin can't come with us too?" The boy feel dejected.

"Who?" Lory tilted her head, how many animals he got?

Shin Jiu drag Lory to the front of the carriage in hurried, Lory was confused but then she realizes what the boy means, turns out the carriage is not pulled by a horse but it was pulled by Qilin, yes a mythical creature who is bigger then a horse with scales like a turtle and Lion face with two big horns on its head and there's a spark of flame on its feet, this creature definitely would attract attention, the Qi Lin stare at Lory with his red eyes, Lory rest her arms on her waist while shaking her head helplessly.

'Where do you find this thing?'

"Yeah…..this one definitely can come with us…" Lory perplexed.

The boy looks down in sad but then he lifts his head again "What if they can change their look?" The boy asked.

"Oh, like what?" she got intrigued.

"Zi Zi, Qin Qin, quickly changed your look!" Shin Jiu said excitedly.

The tiger growl who sounds like he is annoyed and the Qilin stomp his front leg while letting out a whinny sounds but then suddenly the flame engulfs the Qilin and he becomes like a normal black horse while the tiger shrinks into a cub size white tiger the big tiger becomes a cute kitten.

Lory was amazed her eyes bulged the boy turn his head to her "How about now?" he asked with big grinned.

"This….."Lory nods her head "could work!" lory surprised the beast in this world could change their shape too.

The boy cheers then he carries the big tiger into the carriage, Lory let out a long sigh, this world still not stop surprising her. Lory jump into the carriage, because the Qi Lin is the one who pulls the carriage they don't need a coachman how convenient is that, it's a long journey it took two days for them to get out of the jungle, eventually they meet a hunter along the road so Lory could ask him the way to the nearest village then they passed the paddy field with farmers working on the field with rattan hat.

Lory changed her close to normal robes who make her not look very rich but not as a peasant either, she dresses like a normal merchant daughter and Shin Jiu is his stepbrother just in cased someone asking why they don't look alike, it's going to take another day to reach the nearest city.

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