The Promotion Record of a Crown Princess

Chapter 38 - Getting a Promotion? (2)

Chapter 38: Getting a Promotion? (2)
Translator: Sissy That Walk
Lv Li, tilting her head, concentrated on thinking about it for a while, suddenly being enlightened, and looked at me in admiration: “It’s you who get the point!”

I nodded my head, but before I had time to be pleased, I heard what Lv Li said, “I got it. Let them fight on each other, and when they both sides get weakened, we could profit from their fight!”

My mind was a blank for seconds. ‘What a silly girl! My point is not the “fight” but “flowers” which inferred to the beauties. Do you understand it?’

But her words reminded me that it was impossible to expect to maintain a stable and harmonious harem by those women’s narrow-mindedness. It would be better to try to keep them at peace than to let them fight themselves in a disorderly way.

However, they were so hungry like wolves and tigers, and the only “meat” was Qi Sheng, whose attention was drawn by Jiang shi. How could he be shared by all! ‘Jesus! It’s almost killing me.’

I kept worrying about it, when Qi Sheng, who had not been seen for several days, suddenly came to my hall.

Lv Li, like a puppy who just got some treats, was so jubilant. But I was secretly frightened, thinking the ceremony would take place tomorrow, why would Qi Sheng come over at this time?

Qi Sheng, instead of wearing the Dragon robe, he was in a dark color brocade robe, and he walked into the inner temple alone, stood for a moment, suddenly said to me out of nowhere: “You come with me.”

I was wondering where I was going, then Qi Sheng added, “Now, alone.”

Then he instantly turned to go out, I had nothing to do but to follow him in the back to catch up.

Qi sheng led me around the veranda and go through the path. We didn’t stop until we came to a secluded little Palace in the northeast corner, and then stood there. He started to drop into silence looking at the Palace in some dim lights.

I was at a loss to guess what he was thinking, leading me to such a secluded place at this moment. What was his plan?

Qi Sheng suddenly said, “She is in it who has suffered a lot. I have failed her.”

Suddenly, I realized who the “she” was he talking about. Immediately, I cried out, “You can’t do this! It’s not proper to offend Family Zhang at this crucial time, you must be calm. Love is indeed precious, but the imperial throne is more precious! She suffered bitterness. Who doesn’t in this Palace? Your concubine Huang, concubine Li and concubine Chen are waiting for you day by day without hope, didn’t they suffer a lot?”

Qi Sheng turned to look at me, only darkness could be seen in his eyes.

I was afraid that he would lose his sense when seeing Jiang shi, so I eagerly gave him the analysis of the pros and cons: “I do not care if I could not be the Empress, as long as there is food and drinks for me, giving up that post would be better. The problem is how do you appease the Family Zhang? Why would they support you if I didn’t ascend to the Empress? When the time comes Family Zhang turn to support Lord Ninth, what would you do? Isn’t there going to be another fight?”

In fact, I was not afraid if they fight. The problem was that I would be in a dilemma either way. No matter which side won, it wouldn’t do me any favor. It could not be easily solved when I hid in a Palace casting away all business!

Qi Sheng was silent for a moment, and then suddenly asked, “Can you accept her?”

“I will. Absolutely!” I quickly replied, afraid he would think I had no sincerity. I hurriedly raised the right hand to swear, “If it makes you more assured, I would look her as the ancestor to serve, as long as you don’t marry her at the moment! You could tell her. Let her rest assured that I would keep a close watch on your concubines including concubine Huang. They would not fight in your face! You and Jiang would enjoy absolute privacy!”

Qi Sheng had no reaction.

I had no clues what he was thinking on earth, and in the end my anger was like fire rising up to my throat and I couldn’t help scolding him: “It’s common to see a woman not sensible for a while, but how could you, a strong man, act so silly? What is to marry one person only in one’s lifetime? Is this the thing an Emperor should do? You don’t drain your energy to run a country, but instead you put your mind on the burning stick in your trouser below. Is it all you are looking for? What do you think a woman is? Whether women are fat or thin, beautiful or ugly, once blew the lamp in the night, they are the same. What’s different? They are willing to please themselves by the so-called true love, you just follow along to fool them, but how could you take it for real? You’re a man! You are an Emperor! How could you deserve to be a man when giving up your other concubines? Are you stupid?”

It felt great after I gave him a scolding.

Qi Sheng seemed to be dumbstruck by my scold.

I paused to catch my breath, to calm myself, and then I was stunned.

Who was the most stupid person in the world? ‘Not Yang Yan, not Bathroom Lord, not Qi Sheng, but me! It’s me! What the hell I was shouting to an Emperor?’

If I wanted to fool others, I must fool myself first, thereupon, I hurriedly pretended like nothing had happened, while flapping my sleeve to my arms and legs, saying at ease: “There are indeed many flies, aren’t there?”

Qi Sheng remained silent.

He was much taller than me, while moonlight cast in his back, and I couldn’t see his facial expression. I could only feel a sense of chill spread out from him.

I quickly thought that if I ran, asked people to contact Family Zhang and Bathroom Lord to launch an uprising, what are the odds that I’ll end up being the winning party and can that pathetic Zhao wang be useful to me?

I was about to go away from here, but hearing he asked hoarsely: “I am this type of person in your eyes?”

Jesus! Was it possible that after all I had said, he thought I was being sarcastic? What kind of sensibility did he have?

But I did not dare answer. No matter what I said first he wouldn’t be happy, so I simply played dumb.

Qi Sheng was silent for a moment. He reached out his hand and pulled me to go into that Palace.

I hurriedly wanted to get rid of him, only to find I was tightly gripped, and I couldn’t break free at all, so I begged for mercy: “Your Highness, this matter couldn’t be solved when we pulled hands together! If you want me to be the wicked party, you just let me go into the hall first, and you wait outside. Only in this way can you be a hero who could save the beauty!”

Qi Sheng looked back at me and said angrily, “Shut up!”

I had no courage, and was frightened to shut up.

Although one of his hands was injured, the other was very strong. He pulled me to the Palace in all efforts. The maid outside the Palace saw us, rushed forward to him and saluted to him, greeting: “The Emperor!” And she saluted to me too, yet she didn’t know how to address me, with her face blushing crimson and mouth wide open immediately.

I pitied her so much, hurriedly waved my hand: “It doesn’t matter, I know you did greeting.”

Qi Sheng said coldly: “Didn’t you have eyes? She is the Empress!”

The maid knelt down before me and cried in a desperate voice: “The Empress, please pardon my offense. I was as blind as a bat that I didn’t recognize you.”

I was stunned for a moment, turning to look at Qi Sheng. What the hell! Was he enlightened by my scold, and gave up the idea to marry Jiang shi only?

Qi Sheng had a cold hum, pulling me continuously to go to the hall. I looked back at the maid, only to find her, with a petite figure, being only thirteen or fourteen years old, bending over the ground trembling. I pitied her much more, with my head turning back, I comforted her: “Get up. It’s so cold on the ground! Poor –”

Qi Sheng’s strength on his hand was suddenly greater. I cried out in pain, but I couldn’t finish the rest of the sentence. The man was already pulled me into the hall.

There were several maids in the hall to guard the door. Seeing Qi Sheng came in, they saluted to him. Qi Sheng called out: “Get out!” He pulled me to the door of the inner hall, and then stopped abruptly. After pressing his lips tightly, he pulled me into the inner hall.

He was very tall and strong, while even Zhang was not that short, her steps were much smaller than his. So I stumbled and rushed forward several steps before I stopped. Then I saw Jiang shi, who looked so thin and pale on the bed.

Qi Sheng at this moment finally let go of my hand, and lost in silence when watching Jiang shi.

Jiang shi opened her eyes. Her eyes turned from me to Qi Sheng and then to me. After several times of going back and forth, a faint bitterness appeared on her lips.

I was also very depressed looking at Jiang shi’s small sad face.

After living for more than twenty years, I had never experienced such an event. As far as the relationship between she and I was concerned, it was just like the wife and the home-wrecker in modern times, wasn’t it?

What should I do in normal way? Should I slap Jiang shi, or should I turn my head and beat Qi Sheng?

I subconsciously looked down at my hand. I did not have the heart to slap Jiang shi or the guts to beat Qi Sheng.

Well, I was indeed in a dilemma.

I repeatedly inhale, with several efforts, finally said to Jiang shi: “You… really suffered a lot!”

When I broke out this sentence, Qi Sheng and Jiang shi were both froze.

Since the first sentence came out of my mouth, the sentences followed were much more fluent. I stepped forward, looked at Jiang shi and asked: “Are the wounds on your body healed? What medicine are you taking these days? Are you used to living here? Please tell me if you are not satisfied. I will arrange it for you.

And rest assured to live here first, do not think too much. The most important thing is to keep good health! You can be assured on the Emperor, whom I will take care of. Although he can’t give you a title now, nevertheless you also must understand him that he also has many difficulties. You should know that he cares about you the most… ”

Jiang shi was totally dumbstruck, whose eyes like apricots blinking towards me, unable to speak any words with a few shivers in her mouth.

Qi Sheng walked forward and pulled me who stood beside the bed directly away from the temple, roared: “You just wait for me here!”

I didn’t dare to argue with him, but quickly raised my hands and promised, “No problem!”

Qi Sheng glared at me angrily and turned to enter the temple again.

My mood at this time was already stable. Since he already admitted my title as the Empress, he must try to appease Jiang shi at this moment.

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