The Promotion Record of a Crown Princess

Chapter 43 - The Empress Is Pregnant (1)

Chapter 43: The Empress Is Pregnant (1)
Translator: Sissy That Walk
On the second day, the news that the Emperor spent a half night in the Empress’s Palace spread all over the harem. The concubines’ expressions in their eyes changed when they came to send greetings to me.

I quite understood it.

Before last night, we were all like grass widows or the dry lands, waiting for the Emperor to have a rain, referring to favor, so we got along well with each other. However he spent half a night in my Palace, like raining for half a night, and though the ground was not watered thoroughly, the balance was broken.

Alas! Should not worry about the rain was not much, just worried about the rain not be equally shared

I thought I had to find an opportunity to persuade Qi Sheng, he could give his exclusive love to Jiangshi, while share the body with other women in the harem.

Lv Li acted calmly, but since that night she has been preparing the baby’s clothes.

I looked at those clothes in palm size, feeling very helpless, so I intended to explain it to Lv Li that forming a fertilized egg was not an easy thing. But when I considered that she may not be able to understand, I chose to give up, and comforted her: “Pregnancy is the thing we can’t ask for, it should happen naturally.”

I was just saying that, never had I thought this “lucky” thing could really fxxking suddenly happen to me.

Doctor Song’s finger lifted from my wrist, first got up and backed up a few steps, and then lifted the robe to kneel on the blue stone brick, said in a trembling voice “Congratulations to you! Your Highness is pregnant!”

I was shocked, subconsciously asked: “What did you say?”

With Doctor Song’s face towards the ground, he crouched on the ground with a faint tremble, repeating it: “You are pregnant.”

I was stiffened, thinking to ask Doctor Song one more question: “Well, my baby is not yours, how are you scared to shiver like this?

Lv Li, standing beside, was already overjoyed, surprised to say: “The Empress is pregnant! Amida Buddha!” She clasped her hands and worshiped to Buddha God again and again. Then she turned her head and said, “Your Highness, we should report the good news to the Emperor!”

I was in no mood to reply her. I just raised my hand to stop her quacking and asked Doctor Song again, “Is your diagnosis correct? My menstruation is not always regular.”

Doctor Song smoothed his beard with his shaking hand, said in a trembling voice: “In Chinese medicine, your pulse condition is what called ‘Yin pulse more slippery than Yang pulse’, which means Cun pulse, which refers to Yang pulse, is still while the Chi pulse, which refers to Yin pulse, is active. However it tends to balance the Yin and Yang. It was indeed a sign of pregnancy. Because of your weakness of spleen and kidney essence and blood and in order to keep you and the baby healthy, I will prescribe some medicine for you.”

I didn’t understand what he said about the pulse condition, but I got the idea, which was I really had a baby, and it seemed that the fetus was a little unstable, so we had to prevent miscarriage first.

To prevent the fucking miscarriage! I had not enjoyed any benefit from doing the thing, and I was told I had a baby? Fxxk you!! You were reversing my expectation!

I kept silent, sulking.

Doctor Song carefully took a look at my face, quickly retreated from the Palace by the excuse of writing me the prescription.

Lv Li carried him out of the Palace. Then she turned back, merrily sent the little maid to send the news to Qi Sheng, and hurriedly urged the others to help me to the inner Hall to have a rest. To keep it quiet, she sent off the others, and accompanied me by all herself.

The news was like lightning that struck me hard just now, so I was a bit stunned. Suddenly I was aware that there was something wrong with Lv Li, and began to squint at her.

The smile that had lingered on Lv Li’s face vanished. In silence she came to me and knelt down before me, and gently laid her hand on my knee. She raised her face and cried out, “My lady…”

After spending more than a year with Lv Li, I knew her temper more or less. Generally, when she called me lady, it was mostly when I was “rejected” by Qi Sheng.

I looked calmly at Lv Li and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Lv Li’ eyes turned red, begged me after a hesitation: “There is a thing that I have to say, hope you must hold it after hearing it. Your health is your own business. You mustn’t do any silly things anymore!”

I heard her foreshadowing, feeling a bit nervous. What was going on here? Was it that serious?

Lv Li took a deep breath again and said: “You have no pregnancy. Doctor Song was bribed by Family Zhang to say so.”

I was frozen, and there gushed a burst of ecstasy in my heart. I was so excited that I suddenly sat up, staring at Lv Li.

Lv Li made up her mind and told me: “Two days ago, Jiangshi called the Imperial doctor again, and it was Doctor Song who came to check it, so Family Zhang felt strange about it and then after seeking for the answer secretly from Doctor Song, they knew that the bitch Jiangshi was diagnosed with pregnancy.”

Good news came one after another, which made me can’t help myself standing up from the bedside!

“My lady –” Lv Li exclaimed, rushed over to embrace my legs tight, crying in a low voice: “My lady, you have to endure and bite the bullet!”

I felt the blood rushing to my head. I lowered my head and grasped the shoulders of Lv Li tightly, asked her in a nervous voice “Are you telling the truth? I’m not pregnant, but Jiangshi was?”

Lv Li was choked with sobs.

I was anxious, shook her hard, and asked: “Tell me! Who is pregnant on earth?”

Lv Li wiped the tears from her face and choked her sobs, saying, “It is the bitch Jiangshi who is pregnant for two months and she has been taking fetus protection medicine. Family Zhang has already arranged someone to let her miscarry it. But in case that baby were born, it would be the Emperor’s first son, and the Emperor would be beguiled by that slut Jiangshi to fall it under the name of the Empress, and then it would be the Emperor’s eldest son! What was worse, he would be established as Prince in a perfectly justifiable way! So Family Zhang forced Doctor Song to diagnose your pulse condition as the pregnancy. In this way, if we can get rid of Jiangshi’s baby, everything would be fine for us. If we can’t get rid of it, we will hurry to give birth before her, so that the Emperor can’t find any excuse!”

Jesus! Could it be another version of “Palm Civet for Prince”? (It refers to a story that in Song Dynasty, Concubine Liu exchanged a skinning palm civet for a pregnant Concubine Li’s baby to sabotage Concubine Li in order to seize the post of the Empress)

I just stood there for a moment, unable to accept it.

How lucky I was that Jiangshi was pregnant. Since she could not be accepted by the mass for the moment, as long as she gave birth to a boy, Qi Sheng, who wouldn’t let the child feel wronged, would inevitably put him into my name first, and then after a few years, arranged Jiangshi to go on the stage of the harem in public by another identity……

It was exactly these years what I wanted to take advantage of, as long as we plotted it well, Family Zhang and Bathroom Lord would unite to attack Qi Sheng, beating the pants out of him. When the time came, Qi Sheng would only follow Jiangshi both to the hell to enjoy their privacy!

Unfortunately, all this was ruined by the rumor of my pregnancy. After being drunk, I was sadly “pregnant”… Why these guys couldn’t even tell me in advance?

It was hard for me to vent it out, just wanting to curse them!

Seeing that I had no reaction for a long time, she was suddenly worried, shook my leg, called out me urgently: “Your Highness, Your Highness!”

Then I came to my senses and said angrily, “Why didn’t you tell me this before?”

Lv Li startled, subconsciously, leaning on the back, then pounced towards me, cried and explained: “They always know that you are short-tempered, so they were afraid if they told you in advance, you would let the cat out of the bag and perhaps could not help but make trouble in Youlan Palace, which would annoy the Emperor. Then it was much to the bitch Jiangshi’s satisfaction.”

Looking at the tearful Lv Li, I was speechless, I could only sit down on the bed with a dispirited expression. The news that the Empress was pregnant would soon spread through the harem, and then all the Imperial court… It was supposed to be a golden triangle. Unexpectedly, it added one more angle for no reason. I should explain it to Bathroom Lord in whatever situation.

I looked up to her, thinking about how to enlighten her that I was the real boss. While seeing the little girl crying so hard, I could not bear to scold her, finally only seriously said: “Lv Li, next time you must inform me in advance if you have any plans. You are the Empress’ maid now, not a maid working for Zhang Family. Since I offer you food, clothes and even determine who you would marry in the future, I am the one you need to rely on for a living! Don’t blame me for taking your job if you do moonlighting behind me in the future!”

Terrified, Lv Li blinked her big almond eyes, not knowing whether she understood it or not.

I had no choice but to wave my hand, as drawing it to the end: “You try to contact Chu wang, and ask him to come to me as soon as possible.”

Lv Li was frozen for a while, and then rushed me over, lowering her voice: “Your Highness! Don’t do anything stupid! Doctor Song would give you temporary absence of menstruation, and Family Zhang also can find a baby promptly. Anyway, even if you look for Chu wang for help, it won’t add up because for the first reason, there are too many people untrustworthy in the Palace, once heard by others, you would be doomed. Secondly, your health now is not suitable to get pregnant, it’s almost impossible to get pregnant for only one night. Furthermore, even you do get conceived tonight, there will be a difference between your lying-in day and the record of His Majesty visiting our palace!”

I did not understand it at the beginning, and finally understood what Lv Li said after carefully chewing it over and over again. Looking at her little face, my hands were lifted up, but forced to refrain, kept saying it to myself: I would not hit a woman; I would not hit a woman…

I took a deep breath and said, “Lv Li, you get up first.”

Might it be I looked very surly; Lv Li was frightened, climbing up quickly from the ground, and timidly stood on the side.

I solemnly explained it to her: “Firstly, Jiangshi’s baby must be protected! You send a message to my family, telling them not to do anything beyond the limit! Secondly, Qi Sheng is not a fool, he can’t possibly not know it if you get a child from outside the Palace, so just give it up and hurriedly take out the fake baby in my belly rightfully! Thirdly, tell my family that I miss the second lady in Family Zhang very much. Arrange her to accompany me a few days in the Palace. Fourthly, I must meet Chu wang as soon as possible!”

Lv Li nodded.

I was relieved with my face softening a little. Seeing that Lv Li still looked frightened, I felt a little sorry, and planned to console her. Then I heard the eunuch outside the Palace exclaiming, “The Emperor is coming!”

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