The Prophet Didn’t Mean to Fall in Love! [BL]

Chapter 100: Vikentiy, the star

Viktor took a deep breath, he didn’t like the idea of telling Yue this whole story right now but he had promised to do so. It wasn’t even dawn yet and they were both in the guest room that had been designated for them.

He had changed to different clothes and Yue had changed into a simple hanfu, it was too late for them to fall asleep now so they just got ready for the new day that would soon start and sat together.

“This is only the story as far as the Ivanov family as a whole knows it. Only Vikentiy Ivanov knows more…and he’s…” Viktor murmured.

He backtracked a little, “Viktenity Ivanov was the founder of the Ivanov family. You know that.” 

Yue nodded.

“He was born Vikentiy Evanoff. He was the eldest son of the Evanoff family and he was just perfect.”

“Kesha. You are a star.”

Vikentiy just grinned, he’d heard that so many times he was practically sick of it but he kept up the smile for his mother.

“I am no star, just a filial son.” 

He’d won yet another hunting competition. His younger brother had gotten second but no one else really stood a chance against him.

Sevastyan Evanoff, his younger brother, often felt stifled by Vikentiy’s achievements. No one ever berated him for being lesser than his brother though. His mother didn’t ignore him and his father didn’t insist that he try harder. But somehow that ate away at him more.

Everyone knew that Vikentiy was special so they didn’t bother to place their expectations on Sevastyan. And despite Vikentiy being a good older brother, it still felt like he was constantly mocking him.

The two of them were in their late teens when magic started advancing and mages started to be able to clear dungeons in smaller groups. Vikentiy and his father were very keen on the idea of clearing a dungeon so when a dungeon appeared within Evanoff territory they had already prepared a team to deal with it.

Their mother and the newborn third son of the family grew Ill because of the pressure of the dungeon so they had a sense of urgency as they quickly moved to clear the dungeon.

Just before they entered the dungeon, Sevastyan had a private conversation with his father.

“Mother is gravely ill.” 

“I’m aware of that, Seva. That’s why I’m rushing so much.” Yuri Evanoff said and sighed as he tightened the strap of his armor.

“…She is still alright but she felt so much pain she thought she was dying. And so she revealed something to me.” Sevastyan murmured, looking down a little.

“What is it?” Yuri had a concerned look on his face, he worried that he’d have to explain some complex Evanoff family secret to Sevastyan, who wasn’t even his heir.

“I am your son and Filya is your son…but…” Sevastyan glanced at Vikentiy who was speaking with other mages. 

“What the hell are you saying, Sevastyan?” Yuri grabbed his son’s collar and pulled him close, he caught onto Sevastyan’s insinuations and he was angry. More than angry, he was furious at the very thought. He didn’t yell but he spoke firmly.

“S-She said brother was Sir Gennadiy’s son.” 

Sevastyan hit the right nerve there. Gennadiy was his mother’s closest friend who had passed away a few years ago. The man who she’d mourned more than she mourned her own father. He was also the man who Yuri was constantly cautious of.

Yuri let go of Sevastyan and walked off in the direction of Vikentiy. He didn’t slap him or even really act in a way that was different than usual so Sevastyan chewed his lip and cursed under his breath a little.

“It didn’t work…”

Once they entered the dungeon, Sevastyan actually felt relieved. Maybe his words hadn’t had the exact effect he wanted but he could see the gears turning in his father’s head as he watched Vikentiy.

“Is something wrong father?” Vikentiy asked as he watched his father’s hesitation before attacking.

“No. Everything is fine. I’m just wondering about the dungeon boss.” A believable answer.

They had only lost a few men by the time they got to the boss room.

The boss was a giant white wolf, it was talkative and taunting but Vikentiy didn’t care. Some other mages and swordsmen in their group got caught up in it and died but after some time they managed to kill the boss.

“Transformation awaits you.” Were the last words of the dying boss. No one knew who those words were meant for. But everyone seemed to take it as their own. Especially Yuri.

“Sevastyan, everyone, go into the treasure room and start packing the treasure.” He said and held Vikentiy back right in front of the door to the treasure room. No one paid attention to whatever he and Vikentiy were talking about, it was probably a private matter. Only Sevastyan dared to eavesdrop.

Vikentiy looked confused, he raised an eyebrow at his father and then smiled as he watched him remove his sword from its place on his side.

He had been promised the sword for when he reached adulthood. A beautiful silver sword with a large sapphire gem in its hilt. He had always been in awe of it so the idea that his father was handing it to him months earlier than expected brought him great joy.

Yuri unsheathed the sword and looked at Vikentiy. Vikentiy was smiling so brightly as he moved to start to kneel so he could receive the sword.

All Yuri saw in that smile was the face of the man with who his wife had an affair.

Vikentiy couldn’t even understand what happened. He was mid kneel and suddenly the sword he was so eager to receive was pierced through his stomach.

He looked up, watching the stray tear falling from Yuri’s eye.

“Go meet your father in hell, Vikentiy Genrich.”

“W-What? What?!” Vikentiy stammered, blood spilling through his lips. 

“Genrich?! I am no Genrich!”  

Yuri turned around and began to walk away.

Vikentiy tried to kneel, he had enough strength to do so, he knew he did but somehow he just couldn’t.

“I am Evanoff! I am Vikentiy Evanoff! Father! Why?!” Vikentiy screamed.

The people in the treasure room only heard a muffled version of this but they became a bit concerned. Sevastyan struggled to hold back a smile.

Yuri entered the treasure room and closed the door behind him. 

“Are you done? Let’s go then.”

Everyone was shocked. The second the door that led from the boss room to the treasure room closed, it would disappear. Everyone knew that. No one had ever left someone who was alive there. Vikentiy would soon die so they didn’t say anything.

“My eldest son is named Sevastyan Evanoff. My youngest son is named Filipp Evanoff.” Yuri said as he reached for the door that led outside the dungeon.

“My wife is dead. And I have no son named Vikentiy Evanoff… understood?” Yuri asked.

“Yes, Sir!” Everyone answered, despite their curiosity.

“Yuri Evanoff executed his wife after pronouncing her as an Adulteress. And for 10 years everyone just accepted that Vikentiy was dead and that he had never been Yuri’s son.” Viktor explained.

“Vikentiy never told anyone what happened in the dungeon after he was locked in. Or how he survived but when he came out…even his core type had changed.” 

A dungeon opened in Siberia. And it disappeared just moments after it appeared. People felt it appear but they never saw it. A man walked out of it. He was still in his twenties but he had pure white hair. His eyes were icy blue up until his bright red pupils, slitted just like a snake’s. He wore blood-stained clothes and carried a silver sword with sapphire encrusted in the hilt. 

He walked and entered a town after a while, expressionless. He noticed people staring at his clothes and then recalled that being so untidy was improper in this world. He used magic to change his clothes as he walked. Children looked at him with awe as they watched the magic but quickly began to cry as they caught a glimpse of his eyes. He laughed at this and made eye contact with children on purpose from then on.

He walked for a long long time. He could’ve run, he could’ve teleported, but he chose not to. He wanted to take his time.

He recalled that it was the day of Filipp’s 10th birthday. A few days shy of the anniversary of his ‘death’. He made money with magic and stepped into a store.

“Good evenin…g sir.” The owner of the store was shocked by Vikentiy’s features. Handsome…but inhuman.

“I’ll take this.” Vikentiy pointed at a display case after taking only half a second to look around.

“No need to wrap it,” Vikentiy said and tossed the money on the counter.

The owner looked concerned but he decided not to question it once he checked that Vikentiy had paid him properly.

He carried Filipp’s gift in his pocket. Gripping it tightly in his hand. He approached the gate to the manor and smiled at the guards. They had been there for years but they didn’t recognize him.

“Sir, do you have an invitation?” The guard asked.

Let me in, I’m the guest of honor.”

The guards immediately did as they were told. He did the same to any servant who saw him. And they smiled and led him with the utmost respect.

He smiled as he reached the ballroom, he could hear the music playing from outside of it.

“Who are you, sir?” The servant who was meant to announce everyone’s entrance asked with a raised eyebrow.

Vikentiy Evanoff.”

Because of the magic in Vikentiy’s words, the Servant didn’t question it.

“The Young master, Vikentiy Evanoff has arrived.”

It took everyone a second. They heard that name and froze. Their party came to a complete halt and even the musicians paused their music. What kind of sick joke were the servants playing?

Yuri was furious. He stood and started stomping over to the servant who had spoken but the other servants then opened the door and revealed a man standing there and he was even more confused.

“Oh father, how kind of you to walk up to meet me.”

“Who the hell are you?” Sevastyan exclaimed and reached for his sword.

“Oh come on, Seva. It hasn’t been that long.” Vikentiy rolled his eyes.

“Father, you remember me don’t you?” Vikentiy took his sword from his hip and showed it to Yuri with a smile.

Yuri’s expression completely dropped.

He unsheathed his own sword, “How the hell are you still alive?!”

“Oh that’s a rather dreary topic for Filya’s birthday party, don’t you think?” Vikentiy asked and walked right up to his father and gave him a big hug, not caring about the sword that was being shoved between them. 

Yuri didn’t even move. How was someone from his night terrors really alive and hugging him?

“Now where is mother? I’m sure she’s overjoyed to see me.” Vikentiy walked past Yuri and looked around.

Yuri was already frightened by one old ghost but now the mention of another made him quickly turn around, worried that she’d actually appear.

Sevastyan had yet to come to terms that his brother was alive but fear prickled him from the inside out. He could tell, whatever mercy his brother once had was gone. And the hint of madness in his eyes would only be highlighted when he learned of their mother’s execution.

“I’m just joking with you guys!” Vikentiy laughed, “Lighten up a little! I already know you killed her.” 

Vikentiy’s laugh died at the end of his sentence. The other Evanoffs in the room took this as their call back to reality and they started drawing their swords.

Vikentiy just stood in silence though, staring at Sevastyan. 

“Every Evanoff in this room. Except for Seva and Filipp. Die.”

And just as Vikentiy ordered them to, they just died. Some just flopped down like flies, others stabbed their swords into their stomachs. Yuri slit his own throat with his sword and then quickly held it, wondering why in the world he did that before quickly passing away.

Sevastyan was shocked by this power and was frozen in place.

Filipp started crying and looking at the scene in front of him with terror as the maids tried to shield him.

“Don’t cry Filya! I’ve brought you a birthday gift!” Vikentiy said and smiled, he pulled his present from his pocket. A decorated silver dagger.

“I’ll even show you how to use it! Since I'm such a great older brother and all.” Sevastyan didn’t get the chance to comprehend those words. The dagger was already stabbed through his chest. He doubled over and cried out. 

The maids tried to hide Filipp but Vikentiy pried their hands from him and gave him a hug.

“You don’t have to worry, Filya. I don’t hate you. But I have to leave you all alone. For Mother’s sake.” Vikentiy whispered and ruffled Filipp’s hair.

He placed the dagger in Filipp’s hand and turned away.

He knew Filipp had no power, he couldn’t kill him. Especially not with a knife made for decoration.

“Were all of the Evanoffs there that day?” Yue asked.

“No, some were not at that party and once they heard what happened they dragged Filipp and some maids to the Tsar’s palace to explain what happened. But they had come at the worst possible time.”

“You all must be overjoyed! The lost star of the Evanoff’s has returned from the dungeon!” The Tsar exclaimed with a smile as he patted Vikentiy’s shoulder.

“N-No! S-Sir that man is–!”

“I’m unfortunately not an Evanoff anymore, My father has disowned me for being away for so long.” Vikentiy feigned a pitiful look and the Tsar bought it completely.

“How nonsensical! I’m very disappointed in Yuri!” The Tsar was completely on Vikentiy’s side. Filipp realized it was magic and cowered behind his maids.

“How about you get your own title, Kesha!” The Tsar suggested.

“That would be wonderful.” Vikentiy smiled.

“How about the name of Ivanov? I would like to stick close to my roots despite our differences.” Vikentiy said with a smile.

The Tsar obviously agreed and the whole process proceeded without anyone listening to the Evanoffs and their cries about Vikentiy’s massacre of the family. Vikentiy’s words had enchanted everyone in the palace and later on, all Russian nobility would hear the story of the Evanoff’s massacre and shrug their shoulders or squint their eyes, wondering if such a ridiculous thing was even possible.

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