The Prophet Didn’t Mean to Fall in Love! [BL]

Chapter 12: Wolf Town (2)

“It’s almost midnight and that forest gets eerier every second… Should we move to back you up?” Mai asked Yue through telepathy, she was atop the church’s bell tower keeping watch from above.

“No, stay there. Focus on the area around the farm...” Yue replied, staring deep in the forest, scanning for anything in the visible area.

“William definitely didn’t sleep,” Viktor said and rolled his eyes after another student told him through telepathy that William was dozing off while guarding the stables.

Yue was going to say something but the oh so familiar feeling of a prophecy stopped him. He could see himself with blood on his clothes, holding his sword in front of him, fully on guard. Viktor was looking at him with a worried look and they both looked just like they did today. He tried to get a good look at the moon and where the blood came from so he could know the time and direction but he got back to the present when Viktor said his name.

“Yue? Did you see something?” Viktor asked, thinking he'd been using insight.

“No…It was just an owl.” Yue murmured, in reality, he was repeating ‘god I hope it’s not my blood’ over and over in his head. If he lost too much blood he wouldn’t be able to hold up his transformation magic so his ‘breasts’ would disappear.

Both Viktor and Yue suddenly tensed, they could feel a change in the weather just then. Fog suddenly started to creep out of the forest.

“Yue! Viktor! Fog is coming from the west near Alexius and Walter!” Mai exclaimed through telepathy, freaking out a little because of the sudden change in atmosphere.

“Turn on the alert lights, and tell everyone to use spells to enhance their’s coming from the forest...” Viktor said to Mai through telepathy. Shortly afterward the lights on the Bell tower turned on and everyone was on high alert, as the fog started to deep into the town. 

“The villagers didn’t mention anything about this fog…” Yue murmured to Viktor. The fog started to become thicker and if it weren’t for Viktor’s glowing yellow eyes he wouldn’t be able to see him. While he was looking at Viktor so he could keep in mind where he was, Yue missed the large shadow that silently ran toward him.

“Yue!” Viktor yelled as he noticed the presence.

Yue moved his body and sword instinctively. He was confused and disoriented as blood fell onto his face. He hadn’t actually been able to fully dodge the attack from what he could now clearly tell was a werewolf. He had a large bleeding gash on his back from the werewolf’s claws but he had cut its arm off instinctively as retribution. Most of the blood was actually the Werewolf’s but the pain was definitely there. Regardless he quickly stepped forward before the Werewolf could even mourn its severed arm and quickly thrust his sword into its chest.

“Stay on guard! The werewolves are already here!” Yue said telepathically to the whole class.

He was thinking almost too much, on one hand, he was paying attention to every little sound, trying to avoid another sneak attack while also paying attention to Viktor’s position and what was being said through telepathy. He was also increasingly worried for his own wound and confused. Why didn’t he notice the werewolf? How did he let it get close enough to injure him?

“Yue, you’re bleeding a lot…” Viktor said, getting close to him and showing the same worried look he had seen in the prophecy.

“It’s not all my blood. I’m fine.” Yue said and took a deep breath, putting his rapier back in its sheathe and switching it for his Jian sword.  The thrusting motion that was needed for a Rapier was painful because of his injury.

Viktor wanted to say something else but he had to flip around and quickly cut a werewolf down. Yue didn’t understand what was going on, he didn’t sense or see that werewolf either even though it was in the direction he was looking in. He only became more confused when Viktor suddenly pulled him into his chest. He was confused until he turned his head and saw more blood and a headless werewolf behind him.

“Why…?” Yue murmured, looking up at Viktor with confusion. Viktor looked confused at Yue’s actions. He was baffled at how Yue was unable to see any of the werewolves.

“Does it really hurt that much?” Viktor asked, wondering if Yue just couldn’t move because of the pain. He cut down yet another werewolf and pointed his sword in a certain direction as if threatening the werewolf.

“Wait—” Yue murmured and suddenly grabbed Viktor’s arm, making him slash the air with his sword. The blade cut through the fog and exposed the werewolf that was in front of them and the glowing eyes of werewolves in the forest.

“Everyone! Use wind spells or your sword to try and cut through the fog! The fog makes the werewolves invisible!” Yue said through teleportation to everyone and then used his own sword to cut through the fog so he could see.

“Huh? You couldn’t see them?” Viktor asked, confused.

“I think you could see them because of your eyes..” Yue murmured and used a pain-relieving spell on himself and then unsheathed his rapier again. He sent energy into his Jian sword and had it go flying to clear the air around them constantly so he could see.

Viktor wanted to question it more but they had to continue dealing with all of the Werewolves that kept on coming near them. Yue felt discomfort in his eyes but he pushed through and continued cutting down werewolves that went their way. After an hour which felt impossibly long, The fog rolled back into the forest and the werewolves ran away with it. The sun wasn’t close to rising but they seemed to be leaving for a while.

Yue felt faint and his vision was a little wonky. His injury slowed him down for the whole fight and caused him to get some unnecessary damage. The fog also seems to have messed with his vision a lot more than expected. Viktor went to him and looked even more worried than before.

“Your eyes...they’re a different color now..” Viktor said and lifted Yue’s chin a bit.

The mortified look that appeared on Yue’s face as he processed those words only made Viktor more worried. Yue jerked his sword to the side to make the blood splatter off it and brought it up close to see the reflection of his eyes. Rather than the usual ethereal blue color they usually had, his eyes seemed to be pure black. Yue almost didn’t understand why he was beginning to have a panic attack because of this. His eyes had been a burden almost all his life, he had to constantly hide them and especially hide their power and they were the main reason he had to leave his Master and the reason he was constantly abandoned by others. He was almost going to cry about it when he suddenly saw a vision of Viktor hugging him, he was looked up after the vision only to have Viktor wrap his arms around him and pull his head into his chest.

Yue looked up at Viktor silently, even more confused as he realized he could still see the future even though his eye color is an essential part of his power. He looked down at his sword again and found that his eyes were back to their original color.

“They’re back..” Yue murmured. Viktor heard this and held Yue’s face to look into his eyes and see if they were back to normal.

“What is going on…?” He murmured, observing Yue’s eyes closely.

“I love how instead of asking if everyone else is okay you two immediately go straight to flirting.” Mai whispered specifically to Yue with telepathy. Yue immediately turned red and backed away a bit, sending a glare at the bell tower. Mai only giggled in response.

“I-Is everyone okay? We won’t be moving until sunrise but if you're heavily injured you should get help immediately.” Yue said telepathically with bright red cheeks.

“Not many of them came here, I think most of them stayed with you guys.” Alexius said telepathically.

“That’s good...We’ll meet at sunrise then..” Yue murmured.

It was a bit awkward now that Yue was very embarrassed. But they mostly stood while keeping guard as the time passed. Yue’s back started to feel worse and worse as time passed and his pain-relieving spell wore off. He had yet to even attempt to heal it because his own open wound was actually the best source of material to analyze the fog with. He also wouldn't have the time to finish healing it if the werewolves decided to have their second wave. He would have been bleeding out if Viktor didn’t tightly tie his blazer around him so the long gash would be tightly covered.

When the sun finally started to rise Yue felt his legs almost give out. Viktor quickly caught him and told everyone to gather back at the inn. He held Yue by his waist as he helped walk him there. They made it to the lobby of the inn and the innkeeper who had gotten up early to help make food for them was shocked as she saw Yue’s injury. She calmed down a bit when she noticed that everyone else was unscathed but she still looked on, worried. Mai was even more shocked, she didn’t realize that the blood actually came from Yue and not from the werewolves until she looked up close. She forced Yue to sit down with his back facing her and removed both jackets to see the large gash. She didn’t remove any more of Yue's clothes because there were boys around.

“Oh my god, I didn’t realize you were that injured!” Mai exclaimed and immediately tried to heal Yue. Yue was going to protest about how he was going to use his blood to test what the fog was made out of but Viktor seemed to have predicted that.

“It’s fine, your precious sample is on my jacket anyway.” Viktor said and rolled his eyes, beginning to heal him with Mai.

“Were they really that bad? They’re just werewolves..” Elizabeth said and scoffed. She had been lucky and was guarding an area that the fog didn’t even reach.

“Unlike you guys, Yue and I got a continuous flow of them for an entire hour..” Viktor snapped, annoyed that someone who didn’t even experience the wave of werewolves was trying to make belittle Yue's effort. Elizabeth flinched and looked as if she had been wronged, she quickly left the scene, shame was all that she could feel as everyone looked at her with judging looks.

After a while of being healed, Yue was feeling better but he could just feel that the wound wasn’t healing how Viktor and Mai wanted it to. He raised his hand and shooed them away.

“Don’t waste your energy, this is probably as much as it’s going to heal…” Yue murmured, he was feeling much better but he was still very tired. There was definitely something up with that fog that made his wound like this.  He decided that it was fine to see if the wound would heal by itself from there, he could feel that his magical energy was refilled though so he didn’t have to worry about his transformation spell.

“Ma’am, Do you have a first aid kit?” Viktor asked the Innkeeper in German. The lady quickly nodded and went to get it. She handed it to Viktor but Mai quickly stole it from him and helped walk Yue to his room to help dress his wound.


“You’ve become so affectionate lately~” Mai teased, trying to ease her worry for Yue as she dressed his wound.

“It’s not like that...I think..” Yue murmured and looked down at the ground. He was failing to convince himself that he felt nothing for Viktor. He snapped out of his thoughts when he realized Mai had frozen and been silent for a while, he looked back at her and noticed her shocked look.

“I will deflect anyone trying to steal your man, don’t worry!” Mai said excitedly and almost went to squeeze Yue tightly before she remembered his injury.

“H-He’s not my man..” Yue murmured and blushed as he went to his trunk and opened it to get his spare shirt. 

“Yeah sure he isn’t, I'll get you breakfast so just rest for now.” Mai said and smiled before leaving the room.

After putting on his shirt, Yue squeezed the blood off the two jackets he had been wearing over his wound and poured it into a glass bottle to examine it when he felt a bit better. He used magic to clean and repair his own jacket and Viktor’s jacket. He felt weird keeping it in his room and even weirder keeping it in his hands. He folded it and placed it on the desk in the room, distracting himself from his burning cheeks by fixing and cleaning his shirt as well.

Mai soon returned with some food and made Yue promise to eat and then sleep before she left to get her own food. Yue actually kept his promise, he felt physically and mentally tired after the eventful night and wanted to just relax for a bit. He laid down on his stomach to avoid agitating his wound and fell asleep.

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